#world of darkness



Does anyone have room for another player or have been wanting to put a group together for a Mage: The Ascension game/campaign? I’ve never played but I really want to.



Join us on Monday, the 27th of August for our weekly stream, and dive into the world of the Masquerade. https://twitch.tv/bloodonthethames

My dumb face!! We may have played a prestream session tonight…and it was wild! So so excited to be streaming live soon, please please check it out as it means the world to us!

malkavian NPCs from a game i’m about to run: bennett (shut-in fortune teller), delphine (current pri

malkavian NPCs from a game i’m about to run: bennett (shut-in fortune teller), delphine (current prince candidate), and luc (spoilers). i’m giving malkavian a much more contemporary eclectic aesthetic and an emphasis on a more grounded exploration of the kind of connections made via passion or empathy that arise from the tribulations of being vampires who sense things others can’t and/or feel things more strongly.

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Two more Sin-Eater + Geist npc concepts for the chronicle I’m building.

New group coterie drawing

More Jazdia arts in anticipation of tonight’s session! I love my ventrue brat

vampire sketches, because all I think about now is vampires. Featuring Jaz and her new ghoul.

Sorry for the lack of art over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on some illustrations I wanted to share but was then hit with some pretty severe insecurity and anxiety over the quality of my artwork. I’m working on it

Rene’s always been strong. Even on the night of his Embrace he was the only one who managed to

Rene’s always been strong. Even on the night of his Embrace he was the only one who managed to dig himself out of the grave. But instead of finding Sabbat members, who embraced him, he saw his future prince - ventrue Etien 

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maria-ruta:osatokun:soo long story short(not really).It’s against vampire laws to work and hunt on omaria-ruta:osatokun:soo long story short(not really).It’s against vampire laws to work and hunt on o



soo long story short(not really).
It’s against vampire laws to work and hunt on other vampire’s territory without permission. However from 1970 to 1974 when Adzone Visconti - the oldest vampire of the city(who’s rumored to eat a lot of vampires in the past) was away, Charlie worked in this vampire’s clinic and drank his hoomans. 

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haha mistew Adzone ate many vampires so many a malkavian can hear their voices miles away

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Francis,a character from a flashback-oneshoot game we had as a spinoff to our main campagin.Charlie.Francis,a character from a flashback-oneshoot game we had as a spinoff to our main campagin.Charlie.

Francis,a character from a flashback-oneshoot game we had as a spinoff to our main campagin.
Charlie..really liked him,but they had to break up ;_; He thougth that Francis will be in danger if he stays with Charlie. Turned out, he was in a bigger danger without him.

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We had a oneshoot game with a flashback from 80s …after the game I just had to draw Charlie’sWe had a oneshoot game with a flashback from 80s …after the game I just had to draw Charlie’s

We had a oneshoot game with a flashback from 80s 
…after the game I just had to draw Charlie’s patner from that oneshoot…. 
just a few weeks before everything  gets really bad

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Two very sad potatoes Veronica belongs to @maria-ruta !Two very sad potatoes Veronica belongs to @maria-ruta !Two very sad potatoes Veronica belongs to @maria-ruta !

Two very sad potatoes 
Veronica belongs to @maria-ruta !

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what happens when you fail a Diablerie (draining another vampire) attempt, you ask? well… youwhat happens when you fail a Diablerie (draining another vampire) attempt, you ask? well… you

what happens when you fail a Diablerie (draining another vampire) attempt, you ask? well… you couldget taken over by an unhinged Malkavian Elder who now has full reign to do whatever he likes with your body! 

then again, you were just about to consume his very soul, so… 

fun facts about Klaus:

  • generation: 12th, bumped down to 8th when Klaus took over 
  • age: 40+ pre-diablerie, 400+ post-diablerie (in 2021)
  • predator type: Osiris
  • favourite power: Dementation 
  • affiliation: unsurprising.

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 hello did someone order a serving of wholesome love confession with a side of angst? LR: 1>2> hello did someone order a serving of wholesome love confession with a side of angst? LR: 1>2>

hello did someone order a serving of wholesome love confession with a side of angst?

LR: 1>2>3

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 changelings far-dreaming cuddle pile (in a tree)…! our Slaugh buddy wasn’t there at th changelings far-dreaming cuddle pile (in a tree)…! our Slaugh buddy wasn’t there at th changelings far-dreaming cuddle pile (in a tree)…! our Slaugh buddy wasn’t there at th

changelings far-dreaming cuddle pile (in a tree)…! our Slaugh buddy wasn’t there at the time, but i wanted to draw the whole Motley together :,>   

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If Big D’s a giant middle-eastern meat slab…Kevin’s more like a turkey twizzler.


