#yandere silva


The Zoldyck’s Omega (yandere!Zoldyck Fam x omega!Reader)

Warnings; Broody behavior, yandere, platonic and romantic yanderes, abo au, polyamorous relationship, visit from platonic yandere gramps, broody hen, aggressive behavior from omega, mention of past loss,


“She’s been acting hostile for how long?”

“Several days now.”

“Odd, she seemed quite alright last time I spoke to her…”

Netero walked down the halls of the Zoldyck estate with Silva and Zeno, the two younger men relaying what information they could to the elder alpha. Based off of their descriptions, Netero had a feeling he knew what was plaguing his grandchild, but he wanted to be sure.

Given the rarity of omegas, it was only natural that the Zoldycks would call upon Netero any time new behavior began. There were no others they could go to who had similar experience in handling an omega like you, so when your behavior took a drastic shift they called upon Netero for help. In truth, they were actually quite concerned seeing as the new behavior being shown was primarily aggression towards them.

As they entered the room that housed the constructed nest, a low guttural growl greeted them. The sound was surprisingly intimidating despite the fact that the three men were all apex alphas and had nothing to truly fear from an omega. Deep within the nest which had been tucked away in the closet on the far side of the room, more low growls rumbled out.

You were in your nest and seemed to be absolutely livid that anyone dare to approach you, even your mates. It was rather confusing to your mates to have you snarl at them the way you were, used to you being affectionate towards them at all times. Truly, it concerned them because they did not want to lose you, especially when they had no idea what they did to anger you in such a way. The low snarl only gained volume and pitch, becoming a clear sound of warning, warning the alphas in your room of your deep burning aggression.


“Get out!”

“I just want-”



“Out! Now! Now! Now!”

Netero abided by your now frantic and snapping commands, ensuring the two alphas with him did the same and retreated from your space. The sound of your growling only quieting after they closed the door behind them.

Netero knew what was happening and why you were being so hostile about your nest towards everyone, he just needed to explain it to the assassins. He had seen such behavior before from his own omega mate back when he was young, he knew how jarring it was to experience. To enter your mate’s room fully expecting a greeting from an affectionate omega only to be greeted with snapping teeth and growls of hostility. The two alphas with him seemed to only be more stressed due to your actions, having honest concern about your sudden shift in temper towards them.

“She’s being broody.”


“It is normal behavior for an omega to become broody at certain points throughout the year, especially after being in heat. Usually, this kind of behavior can be an indicator that an omega has pups, but it can also happen regardless of if the omega is pregnant or not. Seeing as she has had contraceptives up until now, it is unlikely she has pups, but she is still going through the motions of Brooding.”

“Why is she being aggressive towards us, though? I thought omegas were primarily reliant on their mates when they have pups.”

“Because, early in gestation and about a month after they are born, pups are extremely fragile. They cannot regulate body heat and are completely defenseless early on, meaning they need to be protected and kept warm. As an omega, she is instinctually compelled to be a good parent, so her hormones are telling her that she needs to warm her nest and that everyone who comes near is a threat- even her mates- because of this fragility.”

“But we’re fairly sure she doesn’t have pups, so why is she acting this way?”

“Pups or not, her brain is set to brood and be broody. She should snap out of it in a few weeks when her body continues the cycle of hormones or until she has a whelping den and bears her pups. If this temper of hers lasts for more than two weeks, you have near indisputable confirmation that she is pregnant with pups. If that is the case, she will need a whelping den to fully feel secure and begin accepting help from her mates again. Typically an omega seeks a whelping den that meets their requirements of safety, but it is often easier to set up the beginnings of a den and let her do the rest. Omegas that are Brooding do not typically eat or leave their nest much, only breaking this willful starvation after settling into a whelping den.”

“Would it be better to put her in a whelping den now?”

“No. If she does have pups, it would be fine, but if she doesn’t have pups she will begin to believe she somehow lost them and will search until she finds pups to Brood over. A whelping den- to an omega- means they should have pups soon, no matter what, and when those pups they believe they are going to have don’t come, they become feral and distraught. She will likely go as far as to leave her mates completely until she finds a pup to kidnap and raise.”

“Got it. No whelping den unless we confirm she has pups.”

Zeno sighed, noticing his somewhat louder tone had resulted in more snarls from within your room. You couldn’t see them but you could hear them and that stimulation alone set you into a snarling fit.

