#prompt idea


alright, I’m usually over at twitter or discord spewing my thoughts and prompts, but I feel like the Merlin fandom is bigger over here, so maybe someone appreciates that

Thoughts and a fanfic prompt to s2ep07 The Witchfinder

Aredian accuses Merlin of magic bc of the amulet he placed in the physician’s quarters, and from the look in his eye, presumably speculates that Gaius will “confess” that it’s his - what Gaius of course does because he loves Merlin like his own son. During the episode, still-innocent Morgana is on Aredian’s radar as well, just bc Gaius treated her nightmares, and we learn that although Gaius confesses, Aredian still wants to “expose Merlin and Morgana’s evil deeds”.

I feel like most people - once we realize that Aredian is an asshole who stages all the “sorcerer sightings” for money, and Arthur once more is more reasonable than Uther and helps Merlin save the day, who is actually doing all the work again - I feel like most people tend to forget that Aredian actually precisely accused 3 real sorcerers of sorcery. Yes, neither of them did what they’d been accused of, but nonetheless, Aredian points them out with eerie precision.

So WHAT IF Aredian actually has some weak magic himself? Like the “funny feelings” Merlin sometimes gets when he just instinctively knows shit’s gonna go downhill or when he feels drawn towards other people’s/being’s magic? Like an actual witchfinder, you know, not skilled enough to play detective and catch sorcerers in the act, maybe not even interested in upholding the laws against sorcery or not, just as long as he gets payment and fame - but what if he makes those seemingly random *finger point* “THAT BOY” accusations that nobody ever questions bc of his own weak magic that makes him sensitive for it?

Okay, so now comes the prompt idea. We all probably laughed when cheeky Merlin exposes Aredian with that toad coming out of his mouth on top of everything else, but imagine he doesn’t bc that would be too obvious and instead just places the “fake” evidence in his room - that would leave Aredian the opportunity to use his mouth.

So what if, while Arthur and the knights are searching the room, Aredian thunders that “THAT BOY placed this here, HE’S the sorcerer, you have EVIL IN YOUR CASTLE” and Arthur only scoffs because please, that man is just ridiculous. And then, like *Merlin* did in the actual episode, *Aredian* turns away, half-hidden from view, whispers a spell that has Merlin’s magic reacting, body spasming and eyes golden.

And Merlin is just standing there, struggling to hold his magic inside and not have it lashing out, and Aredian is smirking bc there’s no way to explain that away, surely he has won now-

And Arthur whirls around, punching Aredian in the face, yelling at his knights about stuffing that man’s mouth with a cloth before he says any more spells, and when Aredian fights them bc he finally realizes he’s about to lose and then moves towards Morgana, Arthur runs him through with his sword.

Aredian is dead.

Merlin is still breathing hard, even though his magic has settled once again, and while everyone is shocked and panting and Arthur assures himself of Morgana’s wellbeing, Merlin is On Edge. Because that was his actual magic reacting, and his own eyes turning golden in response to the spell, and a room full of knights, and Morgana, and Arthur were watching.

But when they all return to Uther, Arthur relays the story and it sounds as if Aredian, traitor of Camelot and apparently an evil sorcerer that has sent innocent people into their death, has enchanted Merlin to look as if he had magic, JUST like he did with hiding that amulet in Gaius chambers, to put the blame onto someone else.

Nobody questions it, not even Uther.

Merlin feels the tightness in his chest lessen, finally able to breathe normally again. He wants to laugh, really. Arthur is SO CONVINCED that his manservant is nothing more than a bumbling, but highly loyal idiot - and he has tried to protect Merlin, he remembers, right in front of Aredian and Uther and the whole court - that Arthur doesn’t even consider Merlin could actually have magic.

When the day winds down, Merlin helps Arthur getting ready for bed, serving him dinner, tidying his chambers, still tired and wary, but incredibly relieved.

Until Arthur says, “So, Merlin,” and Merlin freezes because that tone sounds chilling. Carefully, he straightens up and looks at Arthur, who’s watching him with frighteningly intense eyes, gaze piercing. “Anything you have to say?”

“Uhm,” Merlin hesitates, unsure what exactly Arthur means, heart beating wildly. “I don’t know what you mean, Sire,” he settles on, but that seems to be the wrong thing to say.

Arthur narrows his eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe ‘thank you’, but I know manners aren’t your strong suit, so how about the truth?”

