#wartime au

Shallura Week 2020 - Day 6: AU DayAs I mentioned on Day 2, I love vintage fashion– the 1940s are my

Shallura Week 2020 - Day 6: AU Day

As I mentioned on Day 2, I love vintage fashion– the 1940s are my absolute favorite vintage fashion era, so as soon as I saw today’s prompt, I knew what I wanted to do!
I based this piece off one of the posters for the 1941 musical film “You’ll Never Get Rich” starring Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth! Thus, the silly fake poster. XD This was SO MUCH FUN to make!
(Apologies for any inaccuracies in Shiro’s uniform. I did a lot of research for it, but there’s bound to be mistakes; I didn’t even try adding medals, because I was sure I’d get them wrong. XD)

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