“How do you know all of this? Of course, you know some from raising (y/n), but even then, you speak as if from experience.”

“Because I had an omega of my own, once. But when I had my omega, I knew next to nothing about caring for or protecting one and I refused to ask anyone for help. I made every mistake I now warn you of… And my mistakes cost me the life of my mate. We had one litter of pups and only one survived, my son. He went on to be much like me, but I always hoped he would be better than me. Eventually he wound up at my door with a tiny whimpering and wailing bundle, burned out by grief and set on revenge, he couldn’t care for an omega pup and train. So I raised her instead, and I’m hoping she is better than both he and I could ever be, and I will do all I can to keep history from repeating itself.”

A quiet silence hung in the air, the two Zoldycks having never known the full extent of what Netero had gone through in his life. Maha spoke rarely of it and even then would insist it is not his story to tell. If they wanted to know, they would have to ask Netero themselves and they were far too polite to do that.

Now they understood Netero spoke from experience and had seen what happens to an omega that is treated too callously. No doubt he had loved his omega, he just didn’t know how to properly protect them and as a result lost his omega.

The thought was a truly depressing one and carried surprising weight with the Zoldycks who worried what they would do if they lost you. It was painful to think about with any seriousness as you had caused such a drastic shift in behavior within the Zoldyck family, losing you would make the family collapse. They survived without you before, but they doubted they could go back to living that way again.

It was obvious that they would easily do whatever it took to keep you happy and with them. Whatever it took.

Bunny- (Yandere!Adult-trio x Chubby!Reader)

Warnings; timelines converge from 28 Years and Bunny, mention of kidnapping, imprisonment, yandere relationships, aggressively yandere Silva, mention of imprisonment for decades, Stockholm syndrome, mention of NSFW, mention of corrupt nuns, vow breaking, my headcannon for Hisoka background, My OC for 28 years in place of Silva’s wife for clarity’s sake, Reader is Bunny, some 28 years MC background story, Zeno’s Dove mentioned,


Hisoka sighed as he conversed with his associates, wondering just what they were going to do now. Apparently, Illumi has been keeping secrets from Bunny and from Chrollo and Hisoka. The woman he had introduced as ‘mother’ was not actually his mother at all and they were now going to meet Illumi’s real mother instead. However, Illumi was explaining to them exactly what his mother was like and the topic of them technically kidnapping their Bunny came up.

“Mom won’t react to it well if she finds out Bunny was technically forced into a relationship and kidnapped.”

“Why is this our problem?”

“Because my father is extremely protective of my mother and will also become upset if she becomes upset.”

“So he gets mad, big deal.”

“When it comes to my mom, it IS a big deal. Father kidnapped her 28 years ago and I barely get to see her because of how jealous father gets. Father wouldn’t even let her breast feed my siblings and I as infants due to his jealousy. Besides… I do not wish to see my mom look at me with the same disappointed and disgusted look she gives father when his jealousy makes him act out. It may also show Bunny just how far those in my family are willing to go for the few they love.”

“Fine,” Hisoka sighed, relenting to Illumi both as a placation and as curiosity. Illumi was mysterious- even to Hisoka- and hearing the true tint of anxiety and fear to his associate’s voice was far from the emotionless norm he had, “we’ll not mention it. Bunny is in a good mood and probably won’t say anything. ♠”

“And if she starts to,” Chrollo added, “we can steer the conversation away from that.”

With the three in agreement they headed to where their Bunny awaited them in the library, curled up and lightly dozing on the couch beneath a soft blanket. No doubt the blanket had been an addition after as a butler or Kikyo likely draped it over to cover the sleeping figure.

Illumi woke you with a soft forehead kiss, the sleepy hum whining from your throat as you came back to consciousness. You could barely believe how rested you felt after the small nap, the couch being a higher quality than any bed you have slept on before entering the Zoldyck estate. Everything was so high quality that you sometimes found yourself entranced with the workmanship on a wooden table that never gets used or a forgotten wood relief lining the halls. Where the opulence was suffocating at times you had to admit that the high quality bed in Illumi’s room was divine in comparison to anything you have rested on in your life up to that point.

“Mmm… Yeah? What’s up?”

“Come on, Bunny. It’s time to meet my true mom. I have some rules for you though.”


“My father is very… Protective… Of my mom. He is also very jealous of anyone talking to- or interacting with- my mom. She is sensitive and has lived 28 years of imprisonment with my father, so she will have a collar and chain keeping her in her suite. She… Doesn’t get to leave that set of rooms for any reason other than when my father decides she can, so she has lived in those rooms for more than half of her life.