“The truth?” Merlin laughs nervously, dear god, he shouldn’t have let his guard down-

“YES, Merlin, the truth,” Arthur growls, and then he’s out of his chair, stomping towards Merlin. “Because I can assure you, this was the last time I’ve lied to my knights and my father and the entire court for you if you don’t even have it in you to tell me the TRUTH!”

Arthus has him cornered against the bedpost now, and Merlin is trembling ever so slightly. Arthur’s eyes are blazing, like a blue, furious thunderstorm, and Merlin knows there’s no escaping this; especially because Arthur is right.

So he talks. He’s hesitant at first, reinforcing that everything they found out about Aredian is the truth, that Merlin did not lie, that he did not *once* betray Arthur, or Camelot. Arthur looks as if he isn’t sure if he fully believes Merlin, but he listens, and that is more than Merlin could’ve hoped for.

In the end, Merlin’s voice is rough from talking, his face pale and tight with worry. Arthur has stepped back from him a while ago, first crossing his arms and snapping out questions, and then he started pacing.

“I swear,” Merlin says lowly, “I never intended to bring anyone harm. I was born like this… and I have finally found a purpose.”

“And what would that be, Merlin?” Arthur asks, but he doesn’t sound harsh; he sounds tired, staring into the flames of the fireplace.

Merlin gulps. Now or never. “Protecting you. I- I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want you to have to choose. Because no matter the outcome… it would’ve burdened you.”

Still staring into the flames, Arthur laughs humorlessly. “And yet it seems I did it anyway.”

At Merlin’s silence, Arthur finally turns, and he almost looks sick. “Does Gaius know?”

“Yes,” Merlin whispers, but he’s not afraid that Arthur will punish Gaius for it. Arthus isn’t Uther.

“Of course,” Arthur mumbles, and his eyes show that he’s working through what he’s heard so far. “How could he not know? After all, a quite powerful warlock is living with him.”

Shifting uncomfortably, Merlin wonders if there’s anything he can say to make it easier for anyone, but there are no words he can think of.

Arthur scoffs, shaking his head. “That… that can’t be…” he trails off, and he’s reeling more than Merlin has ever seen him before. “That would mean-”

Abruptly, Arthur turns away, aiming for his chair, before he whirls around again and once more stomps towards Merlin.

“If you’re telling the truth,” Arthur snaps, and there’s a threatening expression on his face, before it softens at Merlin’s flinch. “Then why aren’t you affected by the magic? Why do you still want to protect me, so much so that you’re putting yourself at risk everyday?”

“I,” Merlin starts, unsure. “I told you, I think… that you’ll be a great king, and I-”

Arthur shakes his head. “No,” he interrupts. “Why is the magic not tainting you? Why… why are you still you?” he finishes, quieter.

Merlins heart feels incredibly tender. “Because magic is just a tool, Arthur. Like sword fighting. A tool that some people can use, and some can’t. A tool that sometimes is used for good, and sometimes for evil. Having magic says nothing about a person - but the way they use it does.”

Silence, only the crackling of the fire can be heard as Merlin watches Arthur’s face, seeing the emotions flit over it, the horrible realization. “Then…”

Merlin doesn’t say anything. This is a conclusion Arthur should draw, alone, without Merlin’s influence.

Arthur looks up, and the light of a candle reflects in his eyes. He looks vulnerable. Pleading. Incredibly young.

Merlin waits as Arthur turns away once more, running a hand through his golden hair, shoulders tense.

“If it’s alright with you,” Merlin carefully starts, “I’d look after Gaius now. He’s gone through hell these past few days.”

“Yes, yes,” Arthur agrees, sounding crumpled under the weight of tonight’s revelations. “Please pass on my well wishes to him again. What happened to him was… unjust.” He gets hung up on that word apparently, because he repeats it under his breath, like a death sentence. “Unjust.”

Tentatively, Merlin steps towards Arthur, but he doesn’t know if it will be welcome right now.

“Goodnight, Sire.”

The door has almost closed behind Merlin when he hears the faint “Goodnight” in return. He smiles. Maybe, just maybe, the horrors since the witchfinder arrived are leading the way to their destiny.

Addition: Maybe, because Arthur’s actually kind of smart, he realized that Merlin has magic earlier, but tried to convince himself that he hasn’t. And maybe Arthur puts two and two together about the witchfinder having actual magic, and he asks Merlin about Morgana. And maybe that would save her, and the kingdom, and ultimately himself. Just saying.

Villain tried to not flinch, but the sound of the voice of their kidnapper made them shiver beneath the blankets.

