#webtoon artist


Meetcute part 2: electric boogaloo ✨

Jon and Alex break the ice and at last have a proper first conversation :,)

The rest of this episode, as well as the one that comes after, is up on Webtoonright now!! ✨ Reading on that site helps me out a TON — thank you for helping support me and this work!

Jon and Michelle

An excerpt from our webcomic ✨ To continue reading, check the comic out on WebtoonandTapas!

Starting a Band, part 3 — Our exciting conclusion ✨

Did Alex and Marcie actually start a band? No ❤️ Did they at least learn how to play their instruments? Also no ❤️ But the experience at least solidified their love for making music and trouble together haha

Part 4 of this comic is exclusive on my Patreon! See lots of other Patreon-only content from this month, and learn all about that new character in the final panel for just $1!

Thanks so much for reading friends, I hope you enjoyed!!

Starting a band Part 1/3

This is also a continuation of our OC-tober Day 10 comic, if you guys happen to remember that!

Marcie really, really wants to start a band with Alex, but neither of them know anything about music. The internet wasn’t around when they were growing up, so they have to think a little more creatively to learn how to play….✨

Some…less than stellar tattoo ideas for Alex

This joke is from S4:E5 of Kim’s Convenience btw! (I tried to take screenshots, but Netflix wouldn’t let me ) I thought the exchange between Gerald and Janet fit Marcie and Alex as well; before they started dating, Alex would happily get a random tattoo just to impress Jon lmao

OC-tober Day 28: fun fact! In our story, Jon works as an accountant — but his ultimate dream job is to be a florist (no surprise there if you’ve been following Jon’s character for a while lol) ✨

Fun fact part 2: Jon’s love for everything green and floral was inspired by my partner! My partner is a house plant fanatic, and last time he visited me in the States, we went to a local park. Over the course of our walk, he began to pick flowers from bushes that we passed — and by the end of our little trek, he gave me this little handmade bouquet of wildflowers! It was the sweetest thing ever, and that incident is also forever immortalized into our webcomic

OC-tober day 25: redraw! I found this little doodle of Alex and Bee tucked away in an old sketchbook from 2019. I don’t know what context the original drawing had, so the 2021 versions of these guys are just as confused kgckgc

A continuation of our last comic, for Day 19 of OC-tober: singing or dancing!

None of my characters sing nor dance….but drunk Jon will try his hardest to do so ✨

a lil warmup with Kala ⚡️
