

Hufflepuff-1970′s: The Bohemian Era: This era consisted of artistic experimentation with music, fashion and art. People or ‘hippies’ believed in living in harmony with nature.

Ravenclaw- 1990′s: The Nineties: An era that consisted of new discoveries, technology, as well as movements in the grunge scene, raves and hip hop. Also a rise in multiculturalism and alternative media.

Slytherin-1950′s: A time of conflicts and changes: The birth of rock n roll, embraced by many youngsters, explored themes like young love and rebellion. Meant young people didn’t have to grow up so fast. Also revolution in television

Gryffindor- 1980′s: The creation of MTV helped pop artists rise to fame. Huge advancements in technology. Many famous network shows, like The Simpsons, were created.

Ravenclaw, Wampus, Scorpio, INTJ, Dapple Grey Mare patronus aesthetic 

Ravenclaw, Wampus, Scorpio, INTJ, Dapple Grey Mare patronus aesthetic 

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poet/Gryffindor/wampus/ENTP/chaotic good aesthetic for @jordsie a bit confusing sorry if your disapp

poet/Gryffindor/wampus/ENTP/chaotic good aesthetic for @jordsie a bit confusing sorry if your disappointed

~Amy the Hufflepuff

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