


please teach kids that its not normal to be in pain all of the time, we also need to start taking kids seriously when they talk about pain or difficulty physically, kids and teens can absolutely have chronic pain, medical conditions and disability that you cannot see. a kid isnt going to lie to you about being in pain 24/7 repeatedly.

DSC_7417 OUTPOST Studio/Cyanotype Process Painting

DSC_7417 OUTPOST Studio/Cyanotype Process Painting by Russell Moreton
Via Flickr:
Pattern and Chaos/Liminality/Tectonics Architectural surface for a Library, raw materials, light, silence and solitude.

#lightness    #library    #spaces    #intervals    #haptic    #terrain    #powdered    #topology    #meshworks    #reading    #domain    #slow philosophy    #speculative concepts    #wonderous    #exactitude    #process    #causality    #sequences    #movements    #consistency    #multiplicity    #urgency    #quickness    #layered    #intermingled    #assemblage of actions    #recombined poetics    