#weapons selling



Has anyone on swedengate tag brought up the literal genocide of the indigenous Sami people… along with their imperialism in general like…

Also FYI I’m not saying “why is no one talking about this ” I’m saying now that Sweden is trending it’s a good time to bring up Swedens other more serious wrong doings so more people learn about them… which is what this post is saying… i literally picked this tweet bc it was in a nice list format

[Image description: Tweet from Alicia @alicepebble 23h ago. Alicia’s icon is beige with black lines, possibly a picture of something microscopic?
Image text: Things that destroyed Sweden’s image:
(red X) Weapons’ selling leader
(red X) Sami genocide
(red X) Unethical experiments with disabled patients
(red X) Forced sterilizations until the 70s, 2012 for trans
(red X) Not accepting old people into hospitals in pandemic
(green square with white check mark) Not giving a sandwich to a kid
the tweet is tagged #Swedengate and has 31 replies, 228 retweets, and 890 likes. End image description.]

Weapons sales in sweden - link

Sami Genocide - link

Experiments on disabled people -link

Forced sterilization - link

Elderly people denied care - link
