#winter widow


My Falcon and Winter Soldier Bucky cosplay is dying on instagram, hope you all like it

Because why the fuck not.

Imagine your OTP…

~Person A being a little shit and splashing Person B with water when they go swimming. Person B getting angry because oh my god I spent an hour on my goddamn hair and splashing Person A back. They go back and forth, before Person B calls fuck this, I’ve had enough and splashes Person A relentlessly until they give out.

~Person B wearing a form fitting swim suit and Person A being a little shit by making a cheeky remark, which results in Person B shoving them.

~Person A doing their best to create a small sand castle only to see that Person B has been doing the same, but their sand caste is a full out King Arthur castle complete with a drawbridge and a moat.

~Person A being hella romantic and sexual throughout the entire trip, resulting in Person B giving in and they have sex on the beach.

                       * Alternate ending: Person B leading Person A on, bringing them up to their room, but they end up putting a cheesy-ass movie and falling asleep thirty minutes in.

~Person A being the hella attractive life guard and Person B being head over heels. In order to get Person A to notice them, Person B tries surfing for the first time, looking like a complete idiot, which makes Person A laugh. While trying to pull off a move, Person B ends up falling off the board. Person A asks Person B out when they trudge out of the water.

~Person B being a waiter at a small beachfront cafe and Person A thinks they’re attractive. Person B thinks the same of Person A and, in an attempt to impress Person A, they fall smoothly, dropping all the plates and breaking nearly all of them. Person A laughs, but asks them out to a movie once Person B gets off.

~On the last day of their trip, Person A refuses to get out of the water, thinking that they can hide from Person B, who has the eyes of a fucking hawk. Person B ends up having to literally drag Person A out of the water and to the car. 

Imagine Person A of your OTP whispering “You’re home to me,” to Person B of your OTP.
