#whumptober day eleven





adrift | drowning | dehydration

Family holidays were still weird for Harrison. He supposed it was also a bit for Fao, too, but he’d settled in a lot better. After all, he’d been adopted almost straight away. Fao would often return from uni to join them as Finn got older, and enjoyed the time away. As Finn’s seizures started to settle, him slowly gaining more control over them, they began to venture further afield again.

Harrison had been staying at the Daniels’ while he tried to get back on his feet. Sheila had helped him enrol in college, and had started him back on the straight and narrow. He’d been working so hard while he stayed with them, that it was only natural to invite him along, especially since Fao and Hars had settled their differences.

They’d hired a caravan by the sea for a few weeks, far enough away to be a holiday, but close enough to a major hospital as a just in case. While both Fao and Harrison were old enough to be left to their own devices, Finn still had to be watched, and often carefully. With Sheila and Fred wanting an afternoon to themselves, it was up to the boys to keep an eye on him. It was a rarity that Sheila and Fred got any time alone, so they were set to make the most of it, a nice meal after a while exploring.

Finn had pestered and pestered everyone to take him swimming. Mainly, he just wanted to dick around with the floats and go down the slides more than actually swim, but he had to get them there first.

After a bit of reluctance, they finally gave in. Harrison wasn’t keen; he’d had bad experiences, and he wasn’t the strongest of swimmers either. They needed both of them there, though. It wouldn’t be the first time Finn had seized in a pool.

While Fao and Finn chased each other back and forth, hurtling balls at each other’s heads (Finn never learned), Harrison stayed away from it. He took a while to relax, finally sliding in from the side and floating around in a ring while he kept an eye on the two of them. After a while and too much of Finn’s insistence, he joined in. As long as he didn’t have to get his hair wet, he’d be fine.

It was actually fun, once he’d let himself go a bit. Finn’s energy was contagious, and Harrison actually found himself laughing along with the other two. It was nice to be part of a family, to have siblings of sorts and no responsibilities He tired quickly though, returning to stand by the side of the pool, floating on his stomach and just watching the world go by.

Fao was enjoying himself, away from the stresses of uni. He was able to spend time with his family, Harrison was a bonus, and he always enjoyed holidays. The weather was good, Sheila and Fred were in a good mood, and Finn was able to enjoy himself.

They’d been messing about for a while when Harrison took a break, and after a few minutes giving him some space, Fao made his way over.

“Hey. You alright?”

“Just tired.”

“God, tell me about it. Don’t know where Finn gets the energy from.”

“He’s all over the place.”

“Hard to believe he was in hospital.”

“Think he’s an alien.”


“Nah, definitely an alien.”

“You’re probably right.”

Harrison flinched as Finn threw a ball at the pair of them, screwing his face up as he was splashed. “Think your highness wants your attention.”

Fao turned away, frowning. “Finn! What have I told you about throwing stuff at us?!”

“You’re being boring!” Finn called. “Come play!”

“We’re taking a break because we’re old!”

“You can go, I’m okay.” Harrison told him.


“Yeah, course.”

Fao flashed him a smile and turned away to Finn, his younger brother still busy causing chaos with seemingly endless amounts of energy.

Harrison smiled at the pair, happy to keep his distance and just watch. He was reaching his limit of being in the water, his fingers starting to prune and the smell of chlorine getting too overwhelming. The lifeguard’s whistle made him jump and instinctively turn to see what was happening. He caught the float out the corner of his eye, but he was too late to move out of the way.

The hit disorientated him immediately, knocking him off his own float. The water was too deep for him to stand and he went straight under. He couldn’t breathe. Deep down, he knew he shouldn’t even try, but he naturally and desperately gasped for air. Water filled his lungs and he coughed and choked, only succeeding in taking in more water.

His hands scrabbled to try and get himself above water, but his mind was already elsewhere. He was going to die. He could hear his parents shouting at him, feel their hands around his wrists and throat, pushing him under. He choked again. More water. Another hit. They’d normally have let him up, but there was no sign of stopping. He was going to die.

It was as soon as Fao turned to Finn that all hell broke loose. There was shouting, and splashing, and someone kicked out into his leg. He whipped back around just in time to see Harrison go down under the surface.

“Finn! Stay put, kid!” He called to his brother, and then turned back to the chaos. Harrison hadn’t surfaced yet. Why hadn’t he surfaced? It was taking too long, far too long. A quick glance around told him nobody was coming quick enough, and so he took a deep breath and went under himself.

He found Harrison easily, writhing and choking under the water, and grabbed him. It was difficult, there were still people everywhere, but he hauled him up to the surface and over to the side, his own chest heaving.

Harrison fought against the hands holding him in blind panic, kicking and scratching in an attempt to get free. He coughed and retched against the air, struggling to get a breath in. With his struggling, he slipped back under for a moment, immediately taking in more water.

He was heavy when he was panicking, and Fao groaned. He pushed on, though, hauling Harrison up further to keep his head above the water.

It was hard work, harder than Fao had expected it to be, but Harrison was a dead weight. He shouted at people to move, eventually reaching the side of the pool, which he was bloody grateful for.

The lifeguards had finally jumped into action, and met Fao at the side. Despite Harrison’s fighting, they quickly hauled him out of the pool and onto the side. He barely had the energy to keep himself propped up, his whole body trembling. He continued to retch and gag, bringing up the water he’d inhaled. His arm gave out from under him, and he sprawled on the deck again.

Fao shot the lifeguards a look, not exactly happy with how long it had taken them to help out.

“It’s alright, Harrison. You’re alright now.” Fao soothed, helping him to stay upright. “That’s it, get it up.”

Harrison grabbed onto Fao, his nails digging into his skin. He choked again, bringing up more water. It was almost worse than being underwater. Somehow he was still drowning.

“You’re okay. I’ve got you, it’s gonna be okay.” Fao murmured, rubbing his back.

“Does he have any medical conditions? Did he hit his head?” The lifeguard asked from beside Fao, his radio ready.

“Nothing relevant, and I don’t know. He’ll need an ambulance, I’m a med student. He ought to be checked.”

“We’re just calling one now. Did you see what happened?”

“No, just what happened after.”

Exhausted, Harrison let himself fully flop onto Fao. He continued coughing, though not much was coming up. The fight had drained from him, all the adrenaline he’d had from the panic long gone.

“It’s alright, just breathe.” Fao soothed.

Finn, of course, couldn’t be left out. He wormed his way through the small crowd surrounding Fao and Hars, kneeling next to his big brother. “Fao?”

“It’s alright, Finn. Hars just got caught under the water, he’s okay.”

He looked up at Fao, worry etched onto his face. “Is he going to die?”

“No, no. He’s okay.”

Harrison flinched at the foil blanket placed over him, trying to get away with what little he had left.

Finn screwed his face at the mess on the floor surrounding Harrison, but carefully moved closer. “You’re okay. It’s keeping you warm, right?”

“Finn’s right. Just to keep you warm, Hars.”

He slowly stretched out his hand to take Harrison’s. “You’re okay. We’re here.”
