#white spell


This is an easy spell to bring softness and tenderness to one of your relationships, helping you reconnect in a soft way with your loved one; definitely one of my favorite spells!

You will need:

  • One red apple
  • A red, pink or white candle
  • Rose petals
  • Lavender
  • Jasmine Oil
  • Honey
  • + Vanilla Incense for an extra oomph


While visualizing peace and love between you and your person of choice (a friend, partner, family member, etc.) cut the apple in half, and carve a hole big enough for the candle. Smother some jasmine oil on the surface of the apple. Then, add a spoonfull of honey in the hole followed by the herbs, and finally, the candle; lit it as you say the following:

By this apple and honey sweet,

peace and love I bring,

I call upon the Power of (deity of choice)

and ask that this relationship is blessed,

to be full of love and light,

and our future be ever so bright,

So mote it be!

After this, let the candle burn all the way down. You can also add different herbs, such as saffron, cinammon or cloves, in order to change this spell to a more passion driven focus. Best done on a friday at 4:00 p.m. ❤️

Note: this spell is not meant to make someone fall in love with you, but rather bring good energies to a relationship that you already have and wish to keep planting seeds of love in.
