#women’s healthcare


W H Y ?!

I never thought this would have to be something I kept track of again.

When I was 21, I begged someone to listen to me for years about a huge lump in my right breast and pains I was having. I went to the hospital’s free mammogram days, Pink Heels Tours, and any table our health department had about woman’s health. I got the same answer from all of them for years, “you’re too young. There is nothing wrong with you.”

I finally went to my new doctor who I was scheduling a spinal tap thru for my migraines and let it slip that I had lump in my breast that nobody wants to looks at and keeps telling me I’m fine. So she looked and felt. The look on her face and the questions she was asking didn’t make me feel any better. She scheduled me for a mammogram the very next day. I cried all the way home. I just wanted my mom.

The next day at the mammogram, the tech had me point out where I “thought” the lump was and started feeling and got the probe. I tried to read her face, but I was way to nervous. After that was done, the doctor came in and I knew it couldn’t be good. He explained to me that the shape, the shadows, the size all point to it being cancerous, especially since I was having pains in my breast. I was a 4-5 on the BI-RAD scale, and needed to have it removed immediately. I cried all the way home once again.

The surgery came and afterwards, the surgeon explained that he had to take more than he thought because it was bigger than he thought. BUT not to worry as of now, of course, I worried the entire time until I got the results. Thankfully, it was begnin, but he explained that this will happen again and I may not be so lucky next time. I just didn’t expect it to be almost exactly 5 years later and in my other breast.

I know that I cannot afford what I went thru before. The doctor’s visits, the surgery, the follow ups, the mammogram. I work in patient accounting and know that insurance doesn’t cover anything. I haven’t told mom yet cause I know she is going to freak out.

I know no one reads my posts, so this is just like a little journal entry to me. But if you do happen to stumble upon this, just say a little prayer for me please. My anxiety is completely thru the roof right now, so a dark room, my bed and instrumental @taylorswift music is what the rest of my weekend is going to be.




and i oop-

Boost this. Malicious fucking compliance y'all. Tie up their legal system with tens of thousands of cases. Burn their state government’s cash on this issue. Force them to play by the Nth degree of this idiotic rule.

i love uncivil obedience. follow the letter of the law so close that it shows just how ridiculous and unfair the law is






Finally, some goodnews.


This is so great because if anyone is caught impeding or messing with these deliveries, it’s MAIL, that makes it a FEDERAL crime, whoever fucks with these packages gets charged FEDERALLY, they face up to five years in prison.

[ID: A tweet by @ nytimes that reads, “Breaking News: Women can get abortion pills by mail for pregnancies up to 10 weeks without seeing a doctor in person, the FDA ruled. The decision comes as the Supreme Court considers whether to roll back abortion rights or even overturn Roe v. Wade.” Attached is a link to the article and a screenshot of the title and subtitle of the article. The article was published Dec 16, 2021. The title reads, “F.D.A. Will Permanently Allow Abortion Pills by Mail” and the subtitle reads, “The decision will broaden access to medication abortion, an increasingly common method, but many conservative states are already mobilizing against it.” /end ID]


Adding a link that isn’t blocked by a paywall

This is great but do remember to check if there’s a weight limit on the brand you take. Idk about abortion pills but I do believe you have to take two plan B if your above a certain weight.


This picture has been circulating all over social media and I have more to add:

  • Delete all period cycle tracking apps off your phone today.
  • Do not tell anyone why you want to take your trip, especially over text/apps.
  • Do not tell anyone the real state/destination of your trip.
  • Have everyone on your trip turn off their phones. Use written directions or a burner phone. Do not use burner phone to open any personal apps. Dispose of after trip.
  • Only use cash while purchasing ANYTHING on your trip.
  • Take “vacation” photos to post later. Be cautious of geo-tags/only post screenshots of the original photos.

Some people might say this is being extra or overly precautious, but this really is the reality we are facing. People have been imprisoned with murder charges in certain states- some for literal miscarriages. If you are a person that ends up in this situation, the state can and will use your data against you as evidence in court. Do not leave a paper trail. If they want to treat us like criminals, we’re gonna move like criminals.


This is a reminder that Roe v Wade wasn’t just about abortion.

It was about privacy.

It didn’t state abortion is legal.

It stated that you had the right to do whatever you want, and we can’t determine if you’ve had an abortion without invading your privacy.

To see how abortion bans are a violation of privacy look at the abortion cases in Texas. Neighbors are sueing neighbors because, “You were pregnant. You left the state. Now you’re not. That’s strange. I think you left to have an abortion.”

Do you WANT people in your business like that? Sneakily checking the addresses on your mail to see if you’re ordering abortion meds? To stalk you to the point where they can tell if you’re pregnant and when you’re suddenly not anymore? Companies going through your search history to see if you’re on abortion websites?

