#whats wrong with society


Me: I’m chronically ill which makes me disabled. I managed to adjust my life so I can live as comfortably as possible, which means I don’t work, being poor, and not doing much. Sometimes I have to sleep all day, sometimes I go on hikes with my dog, sometimes I exist, sometimes I want to kill myself. That’s my life and I’m okay with it.

Ppl: BbUuuTTt — ThAt soUndS dEpreSSinNngG!

Ppl: buTtT — I COulDn'TttT lIvE liKe thIsS!

Ppl: BbuUUTtTtT — iSn’T tHEre ANyThiNg THaT caNn bE DoNe tO chAnGe YOur depREssIng stAte?


Ppl: buTT — hOw cAn yOu LIvee LikE tHat?

Ppl: buTttTTTTT — DoNt be So neGaTiVe, if IT wAsS mE, I WouLd bE mORe HopEFuLl, That thEre WiLL Be a CuRe, AND My dePreSsIng LIfesTyLe WoUlD eNd.

Ppl: BUttT — YOure SUCH AN INSPIRATION!!! I wOuLdvE kIlleD MYsElf By NoW!

Ppl: BbUuutTtTTtTTttTTTtttTtFFTFTGdvdbdjaoownKGgafcwvsvezzeezhdhcbjdakwjcvgcudwkmqnbsgdhchnsbevahauJJKKKiHGFFFdDEGhJanBabakaksm

Me: Well, at this point we should think about who is the really negative person in this conversation.




Ppl: Yeah, no, you’re negative, saying you’re disabled is negative, disability is okay in and of itself, but don’t call yourself disabled, because that’s so negative, not having goals and not accomplishing anything in life is a wasted life, contributing to society is important, you’re so poor for not seeing how you’re wasting your life, you should really try to change something, although I admire you, because I would have killed myself by now, just saying.




i’m bored of mental health discourse that doesn’t consider capitalism’s effect on people. like sure i take antidepressants to deal with mental health problems, and they change the chemicals in my brain, but the root cause isn’t that the chemicals in my brain were wrong, it’s that we live in an alienating hell system that treats people as commodities

not to be mean, but do you srsly think something else like communism would help your mental health?

i think not having to spend a third of my life doing something i hate surrounded by people i hate in order to not starve would improve my mental health

i think having adequate free access to mental health services would help my mental health

i think not being constantly advertised at and told my worth is measured in how much shit i own or how much men want to fuck me would help my mental health

i think not having to worry about choosing between a roof over my head and a meal in my stomach would improve my mental health

Also, can we please make ranting and venting about stuff normal?

I’m not a “negative person” and I don’t give negativity “too much room” in my life.

Talking about it and telling ppl how upset I am is my way of dealing with it. I need to get it out of my system or it sticks with me.

And btw, Karen, it’s not my problem if you take my problem and make it yours, or if you think me telling you about something upsetting for me means I now gave you my package. No. I put the package between us and you chose to pick it up. Not my fucking problem. And please don’t tell me you don’t want to hear my negativity. Please. I have to deal with your crude positivity on a daily basis, and that’s no fun either. So just stfu.