"I know we did not give you much choice, Bunny, but compared to my mom, you are basically free. I don’t want to treat you like father does with mom, so please don’t upset her by mentioning it. Father may be fond of you but if he feels you are a threat in any way to mom, he will kill you.”

You felt surprise flare in your mind, trying to process what you were just told only moments after waking. Part of you wanted to snap at Illumi and tell his mother about your kidnapping immediately, but another part of you gave you pause. From how Illumi spoke of his mother and father, it seemed like anything somewhat upsetting to her could lead to disaster at any moment.

On top of your awareness of your own situation and if what Illumi said was true, comparing your experience with that of his mother was shocking. Collars, chains, and the same few rooms for several literal decades sounded like complete hell to you. Never going outside and seeing so few people, you felt you would probably go insane. Not to mention Illumi had four siblings, so five children all while locked away for most of your life was a terrifying concept. Part of you even felt a bit thankful you had the freedom you did despite how you still felt trapped, at least you weren’t her.

“I understand.”

You answered softly before Illumi pulled you to your feet, feeling much more awake now. Chrollo and Hisoka both followed as Illumi led all of you deep into the estate, far from where you had wandered even on late nights. A kind of giddiness settled in your stomach that held a tinge of stress, wondering just what kind of person Illumi’s true mother was like after years away from others.

The door that Illumi came to a stop in front of made your stomach writhe with anxieties as you saw just how heavy the door was. Everything in the estate was heavy, but that door looked as if it could withstand a direct blast from an explosion and still offer resistance. It was a door you knew you wouldn’t be able to open no matter how hard you would try.

Illumi opened the door and though it could have been your imagination, for a moment it looked as if he had struggled to move it. You felt your nerves rise as you walked into the room, seeing a rather large and soft looking couch where a woman sat waiting.

She… Was stunning in a way you felt you couldn’t describe. Her figure was full and curved, ample breasts and thighs on a small height, accenting the comforting presence you got from her. She wore a pair of glasses that made her expressive doe eyes seem larger, so full of wisdom and affection. Her hair was a flowing waterfall of curls that looked so soft and seemed to create a kind of halo around her. It almost seemed like stars were reflecting in her compassionate gaze, woven into the very substance of her hair and skin as if she faintly glimmered.

You were so entranced by the being of empathy in the flesh that you almost missed the towering demon behind her. Illumi’s father Silva had always intimidated you since the moment you met him, those cold blue eyes endlessly analyzing every movement and behavior. After spending some time around him, that fear died down, but now it slammed back into you full force as if knocking the air from your lungs. That frozen gaze speared into the two new men in the room, his white mane of hair making him look beastly and all the more intimidating.

To think, you were so afraid of him and he wasn’t even glaring at you.

As you took the whole scene in now, you saw the collar fitted around the woman’s throat, the chain attached to it trailing down to the floor and out of sight. The furniture was lavish and the room was large with a kitchenette and several branching doors, a single window on the far left letting in a ray of light from the outside. It was grand, but you knew it was a prison cell beneath all of the expensive quality.

You moved towards the pair with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo, feeling the weight of Silva’s intense gaze pushing down almost threateningly on you. Hisoka and Chrollo seemed to also get the same impression you did, that no mercy would be given should anyone unsettle the soft woman that was Illumi’s mother. She stood and took Illumi into her arms, that kind smile and true happiness telling you just how much she cared for her son.

You had considered what you would say to her and even revealing Illumi’s behavior, but now you truly felt like you couldn’t. Not only because you felt as if you had no room to complain, but because of how truly and deeply she cared about Illumi. She was kind and gentle and everything Silva very clearly was not, and you couldn’t bare to think about someone so gold-hearted being crushed in such a way. It just wasn’t worth it to you.

“Welcome back, Illumi.”

Her voice held honest love, a sweetness to it that made it sound smooth as honey.

“I have someone for you to meet, mom.”

“I know, your father told me you’ve met someone you love.”

Illumi turned to you, his mother’s kind eyes resting on your own as he gestured you closer. You only went as far as Illumi’s side before his mother gently took your outstretched hand in both of hers, impossibly soft and comfortingly warm. She seemed genuinely excited to meet you and looked as if you had made her happier than she had ever been before.

