#we interrupt your usual scrolling




All Writers Published on Ao3:

This app, “Fanfic Pocket Archive Library”, is lifting all public content from Ao3 and making it available through a service they profit from.

Your work has been stolen and is being used to make money for a third party.

^above are the ways in which the app makes money off of Ao3 content. The developer is called Simple Soft Alliance. Here’s the app’s Terms and Conditions.

Any fanfiction that can be accessed without a password on Ao3 is already available in this app. Yours, mine, every fan creator’s. Whether this is illegal I do not know, but it is certainly unethical and needs to be fought. Ao3 is a site of unparalleled integrity and shows the utmost respect to creators, so this content grab is an even bigger slap in the face for that reason.

Please flag/report this app in your app store.

Google Playstore link

Apple Store link (download app, then go to report it here)

Feel free to contact Ao3 as well to alert them to this issue. Let’s take em down, folks. In the meantime, you can put your Ao3 in private mode to prevent any more data theft.

Please reblog and tag your writer friends. Signal boost this.


I may have abandoned writing but that doesn’t mean I abandoned reading fanfics or loving them.

I did NOTgive consent or permission to Fanfic Pocket Archive Library to post my work.

They are profitting off all of our hardwork. This is what AO3 is against.

Check your work! And lock your stories from getting crossposted to their app.

Instructions are here from this post.
