

Forgive me, it’s not truly inked with traditional tools, but I wanted to post this for Inkathon today! ><

This moment comes in the beginning of Wayward Son when they’re all staying the night in the hotel after Penny visits Micah, and none of them are sure where to go from here.

Even though their relationship is fragile, it still shows Baz is willing to try, which I loved as a tribute to his character after he proved what a jerk he can be in the first book. The resistance is there,  but they aren’t broken yet! :)

Inktober prompt LEARN, from Wayward Son! Let’s get some Shepard in here! I thought him and his water spirit friend were a good fit for this one✨

“That reminds me.” He smiles and slides to the ground, taking off his rucksack. “Brought you some good news” He pulls a novel out of his bag. “I liked this one. Kind of sad. Good jokes though.”

“Is it ficcchhhion?”

“Of course,” he says, dropping it into the water.
