#water bug

Waterbug Crybaby: I have to stand on my tears, there isn’t a way to carry them and continue skirting

Waterbug Crybaby: I have to stand on my tears, there isn’t a way to carry them and continue skirting around the pond. It’s just moving forward.

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Day 17: Predator

I chose a giant water bug for this one. Those guys are absolute beasts!! Love to see them in action!

Day 18: Extinct

I was looking or something prehistoric but the Xerces Blue Butterfly caught my eye. Sad to know they’re extinct :(

Day 19: centipede

I chose the house centipede over my states native red-headed centipede because look at that cute lil guy!!! I hope I get to see one of these some day!

Prompts from @saturniidays insectober list!
