


Master of the elements 

Korra vine by Studio Cachette!

@nickanimationstudio commissioned this awesome Korra vid for part of their 25 Years of Nick Animationcelebration!

#legend of korra    #avatar    #korra nation    #nickelodeon    #waterbender    #firebender    #airbender    #earthbender    

Does anyone else know the undying struggle of being a Slytherin, a Firebender and an INTJ? Seriously I’m not gonna murder your children and steal your life’s fortune I just like being alone and think too much calm down Tiffany.

I’m a firebender that wants to be a airbender

Bisexual Confessions

Bi culture is loving Zutara as a kid but not knowing why until later when you realize you are bi and are in love with both of those passionate benders.

God said Adam AND Eve, so I did Zuko AND Katara.
