

Why is it so hard to decide on which wip to finish also why does Pepa look like a different person in each of them ????


Oh don’t mind me over here…just started the new year off like a BOSS

Taking it one day at a time.



Just allow me to vent for a second….

I’ve noticed that the amount of folks in the gym has increased over time in the 7am hour during the week. And because of that, I have visited less since the numbers are going up. But today I went to get a good walk in since it rained last night. I went in the cinema room on a treadmill. Fans going, maybe four people including me well spaced out. And then this dude comes in and takes the treadmill directly to my left. And I’m annoyed. Because there was a sign on the machine saying not to use it and it was ignored. This is why the virus is still spreading. Just blatant disregard for the simple rules to keep people safe. Like I was at the tail end of my workout and I put my mask on for my cool down. But WTF

Other than that…just another day for me. Maintaining consistency is the focus going into the winter. Might look into buying a mask I can feel comfortable working out in. Drop any suggestions if you have any



Exactly what I needed after a stressful night. I did not sleep well. Getting these miles in helped to relax my nerves. Now I’m ready to start my day…and all the meetings and kid questions that come with it


I have to pat myself on the back here. This year has sucked ass for SO MANY reasons. But this is magical. I’m so happy with what I’ve done this year.

Blasted by my #35miles #timestwo goal! And then my October challenge!

Pish tosh you say….that’s nothing big.

It is to me! I’ve done Apple challenges since 2018 and only managed to complete four that year and four in 2019. I doubled that this year! And the year isn’t over!

Listen, I’m working from home (which sucks, I miss my cubicle) and supporting four kids virtual learning. I feel like I’m failing at both, daily. And I needed a win.

This is my win.

Damn that feels good


My summer was amazing . Even through quarantine, I stayed active everyday. It’s getting tougher now as the days gets shorter. Waking up in the dark sucks. Daylight savings may ease the transition a bit, but I won’t hold my breath.

One day at a time.


June looks mighty fine. I didn’t have any expectations or make any promises. I just took advantage of all the sunny days. Getting back in the gym here and there.

March and April was just tough. Mentally and physically. I feel like I made more of an effort to get moving again in May. Of course the warmer weather played a huge role in that.

I’m looking forward to July and all that it brings. I’m ready.


Tips To Be Consistent

  1. If it goes wrong, don’t give up, start again tomorrow
  2. Check-in frequently with how you’re feeling
  3. Find the best time of day
  4. Regularly assess your priorities
  5. Learn from when things go wrong
  6. Make it part of your regular routine
  7. Do a little bit each day, even if it’s tiny
  8. Stay flexible to change
  9. Tackle your task when you’re in the right mindset
  10. Do be hard on yourself
I get a LOT of People regularly asking “don’t you get sick of eating the same thing ever

I get a LOT of
People regularly asking “don’t you get sick of eating the same thing every day?”
That’s like asking “dont you get sick of not having to cook every day?”
“Don’t you get sick of not paying at least $8 a day for lunch?”
“Don’t you get sick of eating the way your body likes to be fed?”

The answer is HELLLLLL no!

This week’s meal prep is almost identical to last week’s but I added brussel sprouts.. cause.. every day I wanna be brusselin’
Chicken cooked in the crock pot, sweet potatoes roasted for 30 mins and veggies roasted for 30 mins.
I DO add a sauce of choice every day to my chicken.. and tbh that’s as much variety as I need in a day.
Need meal prep and food tips ? Shoot me a message!!
#mealprep #consistency #weightlosstips #fatloss #mealprepsunday #ontuesday #healthychoices #iam1stphorm #legionofboom #snacks #arizona (at EoS Fitness)

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DSC_7417 OUTPOST Studio/Cyanotype Process Painting

DSC_7417 OUTPOST Studio/Cyanotype Process Painting by Russell Moreton
Via Flickr:
Pattern and Chaos/Liminality/Tectonics Architectural surface for a Library, raw materials, light, silence and solitude.

#lightness    #library    #spaces    #intervals    #haptic    #terrain    #powdered    #topology    #meshworks    #reading    #domain    #slow philosophy    #speculative concepts    #wonderous    #exactitude    #process    #causality    #sequences    #movements    #consistency    #multiplicity    #urgency    #quickness    #layered    #intermingled    #assemblage of actions    #recombined poetics    
NEVER take it out on yourself for not being perfect, but DO take it out on yourself if you didn&rsqu

NEVER take it out on yourself for not being perfect, but DO take it out on yourself if you didn’t make any progress. Think about every day having that consistency of being closer!

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Embrace the pain! This is the part where you become stronger!

Embrace the pain! This is the part where you become stronger!

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Full moon eclipse in Libra tonight! 

This is a time for:




Today is a time to forgive and forget. Think about the people in your life who recently rubbed you the wrong way. Try and find some peace today with any problems you’ve been having socially. Even if the problem itself cannot be solved with the other person, just let it go. 

Focus some time on making your world more beautiful. Clean your room, buy some new mascara, or even just buy some flowers on your way home. Libra gives you the energy to enjoy and be apart of beautiful things. 

Find the line between ‘you’ and ‘others’. Boundaries are healthy and Libra is always working on balancing the head and the heart. Realize that you are worth every second you spend on yourself and you are not selfish for participating in self-love. 

Lastly, stick to your decisions. It’s now time to be consistent in any new ideas you have. Follow through with your plans and have a great day! 


Consistency is a great lead to achieving any goals.️

I loooove consistency in costuming. Spinner wears this sweatshirt so often, and in this episode when

I loooove consistency in costuming. Spinner wears this sweatshirt so often, and in this episode when spinner is forced to confront the wealth inequality between his family and jimmy’s jimmy is like you always wear that sweatshirt man. yes, he does.

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Perseverance: I have a purpose and nothing will stop meConsistency will lead me to my goals.https://

Perseverance: I have a purpose and nothing will stop me

Consistency will lead me to my goals.


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