#wil wheaton can fuck all the way off



@wilwheaton Are you aware that 50% of the victims of extrajudicial police killings are disabled? Silencing disabled voices for holding cops accountable for their actions against minority communities is just as discriminatory as silencing any other oppressed minority that is regularly victimized by the police. 

And yet you silenced a disabled voice for questioning a Canadian policeman about their history of brutality against the indigenous people of Canada

Either you’re against police brutality directed toward minorities or you’re not. You don’t get to call yourself an ally and then play both sides of the fence.


I went and looked it up and yes, he did. And that’s not the only problematic thing he’s done - apparently he has a history of blocking people instead of taking responsibility for his actions.

Froma Reddit thread on this topic, in reference to a block list Wil Wheaton was using which blocked a lot of trans people specifically for being trans which he also spread around to a lot of other people in the film industry:


[ID: Comment from @barlowstreet “Didn’t he have a whole thing about blocking trans people too”

Valquoi in Reddit says “In his letter whinging about ‘I accept and respect their decision to suspend me, but waaaaahhhh they shouldn’t have!’ He said what he did (sharing a TERF’s blocklist that impacted and ended some trans people’s careers) might have been the right thing to do in the end. Because they got mad at him for it… ‘And for what it’s worth, the part of me that wants to apologize to the people who ended up on it by mistake is overwhelmed by the part of me who was attacked really viciously by a lot of those people and feels like maybe blocking them wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.’ -Wil Wheaton - Just part of another celebrity non-apology. He can fuck all the way off.”

Titangroupie on Reddit says “Considering he blocked me on Tumblr some years back because I pointed out he was guilty of stealing posts and refused to credit the OP even after they asked him to, he can kick rocks, in my opinion… He was my childhood hero and he publicly shamed me and then blocked me because I pointed out he was doing something wrong.”]