True love is giving up the last of your 50ps at the car boot, so he can buy ‘vintage’ magazines…and not that tiny novelty teapot you wanted six rows back.


Thinking about Deep Sea Gangrel Mariners - ones that have somehow found their way down into the deepest reaches of the ocean and almost never breach the surface of the water again.


A lone diver in an ancient suit walks along the bottom of the ocean, kicking up the white marine snow that coats the ground. Their oxygen tube drags along behind them, tattered from wear and encrusted with small molluscs. Red light pours out from the helmet’s front face, shattered glass fracturing the light into jagged rays. Light catches the floating particles in the water, exposing hidden prey and predators. 

A child in a tattered Victorian nightgown crawls through the porthole of a sunken ship. Long, scythe-like fangs jut out from her distended jaw, almost translucent in the pale green light emitted by flashing photophores dotting along her dark skin. Unimpeded by the crushing weight of the ocean, she darts out with startling speed - catching the gills of a passing hammerhead shark. She pulls away, sated. The hammerhead thrashes to escape, leaving behind an inky trail of blood.  

Suspended in the darkest parts of the deepest trenches, where oxygen bubbles are forced to fall instead of rise, a creature waits. What had been hands, what had been arms and legs, and fingers and toes, are now long, spindly tentacles. The limbs trail even further below, dragging on the ground and trapping anything in their way. The ancient mariner’s scalp is transparent, their bare skull still white. Their eyelids are closed, squeezed shut and withered away. Sitting at the top of the elder’s forehead, two bright green eyeballs scan the ocean above, always watching for an attack from above. 

Deep Sea Mariners, DSMs, are basal creatures more often then not. Driven to diablerie to stave off the hunger when prey is more scarce than usual, they are not a communal people. There are very, very powerful vampires in the deep sea, their generations Methuselah equivalent, perhaps lower. But they can never leave the deep.

Some are embraced as their ships begin to sink, some are dragged from oil rigs in the middle of the night and not fully drained, some are divers who met an unfortunate end and rebirth. 

You will find the majority of deep sea mariners alone in shipwrecks dotted across the aphotic zones, curating shark populations to feed from. Though some will claim the temporary domain of a whale fall, defending it fiercely from other mariners and harvesting blood from the scavengers attracted to the carcass. One elder occupies an underwater volcano, skin grown heavy with iron sediment. 

They feed off the blood of sharks, deep-diving aquatic mammals like whales and seals, and the blue blood of horseshoe crabs, which seem to fortify them. They make famuluses from the sharks with which they share prey, with hagfish that take tentative bites out of the mariners and ingest their vitae, with elephant seals that dive deeper than their cousins. 

Fortitude stops the DSMs from being crushed immediately, but it’s a wasteful endeavour. Soon their vitae and feral marks adapt to better tolerate the conditions without fortitude. Or perhaps fortitude is leavings its marks on these Gangrels: they don’t know and don’t care. 

The pain, hunger, and stress of the DSM’s environment makes for a much higher relative number of frenzies, slowly warping the Gangrels with more and more feral marks better suited for the ocean floor: bigger eyes, bigger teeth, fins and tails where legs once were, longer limbs and talons; anything to further their survival. Mariners grow to be massive, exhibiting deep sea gigantism.

The better suited they are for the deep, the more hostile above ground will become: their increased size, massive eyes, tails, and new fangs no longer appropriate for the Masquerade, even for Nosferatu standards.

They would no longer be able to walk on land, their skeletal composition changed to become softer, requiring much higher pressures to keep their bodies togethers. Hunting on land is no longer an option. They experience a ‘shrink- wrapping’ in which muscle and organs are absorbed by the body, leaving bone, connective tissue, and fat.

It is best to leave them there, in the deep. They are the lords of Hades; curating the corpses of fallen whales and laying claim to the shattered hulls of sunken ships. They rule it with vicious, iron fists. 


Some sketches of characters (mostly npc companions in our party) from Changeling: the Dreaming game I’m currently in. We play as unseelie sidhe preparing for ourselves and a few chosen ones a sweet safe place for the upcoming endless winter (it got much more complicated lately though).

- Raskreia Bloodgood (Sluagh from house Leanhaun and the sweetest creepy lady)
- Saleh (Eshu from house Ailil, he’s very sassy but caring, I love him) and the most charming chimera mister Marbles who’s addicted to cherry coca-cola and sugar cubes
- lady Tirian (my pc, sidhe, baroness from house Leanhaun, an expert in treasures and various methods of obtaining them, member of Keepers of the Rose)
- Rosie McIntyre (Redcap criminal boss of Seattle, fell in love at first sight and tried to kidnap Tirian but after series of events ended up swearing a life-long oath of Guardianship to her… it’s complicated lol)
