#wammys boys

Wammy’s Boys 2020 edition aka when in quarantine;Mello spontaneously cut his own bangs when wine dru

Wammy’s Boys 2020 edition aka when in quarantine;

Mello spontaneously cut his own bangs when wine drunk (naturally) and hasn’t bothered taking off his makeup, he just reapplies. When Matt or Near ask him why is he even wearing makeup and outside clothes when he can’t go anywhere, he g a s p s, because wtf, aesthetics duh

Matt hasn’t shaved or dyed his hair for weeks cause what’s the point if he ain’t going outside to meet cute girls he wouldn’t speak to anyways and his cigarette count went from when he lowered it to 1 pack a day (courtesy of Near’s nagging) to a new record of 3, because he’s actually worried about the pandemic and Cyberpunk 2077′s release got postponed

And Near be just chillin because absolutely nothing has changed in my lil bean’s life. But he may consider washing his pajamas more often now

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 Stop and wait a secWhen you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect?I’d probabl

Stop and wait a sec
When you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect?
I’d probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
Or I did last time I checked //

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