#willie and alex


Review of Julie and the Phantoms Episode 5: “The Other Side of Hollywood”

At the end of the previous episode, I was skeptical of how the story would continue, with the boys going to the club instead of preparing to perform with Julie.

I expected Caleb’s character to be villainous but he quickly changed my mind with his support for the boys and his amazing performance, then we discovered that he had a pretty evil plan all along. Hats off to the writers!

The continuation and development of Alex and Willie’s relationship really got me attached to the episode—if it wasn’t for that, I probably would not have enjoyed the episode as much.

Another aspect of the plot I enjoyed was the new kid getting to dance with the girl. Despite it making up a small part of the show, it added a positive note to Julie’s situation, as Flynn said.

However I didn’t like Nick’s attempt to sort the situation out. Also, could the ghosts not have just appeared performing with Julie like they did in the second episode?
