#witch for hire


What’s Been Missing With Your Magick And Updates

Hi loves,

This is gonna be a pretty long read but I ask that you please read it all.

I have had something on my heart for a while now. I have avoided this post for a long time because I was not sure how it would be received. I was not sure even how to say it.

I have been apart of the spiritual community since I was 13 years old. The second I got that lime green Dell laptop… I was in the trenches. Scouring through Youtube videos, reading books about Witchcraft and hiding them from my parents because they didn’t understand (they came around), and practicing spells on a beat up table I had gotten from Goodwill. I live and breathe this shit. 

I eventually found the world of Hoodoo and never looked back. This practice has given me belonging. This practice has put food on my table. This practice has connected me to my ancestors. I LOVE teaching it. I love doing spells for others and using my gifts and my knowledge to bless others. I love baby witches that tell me I’m an inspiration. 

But I have something to say.

Magick, Hoodoo, spellcraft, manifestation, all the forms Witchcraft takes, is simply a bandaid on a large wound.

It works. Of course it works. The miracles I have manifested for myself are otherworldly. The miracles I have co-created with others, the way it works in others lives and rearranges reality and makes the impossible possible.

But it does not change anything, not really.

See, I went around for years thinking that manifesting happened at an altar. And it does. With our candles, and our oils, and our herbs, we focus our intent and our energy on a single object or goal and we send it out into the universe and it rearranges things in our favor. The other part is though, we are manifesting all the time. Everyday. Every second.

Everything in your life, even the bad stuff, you have manifested.

Taking radical responsibility like this is….brutal. A lot of people don’t want to do it. A lot of people might even get mad at me for saying it and say that I am victim blaming, that I can’t possibly know everyone’s circumstances to make a statement like that…but here’s what I know for sure. We get what we are a vibrational match for. Like attract likes. What you seek is seeking you.

So when I say that Magick is a bandaid, I mean just because you can call it in, does not mean you can keep it. 

The true Magick is changing your mindset. Your belief structure.

Your mindset is made up of subconscious belief systems and stories you probably don’t even know you have if you’ve never done the work to unravel them.

Lets take money for an example:

Lets say as a child you experienced living on the poverty line. You somehow usually had enough for the essentials like food and shelter, but not much for anything else. You grew up seeing your mom stress about the rent. You felt the fear in your household around paying bills. There were nights you went to sleep hungry but didn’t saying anything because you didn’t want to stress your parents out any more than they were and you knew things were tight.

You grew up hearing things like:

“There’s never enough hours at work”

Money doesn’t grow on trees”

“Nothing ever changes in the hood”

Then say you come to me for a job spell. You’re tired of the current job because it does not pay enough and you are in a lot of debt and ready to make a change. You pay me, I do the spell, it works amazingly, and you score a job that makes double your old salary.

Then, within a years time, you get fired. Or laid off. Or you quit because it’s just too overwhelming.

You think it was a stroke of bad luck. Too good to be true. Or just not what you thought it would be.

Really, it was so much deeper than that.

You grew up in a household full of scarcity. You were taught there was never enough. That money was a limited resource. And if you grew up anything like me that money wasn’t for “people like us”. You believe you should always have “enough” but never more than that because you’ve never known anything else.

So even though your conscious mind came to me and wanted this job more than anything, your subconscious mind sabotaged it. 

You do not mean to manifest struggle or terrible shit, but its all that you know. Its what you subconsciously think you deserve and are worth.

You can go through a hundred green candles and do spells to manifest the same $1000 twenty times only to watch it fly out of your bank account because it all comes down to one thing,

You are not a vibrational match for money.

Your conscious mind wants it, seeks it, hustles for it, but your subconscious mind says: 

“money isn’t for people like us” 

“money isn’t stable”

“money is scary”

“money isn’t easy to come by”

“money never sticks around”

All based on things you saw, heard, and observed as a child.

This is the same for love spells

I can burn every candle in my stash and manifest you the man of your dreams and if you have beliefs from childhood that say men are unstable, men always leave, men always cheat, love is painful, he will never be able to stick around because you are literally repelling the thing you want. 

Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a lie and the truth. It is not capable of discerning the things you heard as false. And up until around the age of 8, you are basically a walking subconscious mind because your conscious mind isn’t developed. So when you heard things about money, things about your self worth, things that you could or couldn’t have, you believed them.

So, my point is, this is a temporary fix by itself. 

I can manifest beautiful things for you, and it will just fly right out of your life if you have subconscious beliefs that you don’t deserve it, can’t have it, or are scared of it.

You have to change your mindset. You have to unravel your limiting beliefs.

I started working with clients because I have a calling on my heart to help people change their lives. To redistribute wealth. To show people what’s possible in their lives. To inspire people to live their deepest desires. I thought I could do it through Hoodoo, and I have, and for the time being I will continue to take clients, but in the long term, I want to do so much more than that.

I want to rewire your brain for a beautiful life. I want to help you and teach you to manifest things as well as keep them.

I am now a coach for spiritual people. I teach people how to heal their shit and trauma around money and success so they can live an abundant life and manifest the desires of their heart.

This work is not hoodoo centered and I will not take hoodoo spell request or q’s there.

This blog will probably always exist. It is certainly not going anywhere anytime soon. I will for the time being still be posting spells, answering q’s, taking clients, etc. I will always probably practice Hoodoo in some capacity, if not only to connect with my ancestors.

And if you are Black or a POC, I especially want to help with this work. Everyone is welcome of course and I want you all there but this next message is specifically for black folks and poc) because this shit is in our blood. We are master manifestors. We know how polish shit and make gold. But too many of us struggle with money specifically because we think its our birthright. We don’t know things can be different. We have never seen it be different. 

But it can, it is so fucking out there, but we have to rewire our brains. We have to be willing to face our demons. 

It’s not that this shit doesn’t work, it’s that this shit doesn’t work alone.

So that’s on that. 

I love you guys.

I love getting messages like this from clients This was one of last months highlights! I have room for 7 people this month so if you need a spell done, you can DM me!

My Clients GetResults when you work with me what you’re really getting access to is my energy. The energy of manifestation and the energy of abundance. I lend you that energy through the work I do and magic happens. Literally. I LOVE working with people like this 1:1 and I love happy clients ❤️

If you’re interested in a having a spell done DM me, I now fully work from home which is a dream I’ve had for a long time⭐️ so I’ll be able to take on a lot more new work on here since my other job is online now.


Before these past 2 weeks, EVERY single one of my clients was amazing, dreamy, and so easy to work with that it didn’t even feel like a job! They listened to my request, took my advice, compensated me, and we made magic together ✨

But lately I have had people:

1)Say I overcharge and that they can’t afford my services. I charge ¼ of what this industry does. I kept prices low in an effort to be able to help as many people as possible but the truth is, my work isn’t for everyone. It’s for people ready to have some part of their life transformed, mended, and made better. It’s for people who value me, value my work, and my point of view.

2)Give me recommendations on how to do their spell based on something they read, heard from another worker, etc.

3) Be overall rude, skeptical, invasive, and disrespectful.

4)Ask me to MENTOR, as in teach completely about hoodoo, something that has taken me years of research, years of practice, and lots of money on tools and supplies for free. Be available to answer all their questions, teach them my secrets, and have access to all the content I put on here literally just because they asked for it.

If you see yourself on this list, I’m not saying any of this to be mean or cruel but it has taught me a lesson.

I was not setting boundaries for my work, myself, or my clients. So that’s all changing. And I’m raising my prices. Why? Because they never should have been so low in the first place.

I am a damn good rootworker. I get results for my clients. I have over 10 years of experience practicing magic. I have changed my own life and manifested everything from lump sums of money, 2 apartments, countless jobs, money for my dream school, and relationships that are fulfilling. I am worth my prices.

I was scared to raise them because I thought not everyone would be able to afford them and the truth is, they won’t. But that’s okay. Because my work isn’t for everyone. I’m not meant to help everyone.

I also wasn’t clear about who I help, how I help them, and what is absolutely unacceptable. So we’re gonna get real clear on that in this post.

I’m the rootworker for you if:

✨You are ready to change some part of our life whether that be your money situation, getting your ex back, drawing in a new partner, in need of a promotion, want a new job, the list goes on. I do almost every single kind of spell but they key here is being ready to transform your life. That means you’re open to advice, open to my suggestions, and open to taking actions in the physical plane to make it happen.

✨You can afford me. Do not waste my time in my DM’s to ask for free services. I make my prices well known. If you can’t afford them, I love you, I see you, but I can’t help you. I need to be compensated for this work. Not only monetarily, but I can no longer justify spending so much of my energy, completing spells that take 3 hours and up, for less than hourly minimum wage.

✨You already believe in magic, my work, and my point of view. I’m not here to convince you of my abilities. If you have questions like:

“Does this really work?”

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

“What are your previous results?”

I’m not gal for you. I have reviews on this blog that speak for my results. I provide tons of free content that I love writing that provides value and “proves” I know what I’m doing.

I’m NOT the rootworker for you if:

❌ You don’t believe in magic, spells, or me. I’m not here to convince you of anything. The proof is in the pudding.

❌You are rude

❌You can’t afford my prices and have no interest in paying me for my private time.

Tnings that are totally free:

⭐️Reading this blog and getting value from it and things I put out like the guide.

⭐️Sending me an ask. If you want FREE advice, go to my ask box and drop your question. Do not DM your entire story, expect detailed advice on how to fix and what spell to do. I will answer ask at my own discretion and pace.

⭐️Being kind, saying nice things, reblogging, sharing my work with friends.

Bottomline is I know my worth as a person and a practitioner. I won’t settle for any less anymore. I WANT to help you with your life. I want to help you make more money. I want to help you find new love. I want to help you open your roads for new wonderful opportunities, but I can’t do it for free.

Money is just energy. I am willing to use my energy to shift your reality, I am asking you be willing to compensate me for that shift so that our energy be a fair trade.

So what do you need to know?

My prices are doubling. I charge $30 a day for any work. For ex: if you purchase a 3 day road opening work for 3 days, it is $90. 5 days is $150. this allows me to be paid $10 per hour for my work, where as before it was $5 for works that lasted 3 hours (jars usually take around 4 with prayer/prep so I was charging around $3.50 an hour) if I have already spoke to you and locked in at my old rate you are not affected.

I am not open for unsolicited advice from other workers. If you like their work, awesome! Buy from them instead.

I love you, and thank you for supporting me.

I am still taking clients for this year so if you’d like a spell done DM me!

I look forward to changing your fucking life!

Results on a recent love honey jar. Can you see the heart that formed? I love doing spells for clients because I swear all my clients are the best! If you want these kinds of results, you can shoot me a DM or email me at: [email protected]

Some of the ingredients in my a love honey jars, you can purchase now just DM me!

Some of the ingredients in my a love honey jars, you can purchase now just DM me!

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As you all know, I’m taking spells again! I would appreciate if you’re interested in my work, want t

As you all know, I’m taking spells again! I would appreciate if you’re interested in my work, want to support me, or simply just need a spell done you consider working with me! I’m currently definitely needing some extra income, and truly love working with you guys. I created this little guide for clarity on what I offer + how much I charge. I think there is something here for everyone’s budget. To purchase spells simply email me or DM me to proceed with the process.



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I made a really beautiful witch jar for financial stability for a client! It’s really beautiful and the energy is lovely (pic taken before full charging)
