#wow damn


Yuya: I think we have PTSD.
Yugo: Yeah, probably.
Yuto: What do we do with that information?
Yuri: What do you do with any information? You just stuff it deep down inside and keep an eye on it.










Utterly obsessed with these reddit guys that bought tickets to the Ukraine front with the expectation of being some sort of urban sniper seal team six operator only to get stationed in a meat grinder bunker on the front lines where they spend three days without sleep from the mortal fear and anxiety of the constant Russian missile bombardments, at which point they crack and desperately try to flee to the polish border because turns out war is actually a horrifying ordeal of profound and needless human suffering.

I know there had to be a moment where they woke up and realized: “Oh, I’ve made a terrible mistake.” And I am desperate to know what that moment was like for them.

Judging by their social media and their likes for storm of steel, on the opposite many of them will feel in those trenches as if they were at the gates of Valhalla. People who don’t have those urges and mock the resolute of others willing to die for  a cause will never understand that the blood of the warriors no matter the side they fight for is sacred.

You know war is literally real right? Like it’s a real thing?

Yes I have been in one clown, not all the blogs here are suburban americans and many of those volunteers have also faced war, many are veterans.

you’ve been inside a clown? sexually or surgically?

LMAO THEY BLOCKED ME BC OF THIS LAYUP good lord these marvel movie ass neonazis are lame

Been doing on-and-off research on this type of mentality because I’m a) Norse heathen and see it a lot, and b) fascinated by psychology, and while my longer thoughts deserve its own post, I have a working theory on why white cis men get stuck in this mentality:

Humans are social creatures.

Socialization is satisfying because it fulfills a basic need: Intimacy.

However, white cis American male socialization lacks intimacy due to its perception as an emasculating feature.

As a result, AMAB individuals are starved of this basic need starting at a young age. This causes a lot of AMAB individuals to experience compromised emotional development and an ever-present sense of desperation.

Now, America’s male socialization teaches men there’s only two environments we’re allowed experience intimacy in without risking emasculation—when we’re with our girlfriends, or when we’re soldiers at war.

Notice how male-dominated bonding activities are almost exclusively set within a “battle” environment: Sports, LARP, multiplayer video games, historical reenactment, D&D, card games. etc. Heck, even mosh pits. Because many men only experience non-romantic intimacy in war-environments, they mistakenly learn that war is what makes a man feel alive.

I strongly believe this is why some men get extremelydefensive when people suggest war isn’t a male urge, or that war is nothing but a nightmare. Because in their experience, it absolutely is an urge.

But they’re not craving war. They’re craving intimacy. Honestly, I think this is why Valhalla is so attractive of a concept. It’s a place where men will never starve for intimacy every again.

This is genuinely why I say White Imperialism is abusive to everyone, and why I think it’s important to include cis white men amongst its prey.

“But they’re not craving war. They’re craving intimacy. Honestly, I think this is why Valhalla is so attractive of a concept. It’s a place where men will never starve for intimacy ever again.”

This is an utterly saddening mindset for someone to have…

“The only way I’ll ever be able to receive the human connection I fundamentally need is through violence, and ultimately death will be the only thing that relieves me of this unbearable lonely suffering.”

Yup. Social intimacy is actually a MAJOR selling point for many alt-right white nationalist and folkish groups. Cishet white men will only continue to gravitate towards those groups as long as those remain the only groups that do this.


@dditjmej Ima Pray this- and yeet outta here cuZ I aM dED- thiS Is ShIT poSt AnImatiOn- aNd IdK whY tOrd Says hI cUz idfk wHy HeLp-

-p.s this AU is not mine this biblical AU belongs to @dditjmej , and I luv this au-
