

Weekend Update

I taught a yoga class to my family!!

Whew! It was tough, but they were all so kind and they all said it was like a real yoga class! Like, they all forgot I was mom for a minute.

That is a BAD ASS compliment!!

My confidence got a HUGE boost!

My daughter stayed for a sleepover, it was so nice. We did yoga and we all painted together , we cooked together and ate together and chatted and chilled out. So lovely

We got stuff up into the attic— that’s a big deal

We REALLY needed to get stuff put away

Now we just need to buy a shed or build one

I’m in bed today with a migraine but that’s the norm these days… the monthly migraine. I’m going to add lithium orate to my list of supplements and see if I get some improvement.

When@watadad is hanging out with my daughter and her boyfriend, he is so kind, and patient and loving. I fall in love with him over and over and over again!!!

Year End Update



2018 we’ve been on the MOVE

our business became much more realized

We are also homeowners once again

Toby bought a new truck @watadad

My yoga teacher training is going strong

With all of the chaos, all of the moving, all of the change…. I am more centered and grounded and SURE , than I’ve ever been in my life.

I used to THINK I was strong because of my outer shell

Now I KNOW I am strong because of my inner light

Watacouple can do anything together and we DO!

We spread love , we grow love, we show love

We feel love, we see love , we speak love

2019 will be steady and strong and sure

Our foundation is strong and we are building

Up, up, up!!

Christmas Update

A piece of advice….. try to avoid moving in December if you celebrate winter holidays , it adds too much unnecessary stress

Our new house is awesome though and @watadad is using the ice cold pool to float his canoe

Christmas was very very nice, we have a house full of happy kids and this is all that really matters! Our daughter and her boyfriend were actually both brought to tears when they opened their gift!

I really love the magic of Christmas

The Big One

We bought the big house

I can hardly believe it

It is really real

Hot Air

Up, up with a Blast

Heart racing, head feels the fire

Hot Air Balloon Ride

The Eleventh Day

Love is……

Finding Toby’s hand in the middle of the night entwined with my own


Happiness usually includes @watadad


Yoga and pineapples
