#spanish words


Here are more ways that you can respond to someone, and sound more fluent!

¡ Qué Barbaridad! | Literally, “What a barbarity!”

     Use in place of “how terrible”, or “oh my god”. It’s a response to a bad event that has taken place.

¿Cómo no? | Why Not?  

     It can be used the was English speakers say it, and can be literal as well ( like asking why someone isn’t doing something).

No me diga. | Don’t tell me

     Used as an expression of exhasperation.

Está bien | ok, alright, that’s good

De acuerdo | Ok (”in agreement”)

Seguro | yes, sure

No me importa | I don’t care

Ni modo | Oh well, What can you do?

     It’s a bit unsympathetic, so if something bad happened, you may not want to use it.

Vale | Ok 

     Used in Spain, some parts of Colombia. 


1. A crowd or horde
2. An abundance, mass or plethora. 

La noche anterior, había soñado con una muchedumbre de monjas que se desnudaban frente a él durante una masa en la que él era el cura. Tengo que volver a ver mi terapeuta, se dijo a si mismo. 
The night before, he had dreamed of a crowd of nuns who undressed themselves in front of him during a mass at which he was the priest. I have to go and see my therapist, he told himself. 


awesome, great, fantastic, amazing.

La noche siempre es cojonuda cuando estoy contigo. 
The night is always awesome when I’m with you. 


1. a word or phrase said often and out of habit, a catchphrase
2. a cane or walking stick.

Ella habla en muletillas, y en fin no dice nada. 
She speaks in catchphrases, and in the end says nothing. 


1. a womanizer, ladies’ man or petticoat chaser
2. a group or set of women.


pertaining or relating to women.

Lord Byron es uno de los mujeriegos más famosos de la historia.
Lord Byron is one of the most famous petticoat chasers in history. 


originating from the Arabic for  “and may God will it” the word “ojalá” translates as hopefully, let’s hope, I hope, or “God willing.” 

Ojalá que no haya una cola en McDonald’s, podría comerme una vaca.
Hopefully there’s no queue at McDonald’s, I could eat a cow.  


to yearn for, long for, or remember with sorrow the absence, deprivation or loss of someone or something. 

Te añoro cada vez más.
I long for you more and more. 


1. something soft, thick and sticky (e.g. dough)
2. something crushed, a flattened mass
3.(colloquial) a mess or botch, something made haphazardly without rhyme or reason 
5.(colloquial) someone who’s excessively annoying.

Katie Hopkins es una plasta total, pero no deberíamos matarla. 
Katie Hopkins is terribly annoying, but we shouldn’t kill her. 


zip or zipper.

No puedo quitarte los pantalones – ¡la cremallera está rota! 
I can’t take your trousers off – the zip is broken! 


1. an omen or portent
2. luck (good or bad).

Dondequiera que fuera, el hombre era un pájaro de mal agüero. 
Wherever he went, the man was a bringer of bad luck. 


to set sail.

La flota zarpó del puerto, dejando a las esposas de los marineros al llorar en el muelle. 
The fleet set sail, leaving the wives of the sailors in tears on the dock. 

noun(masculine or feminine)

1. light sleep that one who is dozing finds themselves in
2. half-sleep, fitful sleep that is frequently interrupted.

Pasé la noche en duermevela, soñando con gente sin cara en una ciudad brumosa. 
I spent the night in fitful sleep, dreaming of faceless people in a hazy city. 


1. multicoloured, colourful
2. varied, diverse or miscellaneous.

Vivieron en un mundo variopinto en lo cual los colores blanco y negro no existían, o al menos parecían haber evaporado y escapado con el viento. 
They lived in a multicoloured world in which the colours black and white did not exist, or at least appeared to have evaporated and escaped with the wind. 


a fat cat, bigwig, wealthy or powerful person. 

Los peces gordos sólo miran por sus propios intereses. 
Fat cats only look after their own interests. 

noun(masculine) (slang)

literally translating as “the candle holder” and conjuring an image of someone silently holding a candle to light a couple’s romantic dinner, “un aguantavelas” is a third wheel or spare part (romantically speaking).

Qué pobre este tío, siempre es el aguantavelas. 
That poor guy, he’s always the third wheel. 


1. burning, scalding
2.(of a colour)blazing
3. passionate, fervent, or ardent. 

Su pasión ardiente se extinguió por el viento del norte.
Their burning passion was extinguished by the north wind. 


To brag or boast.

Ese tío es múy desagradable, siempre está fanfarroneando.
That guy is really obnoxious, he’s always boasting. 


1. to madden, drive crazy or drive to distraction
2. to go mad, lose your senses, or freak out
3. to be crazy about

Enloquezco por los videojuegos, pero a mi novia le enloquecen. Hace dos semanas, ella se enloqueció y tiró todos mis juegos a la basura! 
I go mad for video games, but they drive my girlfriend crazy. Two weeks ago she went nuts and threw all my games in the bin! 


an extraordinary display of emotion for very little reason.

Haces tanta alharaca que no te puedo tomar en serio. 
You make such a fuss I can’t take you seriously. 


a person with refined taste, a pleasure-seeker, one who likes the good things in life.

Sólo sibaritas pagarían los precios astronómicos de esos restaurantes.
Only those who like the finer things in life would pay the astronomic prices of those restaurants. 
