#writers in tumblr


YAY! It’s live! Please like, follow! I will be posting a new chapter each Friday!

“When the Trickster God, Loki decides to extend his well-earned vacation to San Francisco, he sets off a chain of events that not even he could have predicted.”

i threw myself to the sea, hoping it will swallow my entire being. the waves seemed big enough to wrestle me; to drown every ounce of my life. the sound of my cries seemed different, altered by the packs of cigarettes i burned inside of me. i remember the boy who killed himself in school. i never knew him, but i felt him. i felt him as my cheeks went damp and my lips tasted salty. i felt him as i heave every breath from my tattered lungs. i felt him as i became him. i felt him as i retreated into the same non existence.

imagine your OTP being unable to keep their hands off each other as soon as they’re alone
