#wilbur stream


Remember, remember, the 16th of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why dynamite treason
Should ever be forgot

Soot Wilbur, Soot Wilbur, ‘twas his intent
To blow up the nation and the president
Stacks of explosives in the earth below
Poor old Manberg to overthrow

By Philza’s providence he was catch’d
With a stone button and burning match 
Holler boys, holler boys, let the pig sing
“Violence is a universal langage”, he said slaughtering
As 6 feet under the ground, the traitor no more thinks

Remember, remember, the 16th of November
The day the one who started it all cried..



A smoll parody of the famous english poem about Guy Fawkes. The situations are rather similar here :) im nowhere as eloquant as Wilbur and not much of a song/poem writer but hey ! Trying my best. Remember kids. Blood for the blood god.
