#wallace thurman

FREE BOOK!! The Making of the New Negro: Black Authorship, Masculinity, and Sexuality in the Harlem


The Making of the New Negro: Black Authorship, Masculinity, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance
Anna Pochmara
Amsterdam Univerity Press, 2013

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||| Publisher’s blurb |||
“The Making of the New Negro examines black masculinity in the period of the Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement that spanned the 1920s and 1930s in America and was marked by an outpouring of African American art, music, theater and literature. 

Drawing on African American texts, archives, unpublished writings, and contemporaneous European discourses, this book highlights both the canonical figures of the New Negro Movement and African American culture such as W. E. B. Dubois, Booker T. Washington, Alain Locke, and Richard Wright, and other writers such as Wallace Thurman, who have not received as much scholarly attention despite their significant contributions to the movement.”


Introduction: Chapter One: Prologue: The Question of Manhood in the Booker T. Washington-W. E. B. Du Bois Debate 
Part 1: Alain Locke and the New Negro 
Chapter Two: Midwifery and Camaraderie: Alain Locke’s Tropes of Gender and Sexuality 
Chapter Three: Arts, War, and the Brave New Negro: Gendering the Black Aesthetic
Part 2: Wallace Thurman and Niggerati Manor 
Chapter Four: Gangsters and Bootblacks, Rent Parties and Railroad Flats: Wallace Thurman’s Guide to the Black Bourgeoisie 
Chapter Five: Discontents of the Black Dandy 
Chapter Six: Epilogue: Richard Wright’s Interrogations of the New Negro 
Conclusion: Black Male Authorship, Sexuality, and the Transatlantic Connection 

Curriculum Vitae 

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“It was the way of Emma Lou always to create her worlds within her own mind without taking considera

“It was the way of Emma Lou always to create her worlds within her own mind without taking consideration the fact that other people and other elements, not contained within herself, would also have to aid in their molding. She had lived to herself for so long, had been shut out from the stream of things in which she was interested for such a long time during the formative years of her life, that she considered her own imaginative powers omniscient. Thus she constructed a future world of love on one isolated experience, never thinking for the moment that the other party concerned might not be of the same mind.”

FromThe Blacker the Berry by Wallace Thurman

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