
Title: Wild & FreeMood Boarder: Caiti (Caitriona_3)Relationship: Bucky Barnes/Wanda MaximoffRati

Title:Wild & Free
Mood Boarder: Caiti (Caitriona_3)
Relationship:Bucky Barnes/Wanda Maximoff
Note: Should any of my mood boards prompt a fic, please link me so I can enjoy and brag! But please - take this as permission to write it!!
Warnings:Mood board, Alternate Universe

Post link

MCU Tea - Antis



Need some degree of professional help. At best, for an obsessive vendetta against a fictional character. At worst, for being Data’s evil brother Lore.



Basically like the anti- “Twilight” people fifteen years ago, saying what to some degree needs to be said; but at some point, we must accept the fact that we’re bitching about a cheesy character from a franchise aimed at 12-16 year-olds. (Yes I’m a bombastic hypocrite here, I like my nerd rage.) 



Largely incel Captain America stanboys, with a stunning lack of self-awareness. (”She’s a Mary Sue in her one movie, that revolves around her being wrong; Steve Rogers is such a fantastic character, proving that a hero knows he’s always right!” And barf.) 

Other antis may have legit complaints about the character or actress, but still tend to veer into 




Like the people in “Supersize Me!” telling us McDonald’s is bad; it’s like…You’re not wrong guys, but….I still enjoy the thing for superficial reasons anyway.  

Anti-Buckys:Comedic geniuses. 


One of the most intensley tragic characters in the franchise i here described as…

“…a convicted murderer Neanderthal” 

“a sad potato with horrible hair” 

“Binky,” “Bucket,” “Boinky”….

The first anti-Bucky posts I read on this site put me into an honest-to-god laughing fit where I couldn’t breathe. 

I love Bucky. I ship him hard with Ava, Wanda and Tony (not at the same time). I adore Bucky. But dear god, his antis are so fucking hysterical, I’m sorry Bucky, but I have to join them in a laugh.  



I feel you guys, but y’all are angry at nothing. Almost literally. Blint Barton basically stopped being a character when “Avengers: Age of Ultrasuck” demoted him from “Nat’s Obvious Love Interest” to “Already Married with Kids Teammate.” 

(Fun fact: “Blint” is a typo, but I’m leaving it in because I like it.) 

Yes, Clint is an abysmal ass-nugget in “Civil Fart,” but only because that movie is horrendously written. In every other movie after the first “Avengers,” Clint is a cardboard shell of his former self, grasping desperately at personality traits. By “Endgame” how can you feel anything, even pity, for this bland fucker, trying to be a dark samurai with anime hair at age 40? Having any excess energy to hate a character like that is like…having the excess energy to hate a 40-year-old man trying to be a dark samurai with anime hair. 

Anti-Team Cap:


Look, I hate MCU Steve Rogers, but y’all for real gonna condemn Ant-Man, Natasha, Falcon, and that tool with the bow no one cares about, because one horribly written movie that’s plot ran on nonstop idiot balls happened to chuck them onto “Team Cap” four years ago?  

And y’all give Bucky a free pass, even though onscreen he stands up to Steve and Blimp Barton lessthan “Wendy,” Nat, and Sam? And Scott Lang openly regrets it in “Ant-Man and the Wasp?” If they all wore mysterious raccoon eyeliner with sexy Bucky wigs, would you forgive them? 

Anti- Wanda’s Pancreas-Colored Dildo:


“Abusive to Wanda” ??? 




Oh, right, “He’s Tonky’s lacky!” 

Okay, I playfully hate on the Viz from time to time, because his pointless existence interferes with my Scarlet-Ships (winterwitch and frostwitch). But actually having genuine anger and negativity to spare on the spleen in a spandex? 

If “Captain America: Civil Waste of Time” had not been made, and there were no “teams,” both Tony and Steve stans would realize just how dull of a “character” Wanda’s battery-operated-boyfriend truly is. 



Okay, you have gotto be shittingme. 

But I have seen at least one non-troll post that had this tag. 

I worship Shuri and Wakanda, but I’m still dying mad that Wanda Maximoff didn’t use her powers to cure Bucky and Tony Stark didn’t make him that new arm.