“Relax, Jesus, you’re making it difficult.” Hero’s voice echoed in their head, and when the blindfold was off of them, they squeezed their eyes shut. 

“Open your eyes.” Hero said, and Villain did.

It was a birthday party for them, from the Heroes and their sidekicks.

They had never cried and laughed this much in one night.

(If you use the prompt, tag me or reblog. <3)

Prompt #2

“WHAT?! HOW-” Hero was yelling, walking in circles in the room with Villain waiting their little shock pass, sighing.

“I didn’t know that you were in love with me until I see your sidekick get the love potion for them and gave you water with pink dye.” Villain said, walking towards Hero and putting a hand in their waist.

“Look into my eyes. I was and am in love with you with or without love potion.” Villain said, but let out a little chuckle.

“Why are you laughing?!” Hero said, with tears in their eyes. Villain felt the same or it was a trap?

“Because YOUR sidekick gave the love potion for MY sidekick.” Villain said between laughs, and was laughing loudly after saying. Hero laughed with them and placed a little kiss in the lips of Villain.

A character can’t fall asleep comfortably and discovers something unexpected under their mattress

A character is jolted awake by the sound of breaking glass (but it is a good thing)


-what simple, everyday things make them happy? 

-try to get as specific as possible (ex. ‘drinking a mug of strong green tea first thing in the morning’ instead of just ‘tea’)

-[then write a list for yourself because it’s important to remember the little things that bring you joy]


-what is it and why to they bring it? 

-does it have important significance (a luck charm) or is it just something ordinary (a pocket knife)?

A character eats something very crunchy to avoid hearing what someone is saying

A character receives a message but they don’t understand what it is about or what it is referencing

A character feels nostalgic and decides to do something they used to love to do only to discover it is no longer possible

A character joins in doing something because it looks like fun even though they have no idea what is going on

A character accepts candy from a stranger and is immediately scolded by an acquaintance

A character accidentally hits another character when trying to hand them something

A character knows they should go to sleep but they purposefully do something else instead

A character believes they are being secretly observed by an acquaintance and so acts ridiculous for fun





I know its a wholesome anime (and i don’t know if there’s a manga of them) but have you ever think that Wolfram’s treatment to Yuuri is a bit on the abusive side?

I mean come on they know that he’s from a different world so they should expect he doesn’t know their culture, yet when Yuuri accidentally propose to Wolfram, he challenged him into a duel without an out and when he loses he’s suddenly ok with the engagement? He’s bossing Yuuri around, getting irrational jealous and being confrontational about it.

And Yuuri… I think Yuuri got thrown into the deep that he’s just agreeing to avoid conflicts. Being the teenager that he is. Has no one ever pointed out by to them?(OC or crossover)

What I feel about Wolfram is that he’s born royalty and suddenly gets dethroned by an outsider. He wants an in or control inside or just didn’t want to get demoted to just a noble/soldier. He’s family is just along with the ride (subconsciously or not) aside from Conrad (because I love him!). He has so say in it ‘cause he half human and didn’t know about it mostly.

Kinda dark don’t you think? Sorry can’t stop thinking about it. So here!!!

Sharing some information :

The manga isn’t the original source of Kyou Kara Maou. The source material are light novels, where everyone goes through amazing character development and in the case of Wolfram and Yuuri, not only do they grow individually but also as a couple. They are a very official and very loving couple.

The anime, as it usually happens, bastardized and ignored a huge part of the canon. Now that all the novels have been translated, I’d like to encourage everyone to read them, not only because they are amazing but also becayse fanfiction based on the anime only perpetuates incorrect characterizations of the characters and couple.

Here are some canon scenes between Yuuri and Wolfram from the source material:



“Then, if you were in my place, what would you do?”

With my hand in the same place, he asked this one more time. His eyebrows slightly raised.

“If I was in trouble, and I was missing something important. And you had one that was exactly the same ….”

“I’d lend it to you, of course”

I thought about this, literally with my hands on his chest. In fact, with my hand, that was pressed against his chest, I could feel that the speed of my partner’s and my heartbeat was the same. Anyone would get blood rushing to their brains when they’re seriously thinking about something. When I could calm down a little, I let out a small sigh.

“Or rather, when it comes to things that I can give you, I would give you anything, Wolf. 



(Yuuri) "If you could never see me again, would you give a message to a mouse or…. cry or something? Would you cry a little?”

(Wolfram)“I wouldn’t cry.”

