#writing prompt


A character eats something very crunchy to avoid hearing what someone is saying

A character receives a message but they don’t understand what it is about or what it is referencing

A character feels nostalgic and decides to do something they used to love to do only to discover it is no longer possible

A character joins in doing something because it looks like fun even though they have no idea what is going on

A character accepts candy from a stranger and is immediately scolded by an acquaintance

A character accidentally hits another character when trying to hand them something

A character knows they should go to sleep but they purposefully do something else instead

A character believes they are being secretly observed by an acquaintance and so acts ridiculous for fun

“Villain, I know you’re the one who’s been writing me love letters,” Hero said.

“I have not been… ” Hero gave Villain the look. “How did you find out?”

Hero took out a carefully folded note, unfurling a few inches of it to show Villain. “Your logo is literally at the bottom of every page. If you wanted to be subtle, you shouldn’t have used your own stationary.”

More like, I shouldn’t have gotten Henchman to transcribe for me, Villain thought. 

Your OTP having to venture into pitch black surroundings. Person B fights to keep their usual composure, despite a deep-rooted phobia of the dark. Nearing their breaking point, Person B feels Person A’s hand wrap around theirs and squeeze. 

Your character slips on the ice and injures themselves, but someone helps them and it’s a start of a friendship or romance. Make their injury hinder them in the most ridiculous ways you can imagine. 

“Is this one of those times when you want me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?” 


“She isn’t who she says she is. She’s actually a lot more badass.”


“The summer sun was not meant for girls like me. Girls like me belonged to the rain.” 

