#wh leon


Alfonse Route Chapter 5 (8-12)

Last time on the Alfonse route: furry disease has been passed on to the students the papparazzi broke into Gedonelune.

We learn that the reporter broke into school ground using what is essentially a fake student id. Alfonse gets pissed off at the reporter due to Unspecified Backstory Trauma. Liz holds him back, and then Caesar arrives. And he’s a pig for some reason.


This isn’t explained btw, so like… who did he kiss to get like that.

He’s also brought Chica and Ronny, which means Leslie and Cerim also show up to help Leon get the reporter out of Gedonelune, in a crossover event to rival Endgame, I mean we are taking people who are SEASONS apart.

So the reporter is from Jackal Press, which I’m noting down for future reference because this is either going to be foreshadowing or completely forgotten down the pipeline.

So Remy shows up and tells the reporter he’s going to send him to the Ministry, while the reporter reacts like Remy’s about to send him off to be tortured. Cerim and Leslie haul off the reporter and Remy puts on his Serious Plot Talk face.

Oh look, Remy’s making a responsible decision for once. He’s putting the magical doctor in charge of taking care of people getting magical diseases, what a concept.

So we get a reference to Randolph. Still don’t know what happened to that guy apparently.

So Liz and Alfonse go to the infirmary to take care of the sick students. Because they caught the symptoms early, no one’s died yet, but the disease is spreading rapidly. Nonetheless, they decide to focus on the patients they currently have.

Alfonse Route Chapter 5 (3-7)

Last time on the Alfonse Route: Liz and Alfonse ate hot dogs and then the Gedonelune newspaper thinks that Klaus plans to marry a college student he just met.

So Liz randomly thinks of Alfonse and Amelia notes that her face turned red so clearly, CLEARLY, it’s a surefire sign that Liz is in love with Alfonse.

Liz is sure Alfonse doesn’t see her as a potential girlfriend despite the numerous times he’s slipped up. Amelia suggests asking him directly and also tells her that she should maybe get to know the dude she’s supposedly in love with.

So Liz is in the gardens deliberating how to talk to Alfonse when a female student (funny i didnt think those existed in this universe) stumbles over, looking very sick. She is probably about to succumb to furry disease. Liz goes over to her and shoots a message to Alfonse.

So Alfonse arrives and gives the girl medicine that heals her. He orders her to be taken to an infirmary. He tells Liz that other students also caught the furry diseases and asks her to help him treat the other students. Liz agrees.

So Leon’s here for some reason (wait do people know hes a unicorn’s humansona-) and he alerts Liz that she’s being stalked by someone. He proceeds to yank the stalker out of bushes with magic, and the stalker is… a shadow?

Yeah. Don’t know what’s up with that sprite. He has a camera apparently, so I guess he’s the papparazzi. Alfonse confirms he’s a reporter, and that’s where we’ll end for today.