Hearing an answer different from what I expected, slightly stung somewhere in my chest. I seriously didn’t expect that. I thought that since in my case, I really wouldn’t be able to handle it, and might end up crying, I was disheartened when I heard an answer different than that.

“Eh, why? That’s cold hearted. And here I thought you would miss me a bit.”

“Of course I’d miss you, but I wouldn’t cry.”

Wolfram smoothly stood up from his chair and came walking towards the window. From across the office he crossed his arms and raised his chin slightly. His fingertips that had been holding charcoal up until a moment ago, were faintly stained black. The sunlight shone directly on him. It certainly was honey-colored.

“If I were to cry, you could not live happily over there, right?”


“Far from it, you wouldn’t be able to go back to your family. Because you’re kind. That’s why I would absolutely not cry.”


For more information I have compiled all yuuram moments in the novels here:

Fanfiction is great, but the 2004 anime censored too many things in too many ways and made a mockery of the official couple’s relationship (this anime was licensed and broadcasted on national television (NHK) and portraited the canon couple as a joke, while adding thing like making Greta sleep between the characters - something that is explicitly forbidden to her by Yuuri in the novels because “she’s too old” - to try and pretend nothing is happening with these two male characters sleeping together at night, every night, and everywhere they go).

If anyone out there wants to write fics, I beg you to consider reading the novels. They’re so much richer in terms of the story and have much better written characters.

Some more points (Cause, I would love to see more MaruMa novel readers!):

In the engagement scene, it is easily overlooked in the anime but, it is mentioned in the novel that half the reason Wolfram went out of control in rage was because of the shampoo Yuuri used from Lady Cecilie’s collection. It functions to heighten the emotions of s person, mainly aimed to increase the level of attraction from a simple admiration to more intense reaction. But, since the third son, with his already fiery nature, was already royally pissed and highly disappointed with the decision of putting some random otherworlder (let’s just accept this as a word for now) instead of someone like his older brother (Gwendal) who has been devoted to the country for ages. (Novel vol 1 chapter 4)

There is his immature attitude as well, and his discriminating behaviour which I won’t deny, but the novel has a lot of character development for him- instead of the anime just repeating the same skit every single episode, that made even me search up fanfics where I could see some justice!(The only thing I’m glad for the anime is the cliff scene-which solidified my love for yuuram) Till I came upon the glorious collection of MaruMa novels!! The sheer amount of YuuRam moments makes my eyes water. I can never forget that taisetsuna hito that Yuuri randomly blurted during his musings.

P.S: I love CrossHeart. It makes me go, “This is Wolfram”. Because he is so passionate and emotional, I am totally convinced that he’d never cry if Yuuri left, because he cares for Yuuri’s feelings. The thought of him turning a lot into Gwendal is highly plausible than him crying silently, because he is just that kind of a person. I’ll end it here, or there won’t be an end..

Just read that awesome novel. Trust me, I found it after I watched the anime (and read the manga) and I think that way is better that knowing about the anime after the novel, because then you wouldn’t feel royally pissed while watching it and you’ll also find the novel even more amazing (though it already is).

Thank you sooo much @arius-starwalker-1412and@marumafan. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Never really have any other source of Kyou Kara Maou aside from anime ( ・ั﹏・ั).

I’m sorry about the content of the post if it upsets you, I was just feeling down atm and reading at those trope and Wolfram pop up into my head soo…

Still, thanks for the info (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ u guys are the best!


I know its a wholesome anime (and i don’t know if there’s a manga of them) but have you ever think that Wolfram’s treatment to Yuuri is a bit on the abusive side?

I mean come on they know that he’s from a different world so they should expect he doesn’t know their culture, yet when Yuuri accidentally propose to Wolfram, he challenged him into a duel without an out and when he loses he’s suddenly ok with the engagement? He’s bossing Yuuri around, getting irrational jealous and being confrontational about it.

And Yuuri… I think Yuuri got thrown into the deep that he’s just agreeing to avoid conflicts. Being the teenager that he is. Has no one ever pointed out by to them?(OC or crossover)

What I feel about Wolfram is that he’s born royalty and suddenly gets dethroned by an outsider. He wants an in or control inside or just didn’t want to get demoted to just a noble/soldier. He’s family is just along with the ride (subconsciously or not) aside from Conrad (because I love him!). He has so say in it ‘cause he half human and didn’t know about it mostly.

Kinda dark don’t you think? Sorry can’t stop thinking about it. So here!!!

Lost Light

In the cold dead eyes of someone lost, a light formed in the solace of another and in shared pain found each other.
