


A legendary dragon teaches another legendary dragon the way of the house husband
(RGG X Gokushufudou)

(a very necessary crossover)

siruerto: me and my little sis were talking about how their clothes would match so i spent an unnecesiruerto: me and my little sis were talking about how their clothes would match so i spent an unnecesiruerto: me and my little sis were talking about how their clothes would match so i spent an unnece


me and my little sis were talking about how their clothes would match so i spent an unnecessarily long amount of time on this|7 nisan 21′

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It’s October, which means my Daily Progress challenge is well underway! Every October, in lieu of drawing a prompt every day like many other drawing challenges that occur during the month, I simply draw 30 minutes every day, on whatever I want. The emphasis is on making progress on a regular basis, instead of trying to complete something every day. I find the latter approach rather stressful (especially with a busy job), so I came up with the idea of just do SOMETHING, and eventually that something will be complete!

Usually I stick with traditional media for this challenge, hence you’ll see pencil and ink works for the rest of the month.

This Majima artwork is the latest that I’ve completed during this challenge. It’s one of the toughest I’ve done, and at some point I realized my artistic limits and had to call it done, but it was good practice nonetheless (and gave me a good excuse to break out my markers and white pencil). For reference, I used this photo that I took in-game:

On an unrelated note, I haven’t been on Tumblr lately, mainly because I keep forgetting it exists :/ I’m more active on Twitter. Same username, if anyone is interested in my musings and random thoughts beyond my usual art and photo posts.

The other artworks that I’ve done for the Daily Progress challenge will go up later, once I get some free time to do so.

Manga style


Ryuji wants you to eat takoyaki and have a nice day!

Taste test

Ryuji wants you to eat takoyaki and have a nice day!

The Little Mad Dog

The Little Mad Dog

Post link



PLUCKY YOUNGSTER: oh no, it’s due tomorrow! what’ll i do…

KAZUMA KIRYU: mm? what’s wrong, kid?

PLUCKY YOUNGSTER: we’re learning about the ocean in class. i was supposed to write a report on the benthic zone, but… i fell behind.

KAZUMA KIRYU: (the benthic zone, huh? …lotta people interested in that, lately.)

PLUCKY YOUNGSTER: please, mister… could you help?

KAZUMA KIRYU: (not good for a bright young kid to fall behind in his studies… school’s the stepping stone for success in life.)

KAZUMA KIRYU: sure, kid. what do you need?

PLUCKY YOUNGSTER: you will? great! if you could just go down there and tell me what it’s like, that would be a great help!


KAZUMA KIRYU: (well, a promise is a promise.)

Here’s the sketch ideas I had before settling on the final birthday illustration.

I might go back and finish them since I like the one with him walking towards the camera but I need a break from big illustrations right now :3
