


To brag or boast.

Ese tío es múy desagradable, siempre está fanfarroneando.
That guy is really obnoxious, he’s always boasting. 


1. to madden, drive crazy or drive to distraction
2. to go mad, lose your senses, or freak out
3. to be crazy about

Enloquezco por los videojuegos, pero a mi novia le enloquecen. Hace dos semanas, ella se enloqueció y tiró todos mis juegos a la basura! 
I go mad for video games, but they drive my girlfriend crazy. Two weeks ago she went nuts and threw all my games in the bin! 


an extraordinary display of emotion for very little reason.

Haces tanta alharaca que no te puedo tomar en serio. 
You make such a fuss I can’t take you seriously. 


a person with refined taste, a pleasure-seeker, one who likes the good things in life.

Sólo sibaritas pagarían los precios astronómicos de esos restaurantes.
Only those who like the finer things in life would pay the astronomic prices of those restaurants. 


to nap, doze or snooze. 

Lo siento que no contesté, estaba dormitando. 
Sorry I didn’t answer, I was napping. 


1. bright or crystal clear
2. translucent, sheer or see-through
3. (of a space) clear, open or unobstructed. 

Bailaba sola en una sala diáfana.
She danced alone in an open room.


1. a gust or flurry of wind
2. a faint cloud, especially before or during a change of weather
3. a bright flash of light
4. a burst (of gunfire). 

Una ráfaga apagó la vela.
A gust of wind blew out the candle. 
