


I need to cum in someone’s mouth right now

#blackbeard    #calico jack    #izzy hands    #heavy breathing    #hhhhhh    




I drew a thing!

#markiplier    #markiplier egos    #damien    #wkm damien    #hhhhhh    



#the arcana    #arcana spoilers    #hhhhhh    


Trust in the Force, Cody

#hhhhhh    #so pretty    #butterflies    #he looks so serene    


Some D-Day Matt; I headcanon him as a paratrooper with the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion. Content warnings: Injury, violence, death mention. 

6th June, 1944


Through a thick bank of clouds—and then they’re out the other side—into hell.

The brilliant, glowing white streaks of German anti-aircraft fire light up the inky blackness. So much for hoping to sneak in, Matthew thinks. The dark silhouettes of the other C-47 Dakotas flying through this lethal gauntlet, crosses against the blinding, thunderous flashes of light.

Through the open door of the plane, a glimpse of sheer pandemonium and chaos above, behind and below. The fiery outline of a damaged plane in front spiralling down to the ground, its fuselage brilliantly wreathed in fire.

A series of violent lurches, like that of the worst out-of-control rollercoaster ride, a thousand times over. The C-47 is bucking hard, as the pilots took evasive measures, slamming several men to the side of the plane in a tangle of limbs. Loud cursing and groans of pain, as several who were sent careening into one another furiously fought to untangle their static lines, which were clipped to the main anchor line above. 

Matthew grits his teeth, braces himself on the door handle as the plane banks violently again, to the right.

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We Have a Season 5 Release Date!

Gloob just confirmed (via a very cute commercial) that the release date for S5E01,Evolution, is June 13th at7:30 pm Brasilia Standard time! 

That is only 2 weeks away… HERE’S TO THE SEASON 5 ERA!!

belorin: Suggested by a friend. I just couldn’t design a dress that is both pretty and lore-friendlybelorin: Suggested by a friend. I just couldn’t design a dress that is both pretty and lore-friendlybelorin: Suggested by a friend. I just couldn’t design a dress that is both pretty and lore-friendlybelorin: Suggested by a friend. I just couldn’t design a dress that is both pretty and lore-friendlybelorin: Suggested by a friend. I just couldn’t design a dress that is both pretty and lore-friendly


Suggested by a friend. 

I just couldn’t design a dress that is both pretty and lore-friendly… guess that’s why he doesn’t look so fetching. 

Post link


Biting is so good yeah the marks left behind but the action in itself neck bites in particular are just like. Ugh. Ugh!!! What better way to lay claim to somebody??? Yeah collars are fantastic and handcuffs are nice but there’s something so primal and intimate about holding someone down with your hands and keeping them pinned with your body and telling them that they’re yours with nothing more but your fucking TEETH my god. Biting good

fuckk i forgot about deriving kinetic theory, why does it suck so muchh

Gregory is unstoppable; he chose violence the moment he entered the Pizzaplex.

(Poor Freddy tho, oh and his friends as well ig…)

Inspired by this video


Please I-




i think my favorite thing about john constantine is that as much as he is a cynical, lying asshole he also has this inherent love and belief in the goodness and worthiness of humanity that and the fact that he falls in love so easily, over and over again, despite knowing that it’s most likely it will end in grief and death just like it has before



Impossible is just another kind of possible.


Part ofDo No Harm. 

Okay, so I did end up splitting the chapter in half. Sometimes my little typing fingers go out of control and the word count spirals. Will try not to keep you waiting too long for the follow up :)

WARNINGS: Blood (lots of it), non-graphic noncon, very minor character death, thoughts of death in general, BBU/BBU-adjacent, medical setting, panic attack

Things at the clinic are going… Surprisingly okay? Sebastian is cautious with his optimism, and he’s hesitant to use any stronger descriptors than that for the time being. But on the better days, despite his better judgment, Sebastian almost wants to call this thing that they have going… good.

Something begins to happen, so naturally and so subtly that Sebastian doesn’t catch onto it until the feeling is settled: he’s getting used to Jaime’s presence. Both in the clinic and, because his job doesn’t allow for much personal time outside of it, his life. After only a week and a half of forbidden lunches and stolen smiles and fragile, private exchanges of honesty, this arrangement he was so scared of implementing in the beginning has become the best part of his day.

The day after Jaime agreed to eat the sandwiches he bought for them, Sebastian got a little more adventurous. He brought something different every day of the week: bagels from his favorite shop, coffee from a drive-thru instead of the break room, and on a particularly cold day in February, two thermoses of hot soup. It quickly became part of his routine the night before work to think about what Jaime might like to eat the next day. Different ways he could surprise him. Make him happy, if just for a moment.

One Tuesday night, Sebastian finds himself elbow-deep in a real life, grown-up, honest-to-god grocery haul for the first time in… well, a while. Fruits and vegetables and actual ingredients crowd his countertops instead of frozen foods and ready-made meals from the refrigerated section of the store. All because of a sudden impulse that struck earlier in the day to cook something for Jaime instead of picking it up. 

Becausethat is apparently something he does now. He’s not sure what has happened to him. But as he turns to put the peppers away, he catches a flash of his reflection in the microwave door and finds a smile twisted along the bottom of his expression.

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