#wow love this

wow love this
#wow love this    #evermore    


протестное настроение - Mood to protest, Discontent

Акция - Any kind of event, act, action, or promotion, also stock

Акция протеста - protest, literally a protest action

Демонстрация - Demonstration, can also mean a show of something 

Манифестация - Big public demonstration, in some contexts this also means ‘manifestation’

Скандировать - To chant

“Свободу политзаключенным” - “Free political prisoners”

Митинг - A rally

Митинговать - To rally

Митингующие - Protestors, participants

Ура! - Hurrah!

Долой! - Down with them

Протестный марш - Protest march

Шествие по городу - Procession around town

Пикет - picket

Пикетчик - A picketer

Пикетирование - Picketing

Пикетировать - To picket

Одиночный пикет - One person picket, Solo protest, 

Задержание - being detained

Автозак - prison truck

Наручниках - handcuffs

Пластиковых хомутах - Zip ties, plastic clamps

“Я – против!” - “I’m against it!”

Example sentences:

В Москве прошли задержания после несанкционированной акции протеста против принятия поправок к Конституции - In Moscow participants were detained after an unsanctioned protest against the constitutional amendments

Участники акции выстроились в очередь, чтобы поставить подписи против поправок - Participants in the event stood in line to register their disapproval of the amendments.

Мы всегда ходили с друзьями на первомайские демонстрации - My friends and I always marched in the May Day demonstrations.

В Хабаровском крае прошли массовые демонстрации в поддержку арестованного губернатора - In the Khabarovsk region mass demonstrations were held in support of the governor, who had been arrested.

В день годовщины революции они пошли с красным флагом на манифестацию - On the anniversary of the Revolution they took a red flag and joined the demonstration.

Собравшиеся скандировали “Свободу политзаключенным” и “Позор Кремлю!” - The protesters chanted “Free political prisoners!” and “Kremlin, For Shame!”

Первого мая с утра мы всей школой должны были собраться на праздничный митинг - On May Day the whole school had to gather in the morning for a celebration.

Если ты поучаствовал в митинге, то как минимум тебя надо избить, а по возможности и посадить - If you went to the rally, they’d at least beat you up and then put you in jail if they could, too

Страна изменилась: алкаши стали наркоманами, жулики ушли в коммерцию, придурки возглавили партии и беспрерывно митинговали - The country had changed: drunks became drug addicts, crooks went into business, idiots headed up parties and rallied non-stop.

Учителя проводят регулярные пикетирования администрации области и грозят забастовкой  - Teachers picket the regional center building regularly and threaten to go on strike

“Чем же недовольны пикетчики?” - “What are those picketers so unhappy about?”

Таганский суд оштрафовал муниципального депутата Юлию Галямину на 200 тысяч рублей за одиночный пикет в поддержку журналиста Ильи Азара - The Taganka Court fined city deputy Yulia Galyamina 200,000 rubles for her solo picketing to support journalist Ilya Azar.

[All of this vocabulary including the example sentences have been gathered from The Moscow Times Article ‘How to Protest, From A to Zip Tie CuffsThe Word’s Worth’. The article also comes with audio.]




Be Jared Padalecki for someone today.  Encourage them and hug them as though it is the last hug you will ever give.

Be Sam Winchester for someone today.  Stand up for them and tell them that it’s not what they are but what they do that counts.

Be Misha Collins for someone today. Tell them it’s okay to be different, because “normal” is boring.

Be Castiel for someone today. Believe in them no matter what and make them smile even on a bad day.

Be Jensen Ackles for someone today. Show them that there will always be a friend they can rely on and go to to find help if needed.

Be Dean Winchester for someone today. Take care of them and encourage them to live their life in their own unique way.


me being obnoxious about having a hobby for a few hundred words. sorry for never posting i love you all dearly

westeroswisdom: The COVID-19 vaccine is free. That’s less than what you’d pay for a chicken.


The COVID-19 vaccine is free. That’s less than what you’d pay for a chicken.

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I know I have so many other things I could be working on but dice are just so fun! Phoenix Fan Fusion is coming up and I need to make all the things!


fae youngling sneaking out to explore the botanical gardens. nobody tell him his glamour’s failing

Tried some new stuff with this mask and I’m honestly thrilled with how it turned out! (paper mache pulp, air-dry clay, acrylics)
