#writing prompt


What is your OC’s favourite social media platform? Or what would it be if they lived in our world?



  • ❝  you need someone.  let me be that person.  let me be what you need.  ❞
  • ❝  look,  i dunno if i’m the kind of person you need or even want right now.  but i’m looking around and i’m the only one who’s here.  ❞
  • ❝  i never realized how much i needed you until you were the one person who wasn’t there.  ❞
  • ❝  you asked me once,  if i would ever take a chance on us…maybe that ship sailed.  but.  ask me again?  sometime— doesn’t have to be today.  maybe tomorrow just.  ask me again.  ❞
  • ❝  i know i can’t protect you from everything,  but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things icancontrol.  ❞
  • ❝  i used to have so much faith.  maybe not in deities or something but,  in the world.  the universe.  i believed their was a purpose to it all.  i’m not sure when i lost that.  ❞
  • ❝  have you ever had something…missing?  like something just doesn’t feel right inside you but you don’t know what it is.  ❞
  • ❝  sometimes,  i just need the world to bebeautiful.  i know how dark and ugly it can be but i just want to see something good and focus only on it for a few minutes.  ❞
  • ❝  i was sort’ve hoping you needed me.  is that selfish?  ❞
  • ❝  people need someone to see them for what they are and not just see it but accept it.  i want to be that person for anyone i can…but it can be so suffocating to be that person and also remain unseen.  ❞
  • ❝  sometimes i feel i’m being crushed under the weight of everything i’ll never be.  ❞
  • ❝  you’re looking at me but you’re not seeing me.  do you know how that feels?  just see me.  please.  ❞
  • ❝  i want to deserve you.  i’m trying to deserve you.  ❞
  • ❝  i know i fucked up.  i know i did but don’t shut me out anymore.  let me in.  please let in.  ❞
  • ❝  every time you smile at me,  i memorize it.  i remember each moment that i get to be the one to bring out that light inside you.  no matter what happens between us,  that’s what i’ll remember.   ❞
  • ❝  i can’t help but think there’s got to be something out there for me,  somewhere.  just some place where i actually feel like i belong.  ❞ 
  • ❝  the world is so big.  why do i never feel like i fit into it? 
  • ❝  when i’m with you i feel like myself.  i feel like every side of me is present and accepted.  and i feel good about it—  i feel good aboutwho i am when i’m with you.  ❞
  • ❝  do you like me?  i know you love me.  i know you care about me but.  do you like who i am?  ❞
  • ❝  i want to look in the mirror one day and not feel uncomfortable with my own reflection.  ❞
  • ❝  just take my hand and close your eyes.  pretend we’re anywhere else but here.  ❞
  • ❝  so,  what would you be?  if you had to power to change all the things making you unhappy,  what would your life look like?  ❞
  • ❝  do you even know what it does to me every time i see you cry,  any time you’re hurt even the smallest bit it just— do you realize how deeply you’ve imbedded yourself into my heart?  ❞
  • ❝  i don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore.  i don’t fucking care if anyone else would say about that.  you’re part of who i am now.  the mostimportantpiece of me.  ❞
  • ❝  every time you walk away you take another piece of me with you.  ❞
  • ❝  i’m only really living in the moments when we’re together.  the rest is just existing until you look at me again.  ❞
  • ❝  it feels like there’s a string around my heart and it’s connected to you.  everywhere you go you’re just tugging me behind,  pulling me towards you.  ❞
  • ❝  you’ve got me in the palm of your hands.  you could crush me and i would still thank you for touching me at all.  ❞
  • ❝  i no longer know where i end and you begin.  you’ve wound yourself around my soul so tightly,  you’re all i feel anymore.  ❞
  • ❝  you’ve stolen my heart,  the least you could do is tell me what you intend to do with it.  ❞
  • ❝  i don’t have perfect words.  i’m not the kind of person who knows how to sound poetic and shit.  so all i know what to tell you is that i belong to you.  i don’t know if you want me.  but i’m yours.  and at this point however it is you need me,  i’m here.  ❞
  • ❝  you’re the only thing that matters anymore.  i can’t eat,  i can’t sleep—  all the goddamn cliches from every stupid movie and song.  you’re all i think about.  i’m useless except when i’m yours.  ❞
  • ❝  i haven’t stopped thinking about the way you laugh.  i’m hoping i’ll get to hear it again.  ❞
  • ❝  when your eyes are on me,  i feel like something worth seeing.  ❞
  • ❝  just let me look at you for a little bit.  ❞
  • ❝  i would do anything for you.  all my lines and rules.  they mean nothing when it comes to you.  it’d cross and break them all just to make you happy.  ❞

Prompt #243

If it sounds too good to be true, always be sure to check around for suspicious-looking cats before taking the deal.
