#what the signs dont want you to know



What Aries Want You To Know:

Being aggressive, mean, or overly dominating is almost never the Ram’s intention. Aries know what they want, and how to get it - sometimes so caught up in the race to the finish line that they forget to watch where they’re going, and can bump into other people in the track.

Similarly, Aries tend to have a protective nature to them, and want to take care of their loved ones. This may cause them to be a bit over-bearing, but they usually have the best intentions, and truly care about their friends and loved ones.

What Aries Don’t Want You To Know:

Aries are actually really fragile on the inside. They hate to be scolded because they want people around them to love them and see them shine. It hurts when they’re mocked, or anything else along those lines. Anger is just a natural way to respond, and Aries don’t hold that back! Aries are pretty close to their instincts and anger is just a natural way to survive. So why fight it?

Aries act confident, and like they know what they’re doing. Most of the time, they don’t. They believe the phrase “fake it until you make it” and use their confidence as a tool to maneuver through their life.

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