#spanish verbs



to yearn for, long for, or remember with sorrow the absence, deprivation or loss of someone or something. 

Te añoro cada vez más.
I long for you more and more. 


to set sail.

La flota zarpó del puerto, dejando a las esposas de los marineros al llorar en el muelle. 
The fleet set sail, leaving the wives of the sailors in tears on the dock. 


1. to look down on, treat like dirt, or not give the time of day to
2. to brush aside, give the cold shoulder, or ignore.

El director despreciaba a todas las mujeres con sobrepeso. Cada vez que ninguneaba a alguna, tenía que esconder una pequeña sonrisa.  
The director despised all overweight women. Each time he treated one like dirt, he had to hide a little smile. 


To brag or boast.

Ese tío es múy desagradable, siempre está fanfarroneando.
That guy is really obnoxious, he’s always boasting. 


1. to madden, drive crazy or drive to distraction
2. to go mad, lose your senses, or freak out
3. to be crazy about

Enloquezco por los videojuegos, pero a mi novia le enloquecen. Hace dos semanas, ella se enloqueció y tiró todos mis juegos a la basura! 
I go mad for video games, but they drive my girlfriend crazy. Two weeks ago she went nuts and threw all my games in the bin! 

Spanish phrases every traveller should know

Regardless of your motivations to learn spanish, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So here are 10 common phrases that you should know if you ever get lost or feel sick in in any spanish speaking country.

  • Necesito = I need
  • Me perdí = I got lost
  • ¿Me puede ayudar (con direcciones/a hacer una llamada/a escribir/a traducir)? = Can you help me (with an adress or location/make a call/write/translate)?
  • ¿Dónde queda el/la (lugar)? = Where is the (place)?
  • ¿Cómo llego a/al (lugar)? = How do I get to (place)?
  • ¿Qué bus/tren me lleva a (lugar)? =Which bus takes me to (place)?
  • ¿Habla íngles? = do you speak english?
  • ¿Cuanto cuesta? = How much is it? 
  • Me siento enferma = I feel sick
  • Soy alérgico/alérgica a (los mariscos/las nueces/el maní/la piña/colorantes/penicilina/ibuprofeno/paracetamol/morfina/anestesia/gluten/lactosa/latex) = I’m allergic to seafood/nuts/peanuts/pineapple/food coloring/penicillin/ibuprofen/paracetamol/morphine/anesthesia/gluthen/lactose/latex

Important: Please reblog. My parents lost their main source of income and I’m struggling to get a job so I am offering my services as a spanish tutor to help them with food and to save up for my personal expenses. If you want to learn spanish with me, you can take my 10 day course for only $25. The first lesson is free and you get 10 one on one lessons of 45 minutes each via discord or zoom.

If you want more information, dm me and I’ll gladly answer. Reblogs are appreciated c:
