#witch tag


I got the star spinner tarot deck the other day and all the tarot readings I’ve done for my friends have been super accurate! I connect with the deck so much I stg and it has 3 extra lovers cards for diffeent sexualities!

Very much a Vibe


1. What type of witch are you?
- i hate the whole trendy “witch types” thing, but i work with both high and low magick and i work with the Fair Folk and deities and a lot of herbalism.

2. Do you  believe it is wrong to hex?
- very little is inherently wrong or right. you need context to decide if it’s moral or not. i don’t do hexes for no reason and i don’t initiate conflict, however if someone has fucked with my friends at all or tried to magickly harm me, you bet your ass that i’m gonna return-to-sender that bitch at the very least. TL;DR i believe in revenge as long as it’s proportionate :)

3. Have you ever hexed anyone?
- depends on what you consider a hex. i’ve certainly cast return to sender spells and tripwire spells, but i’ve never done baneful work to someone without them doing something to me first.

4. Which deities do you worship, if any?
-i’m a devotee of Aphrodite, and i follow Rhiannon and Morpheus as well. i used to follow Apollo also but the time in my life that he was present for has ended. i work with a few other deities very casually on and off, but those three are the ones i’m worshipping right now.

5. What got you into witchcraft?
- the pastor at a church i had to go to was doing a slideshow on “bad religions” and he pointed to a pentacle and said “this is a pentagram, a symbol used by wiccans. and you know what the call themselves? witches. and wizards. or warlocks, actually. witches and warlocks.” obviously, he didn’t know much about wicca or witchcraft but the sheer fact that there were people calling themselves “witches” was enough to pique my interest and i started my research. 

basically a christian pastor turned me pagan.

6. What is your favorite moon phase?
- i love any time when i can see the moon, but i’m connected to the waning moon for Rhiannon, and the full moon because, idk, it’s pretty? i’m a dyke? unknown.

7.What is your favorite season?
- beltane or samhain season

8.Which pagan celebration do you like most?
- beltane for me is super happy and rich and beautiful, samhain is the time of year when i’m most connected to my craft, and imbolc season sucks ass but the rituals are really nice.

9.Are you in the broom closet?
- to my family, somewhat. i talk about astrology to fuck with them because they’re christians, but i don’t talk about witchcraft or paganism because i’d surely get kicked out or at least punished super heavily.

10. What is your favorite herb to work with?
- i’m gonna interpret this as favourite herb/spice, so nutmeg, cloves, juniper berries and chamomile

11. What are your favorite crystals, and why?
- to be honest, most crystals i just use for the colour correspondances. i’m not super connected to most crystals but i do love black tourmaline for protection, and then i have some specific crystals that have a lot of meaning for me, like an amethyst point i got from a coven sister for my first imbolc, or a half of a geode that i share with my best friend, or my obsidian worrystone that shows up when i need it.

12. Have you ever had a spell backfire?
- i’ve had spells not work, but outright backfire i don’t think so.

13. Do you work skyclad?
- no, because of *body image issues* and also i’m cold all the time

14. Are you in a coven?
-yes! it’s pretty casual and informal, and there’s not hp/ hps so it’s more of a working group, but coven sounds way better. our coven blog is @circleofpyxis​ and our instagram is circleofpyxiscoven

15. Do you believe in good and evil?
- in individuals, yes. i know that there are inherently evil people. i don’t think that there are any inherently good people, and i think we’re all born neutral, but our actions define where we lie as far as morality. 

16.What is the most successful spell you have ever performed?
- either a very stupid surface-y spell to get a part i wanted in a play, or a spell to get rid of unwanted romantic feelings.

17. Do you do any divination?

18. If you do do divination, what kind?
- i read futhark runes, dabble in tarot, and scry using fire or water

19. Do you read tarot?
- a little

20. If you do, what is your favorite card?
- i can’t remember them all off the top of my head but i love the hierophant in my deck

21. Have you ever had any dreams that came true?
- i don’t have prophetic dreams, but i have a different sort of brand of metaphysical dream. i’m not sure how to describe it, but i think it’s my spirit guide just watching out for me. for example, i once needed to wake up at 6:30 but forgot to set an alarm, and i had this experience– it must’ve been a dream– but it felt like i was awake but my eyes were still closed, and then i heard my mom’s voice saying “it’s time to wake up, you have to go to your meeting” and i opened my eyes (in the dream) and saw my mom. then i woke up for real and no one was there, but the clock read 6:30 exactly.

another time i had a dream where my dad told me that distrokid had updated and i could see how much money i’d made, and then i woke up and distrokid really had updated, which only happens every month at most.

22. Are you in a religion?
- i’m still trying to figure out exactly my denomination, but i’m a pagan of celtic and hellenic traditions.

23. Which do you like better: new moon or full moon?
- i adore all of the new moon goddesses but i’m sorry, the full moon has my heart.

24. What was the first spell you have ever performed?
- it was this really little simple spell for happiness. it was really just an incantation actually, i didn’t use any tools or anything, but it worked so i’m not complaining.

25.Do you believe it is wrong to cast love spells?
- if you don’t have the consent of the other individual(s) then yes. otherwise, if you’re just attracting “a good match” or self-love, there’s nothing wrong with that.

26.Have you ever cast a love spell?
- self love spells and romance-banishing spells yes.

27. What is your favorite magickal tool?
-my peach wood wand that i made myself!

28. Do you like to work during the witching hour (3am ) ?
- i do 90% of my workings at midnight or later, so yeah :)

29. Are you a hereditary witch?
- nope, it’s just me and my suspiciously-invested-in-crystals-and-astrology sister ;)

30.Do you believe it is possible to be born  witch?
-you can be born into a family of witches but it’s not like some people are born witches and no one else can practice. everyone has magick, everyone has power. some people have different intuitive strengths, but everyone has strengths.

31. Do you believe initiation is essential to be a witch?
-no. in some religious traditions you need to be initiated (like wicca), but witchcraft is for everyone.

32. Do you have a  familiar?
- no

33.What is your spirit animal?
- i’m not indigenous so i don’t have one.

34. Which deity or god are you closest to?
- my patroness is Aphrodite

35. Thoughts on reincarnation?
- i believe in reincarnation but i also want to die and have it be over so it’s complicated jdfhjhfd

36. Current altar setup?
- my mabon altar is still up since it’s still technically mabon season but i’m putting up my samhain altar tonight. i also have shrines to Aphrodite and Morpheus on my altar year-round.

37. Feelings and thoughts on Wicca?
- i don’t practice, and there are a lot of issues with gardner, but there are issues with people in every religion. i don’t see a problem with wicca or wiccans, it just isn’t my religion.

38. What is your favorite element to work with?
- water

39. Do you have a book of shadows?
- i have both a BoS and a grimoire

40. Have you ever tried reading runes?
- yes! that’s my best method of divination.

41. If so, what is your favorite rune, and why?
- THIS IS SO HARD! i have a few. eiwaz, peorth, and ehwaz are some of my faves.

42. Do you believe in casting circles before every spell?
- no, i do it for my rituals and sabbat workings, but at least for my practice, with the frequency that i do workings, i simply don’t have time to cast before spells.

43. If so, how do you cast your circles?
- i might do a post on this later, but i close/ cast the circle deosil and then open it at the end of a ritual widdershins.

44. Ever tried knot magick?
- yes! i use knot magick for a protection anklet i always wear.

45. Have you ever participated in, or watched the Great Rite (ritual sex)?
- no. i’m underage and not interested in sex magick anyway. 

46. What is your favorite color to work with, in magick?
-red and black

46. Which deities do you have altars for?
- Aphrodite and Rhiannon.

47. What is your favorite setting which you prefer to practice in?
-i only do rituals after dark and i like practicing solitary but i also love practicing with my friends/ covenmates.

48. Do you know how to read palms?

49. If so, have you ever read palms, either yourself or others?
- no

50. Are you more connected with the masculine, or the feminine?
- feminine, but i try to work with a balance

51. Favorite day of the week to practice in? do you even care?
-friday but not for any metaphysical reason, just because i’m least stressed then and have the most time.

52. How long have you been practicing?
-over two years

53. Which  witchy traditions do you observe?
- i celebrate the wheel of the year sabbats, and the esbats, and Rhiannon’s day on march 1st

54. Favorite planet to work with?

55. Favorite direction  ( est, west, north, south) to work with?

56. Favorite number to work with * numerology *?
- 64 and 11

57. Do you have a magick wand, and if so, what is it made of?
-yes, it’s made from peach wood.

58. Do you prefer the sun or the moon?
- moon

59. Pointy hat or no pointy hat?
-absoLUTELY pointy hat

60. What is it that you LOVE about witchcraft
- i love my deities and i love how comforting my craft is when i feel alone