“Hello, dear. It is so good to meet you. My name is Kiame, also known as Illumi’s mom.”

“Oh, uh, hi. (Y/n) (L/n), it’s nice to meet you too.”

“I hope we have plenty of time to get to know each other, after all, we’re going to be family soon enough.”

You couldn’t help but return her kind smile, feeling relaxed around her and her genuine excitement with your engagement to Illumi.

“I can’t help but worry about Illumi, he is my firstborn and I adore my children. I just hope you two are happy together.”

It was then Illumi spoke up, seeming much more relaxed around his mother as well, letting you know how much she impacted him. Part of you realized that she was likely the only positive influence Illumi really had in his life and you would have been in a much more dangerous situation if not for her. If Illumi only had his father’s side of the family, he likely would have kidnapped you and killed Chrollo and Hisoka long ago.

“Mom, I would like you to also meet my fellow associates. We three are engaged to her and so grandfather thought it best to introduce you to the three of them. Chrollo Lucilfer, Hisoka Morrow, and I share (y/n) (l/n) between the three of us.”

“Well, so long as you four are happy-”

She cut off for a moment, her eyes going wide as if something caught her attention after the fact. The way she seemed to think for a moment in complete silence made you wonder just what it was that surprised her.

“Mom? Is something wrong?”

“Morrow was… the name of my teacher… Sister Morrow. She was a nun and I worked as her apprentice in the cathedral before- nevermind. It’s nothing.”

Illumi glanced in surprise towards Hisoka, not expecting his mother to recognize any of the names of his associates. He knew Hisoka was born in Meteor city to a mother that was a forsaken and vow-breaking nun, but it couldn’t possibly be the same nun his mother spoke of. Not at all-

“My mother spoke of her apprentice often. How she saw the girl as a daughter but still wound up betraying her in the end. I learned eventually that she was afraid of being caught for what she had done, confronted by a stranger with her misdeeds. All that was demanded was to mislead her apprentice, sending her deep into the forest to never return. She waited until she began to show before fleeing to Meteor City so no one would know she had broken her vows.”

“… Did she ever say who she spoke to?”

“The wealthy father of an interested man. My mother had her apprentice enter the woods alone so she could be taken as payment for not revealing the truth about what my mother had done. Never really did get why she sold her apprentice only to run away shortly after. Seems pointless to me, but she said she regretted her choice in the end.”

There was a moment of silence as Illumi’s mother sat in quiet contemplation of what she was just told. The way her expression turned to one of hurt made your chest ache, as if seeing her in pain upset you in some deep part of your brain. She shouldn’t be sad or hurt, the pain didn’t look right on her, as if her being in such pain were some kind of crime against nature.

The softest whimpering sound from her lips made Silva react, his voice a rumbling and deep growl of baritone in his chest.


Illumi was quick to pull you back with him, his father picking his mother up and striding away to a door deeper into the room. The four of you left the room quickly and Illumi was the one to close it behind you, the large door sealing with a clear latch of the many locks that adorned it. You didn’t know what to say at that moment, having been taken by surprise with the sudden shift in behavior from Illumi’s parents.

“To think, Hisoka’s mother was your mother’s mentor.”

“And his mother sold my mother to my grandfather on my father’s behalf.”

You managed to find your voice, trying to piece everything together despite the very sudden way things had happened. On one hand, it would seem the world was very small, and on the other you felt like some key pieces of information were missing. Beyond that, you felt like you had glimpsed the kind of person Illumi could have become if not for his mother’s truly compassionate heart.

“What is your mother, Illumi?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, she is different from anyone I have met before… She seems to actually be a genuinely loving person even though she is locked up like a prisoner. I don’t think any normal human would be able to live like that and not go insane.”

“She is insane. She loves my father despite everything he does to hurt her… But she is kind and always has been kind. She is too good for my father and he knows it, so he hides her from almost everyone. Setting her free from him won’t fix the damage he’s done to her.”

You glanced back at the heavy door and found yourself feeling lucky that even though your freedom was stolen away, you didn’t have to live the way she did.


You let the gentle breeze skate over your skin as the plants around you rustled playfully and danced in the wind. It had been a few days since you got to meet Illumi’s mom and you had learned more about her in that time. Her situation was different from your own in many ways. She had been the one to rescue Silva from death where it had been the opposite for you and your lovers. You found yourself thankful you were not in her place or situation even though you did still resent Illumi for taking your freedom.

Currently, you sat with your three lovers, placed neatly on Chrollo’s lap as Hisoka and Illumi sat on either side of you two. Chrollo was reading a book on ancient war tactics and you were somewhat reading too, only half way through a page when he was already flipping it to the next. Though the four of you were quiet at that moment, it was clear that meeting Illumi’s mother had impacted you all in different ways.

Hisoka had withdrawn more than usual, reflecting on finally meeting the woman his mother loved as a child more than him and talked about with such fondness the woman may as well have been his older sibling. Chrollo was always trying to analyze and pick things apart, so though he wordlessly scanned over the book in his hands, he was likely thinking about the situation you all found yourselves in. You were stuck in thoughts of Illumi’s family, realizing just how deep the trend of obsession and kidnapping really went in his bloodline. Illumi seemed the least bothered but you felt he was likely worried about his mother and about how you were taking meeting her.

Any time you thought of a question, you would voice it and one of your three lovers would respond with whatever answer they could manage. The only questions you hadn’t gotten an answer to was what his mother was- as you felt a strong doubt she was really a normal human given your introduction to her- and what his grandfather had done with his obsession. Since the behavior was obviously something that came with his paternal lineage, his grandfather must have had a similar story, but you had not met or seen any sign of Illumi having a grandmother.

“I just want to know where your grandmother is. I mean, if your father keeps your mom locked up all the time and practically has her bubble-wrapped, surely your grandfather did the same?”

“No. I didn’t.”

The low and almost lazy tone of Illumi’s grandfather drew your attention, seeing the older man standing not too far as if he had materialized out of nowhere. Even though the grip Chrollo had around you tightened, you wanted to press and pick the elder assassin’s brain for answers your lovers simply didn’t have. You had long figured out that his grandfather Zeno had a particular soft spot for you and that soft spot seemed to extend to Kiame as well based off of his behavior.

“So, what happened?”

You tried to push and the old man considered you silently for a moment before approaching and settling on a bench across from you four. Chrollo closed his book, actually seeming to have the same level of interest you did in gaining more pieces to the Zoldyck family puzzle.

“She died shortly after giving birth to Silva. It is a kind of family curse to have this fanatical obsession for one person in our lives, going back generations. I used to think it was part of the curse to have that loved one always die… But Silva has proven that theory wrong.

"My Dove was a fiery woman, stubborn to a fault and I mistakenly thought I could control that fire of hers through pain. She tried to run one day and I lost my temper. Had I known what would happen because of it… About two months later she gave birth to Silva, I hadn’t even realized she was pregnant. None of us had. She had a cryptic pregnancy so it was a surprise to us as it was to her. Her body couldn’t handle it though. The stress of what I had done and the labor wringed every last bit of life out of her. She only lived long enough to hold Silva for the first and only time.”

The wind felt colder now, a chill racing down your spine as you realized just how you had been unfortunate enough to draw Illumi’s attention, but fortunate enough to not have the same fate as the rest of his female ancestors. How close had you come to being forced to live the same painful cycle? You made a mental note to find time to thank Illumi’s mom for raising the most sane generation of Zoldycks.

“My father did the same to my mother as I had to my Dove, and he died of heartbreak not long after. My grandfather- Maha- did the same to his bride. I feel when Illumi’s mom does pass on, she will be taking Silva with her. He won’t survive losing her. Illumi, take it from me, you need to keep your temper even and make sure you treat (y/n) well, you hear me? That kind of loss is suffocating and you likely won’t be fortunate enough to get another chance.”

His words made you curious as you felt your brain kick into action to try and make sense of something that caught your attention.

“Has anyone gotten a second chance?”


“With their love, I mean. Death is pretty permanent in most cases.”

“Well,” Zeno gave you a knowing smile, “it is possible. Rebirth is a debated topic, but one I fully believe. Nen is a unique thing to each person, so when Nen identical to a deceased person shows up, it is hard to argue. I happen to be the only one I know of who has gotten that second chance. I found my Dove again and this time I won’t make the same mistake. Born into a new life, but the Nen and the similarities are unmistakeable. I haven’t yet told Silva of this unusual situation, but I doubt he would care much as he only really cares for his wife. Perhaps you will get to meet my Dove at some point, (y/n). He is restricted to my wing of the estate, however. He may be male in his current incarnation, but it changes nothing. He is still my Dove.”

You were surprised to hear of someone being reborn and the fact was that Zeno couldn’t care less if his reborn darling was male or not. It was clear to you just how fortunate you were when it came to Illumi even though he had technically pushed you into the relationship you now had with him. His family had done far worse and you had just barely gotten away with the most sane of the assassins in a long lineage of obsession, kidnapping, and forced relationships. Out of three generations of kidnapped lovers, you were the only one who could step foot outside of the estate hidden within the mountain.

“Anyway, (y/n), it may anger you to only have the freedoms you do, but never forget you have more freedom than any other who came before you in the Zoldyck family. I am not telling you to be grateful Illumi chose you, simply to be thankful Illumi is far more sane when it comes to you than the rest of the family would be.”

For Kiame Sama.

  • Silva was a proud and strong man who loved and adored his darling to the fullest extent that he could.

  • He was pretty surprised when his darling had revealed her pregnancy to him and his family.

  • His darling was a young and beautiful woman who was a dear and beloved friend of his first wife Kikyo and Kikyo and his darling were considered sister wives which delighted his first wife Kikyo who apparently had always wanted a little sister and treated his darling as such.

  • Both Silva and Kikyo tolerated no disrespectful or rude behaviour towards (Y/n), no one was allowed to even look at (Y/n) in a wrong way. 

  • Silva had never considered the idea that his darling and him would be able to have children. Not by any fault of his own but he had never considered the idea that his darling was able to carry a pregnancy.

  • He was very much delighted at the pregnancy and he and Kikyo treated (Y/n) like a queen and hired the best doctors and medical team that money could buy to help (Y/n) during her pregnancy.

  • He tried his best to be there during her pregnancy as he didn’t want to miss a thing but unfortunately he still had jobs that he had to complete. He did his best to complete the jobs as quickly and as swiftly as he could.

  • Much to his displeasure, his darling went into labor while he was away at work. As soon as he received word he rushed back home and managed to make it in time to see his wonderful and beautiful daughter being born.

  • She was born with a head full of white hair and her eyes well, one was the color of her mother’s eyes and the other one was like her father’s eyes. Her skin was as white as snow. And her nose was small and button like. She was so very small and looked so very delicate especially when compared to her brothers.

  • But Silva knew that she would have to be raised to be the next potential head of the family due to her appearance and her nen which despite her small and frail looking form appeared to be extremely high for an infant even a Zoldyck one.

  • Illumi was the first one of the children to hold little Kira; she was named by both of his wives. He was surprisingly very gentle with Kira and almost immediately swore to protect her and make sure that she would never be harmed by a foe. He smiled down at his new baby sister and kissed her forehead while describing in great detail how he would slay those who would do her harm. 

  • Milluki had taken a break from his hobbies to see his little sister.  He swore to always keep an eye on her. And gifted her a small dragon plush claiming that he had purchased it by mistake. Kira seemed to adore her new toy and held on tight to it.

  • Killua upon hearing the news of the birth of his new sister rushed back home and cuddled Kira closely to him. He appeared to be crying as he made promises to her of not letting them ruin her like they ruined everyone else and other such nonsense. He ended up falling asleep holding Kira as he refused to hand her back to anyone but (Y/n) who had been on bed rest by her many doctors.

  • Alluka was allowed to look at Kira but not allowed to touch her which disappointed Alluka greatly but Killua cheered up Alluka by showing Alluka how to play games with Kira. Games that don’t require touch. Silva allowed it as both (Y/n) and Killua asked him for it. And he agreed under the condition that Alluka never be allowed to touch Kira unless Zeno or Silva gave their permission. Alluka appeared to adored Kira and loved the sound of Kira’s laughter.

  • Kalluto had came back to visit his family and was shocked to see that he now had a sister as such a thing had never happened before in the Zoldyck Family.

  • Zeno loved his granddaughter and treated Kira  as if she was his own daughter and thought of ways to make her training somewhat easier for her than it had been for her brothers.

  • Kira was very much a happy baby and would spend hours happily talking away in her baby speech to anyone who would listen but she only cried if she  was hungry. And even then it was a short cry as if to say “Please give me food family.” She was breastfed and bottlefed to help her gain more weight and she was given the finest blankets and clothes and toys and was told stories of her family’s many jobs and adventures which she seemed to enjoy.

  • Silva was aware that one day his little princess may have to be wed but he would ensure that her future partner would be the perfect fit for her.

  • Anything for his princess.