#yang jinghua



PreviousChapter 134

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Translations:@mtlasana​ / Moonie


Cleaning/Redrawing:  @reach-for-me-now​ /@karithina-hua


Quality Check:  @karithina-hua

Thanks for everyone that helped out with this chapter!

Gifs from Spiritpact Season 2, Episode 3

PreviousChapter 134

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Translations:@mtlasana​ / Moonie


Cleaning/Redrawing:  @reach-for-me-now​ /@karithina-hua


Quality Check:  @karithina-hua

Thanks for everyone that helped out with this chapter!

Tap CC to enable subtitles!

Translations above provided by Al! Thank you for subbing it! 

General Info:

Mao'Er FM in collaboration with Tencent Dongman and BeiDou Penguin will be releasing the Ling Qi audio drama adaption. The original VAs  Liu MingYue and  Li LanLing will be reprising their roles as Duanmu Xi and Yang Jinghua. 

The first season, which looks to be starting 20th May will be broadcast each Wednesday as a FM Exclusive. 

Note: Apologies if any of this is wrong as I’m translating this from the Twitter post

I’ve put the same video that I’ve linked above on the Ling Qi discord (Server ID dfMzJ6A) - feel free to join in on the convo under the #audio-drama channel 

★Production Team★

  • Produced by: Mao'Er FM, Tencent Dongman, BeiDou Penguin
  • Producer: YaYa
  • Casting: Beidou Penguin
  • Director: Shan Xin
  • Audio Planning: Da Xiong
  • Technician: Liu LeXi
  • Scripting: Xiao Yu
  • Visual Design: Yua Qi
  • Audio Post-processing: Da KeNing
  • Video Post-processing: Xiao Yue

★Voice-Acting Team★

  • Duanmu Xi/narrator: Liu MingYue
  • Yang Jinghua: Li LanLing
  • Qin Shiyao: Chen NianRu
  • Yin Zhe: Teng Shin
  • Ling: Hao Xianghai
  • Situ Lv: Lin MaoMo
  • Duanmu Luoyue: Huang ZhenJi
  • Yang Ning: Guo Sheng


‪AN AUDIO DRAMA IS COMMING!!! This will be by the same ppl who did the mdzs audio drama! The two main VCs from the donghua will be reprising their roles!!!

Tap CC to enable subtitles!

★Production Team★ 

  • Produced by: Mao'Er FM, Tencent Dongman, BeiDou Penguin 
  • Producer: YaYa 
  • Casting: Beidou Penguin 
  • Director: Shan Xin 
  • Audio Planning: Da Xiong 
  • Technician: Liu LeXi 
  • Scripting: Xiao Yu 
  • Visual Design: Yua Qi 
  • Audio Post-processing: Da KeNing 
  • Video Post-processing: Xiao Yue 

 ★Voice-Acting Team★ 

  • Duanmu Xi/narrator: Liu MingYue 
  • Yang Jinghua: Li LanLing 
  • Qin Shiyao: Chen NianRu 
  • Yin Zhe: Teng Shin 
  • Ling: Hao Xianghai 
  • Situ Lv: Lin MaoMo 
  • Duanmu Luoyue: Huang ZhenJi 
  • Yang Ning: Guo Sheng 

PreviousChapter 135

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Reblogging is completely OK! Reblog and share away!


Translations:@mtlasana​ / Moonie


Cleaning/Redrawing:  @reach-for-me-now​ 


Quality Check:  @karithina-hua

Thanks for everyone that helped out with this chapter!


Geeeeeez, that was hard! >< The last time I had such troubles with a chapter was with Zhangxuan’s physics lecture! Me and Elena from Ling Qi group basically did the panels together, one by one, so that took some time. But at least everything is correct.

So, Jue is definitely dead (really reminds me of that time in Winx comics when Will destroyed Phobos spirit). Now question is, is this the end of Jinghua’s rampage or definitely not? Xi, wake up!! We all know you are not dead, stop pretending! Wake up and turn Jinghua back to normal!!

If you like my Ling Qi translations, you can buy me a Kofi ;) I know that pandemic isn’t really a good time to ask for donations but if you can, toss a coin to your translator!

The link is on my profile and the doc file! For finding the doc file, go to my profile on Tumblr desktop and click on “Ling Qi translations” - you will find the link with all translations there. Thanks for coming <3

Okay and now we know that Jue’s body is still alive because Jinghua smashed only his soul. I know it sounds cruel but i think it would be better if he could destroy this crazy, sadistic kid entirely - no one would ever asked or looked for Jue again anyways (except probably for Dr.Sen). Uh, sadly his empty body will now acts only as another evidence of Jinghua berserk-demon mode… I don’t want them to punish him(/ω\) 

#ling qi    #lingqi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #yang jinghua    #duanmu xi    #shadow spirit    #demon spirit    #灵契    


“Let’s make love, right here right now!”


Yeah and then Ping Zi gave us this Jinghua kitten

#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #灵契    #guesswhat    #yang jinghua    #duanmu xi    #wonderful couple    #its true    #make love not war    


This chapter was pretty darn sexy! And another kiss to add to the counter! ❤️

I wonder if the knives have ended though… or are they just hiding beneath the sexiness?

Another chapter added to my fav. Jinghua reached here the absolute of physical affection (so far!). I can’t express how I love seeing him so confident! 

#ling qi    #lingqi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #灵契    #fall for you    #kill for you    #live for you    #jinghua is the best    


“Like, I love you too, Xi”

I want to print this and frame it. Years ago this would have seemed like a hopeless dream to have Jinghua say that and now it really has come true.

#spiritpact    #soul contract    #ling qi    #lingqi    #灵契    #yang jinghua    #duanmu xi    #little xi    #onelove    
nighty-amy:FINALLY SOME FLUFF FOR US! After all that suffering!! And one of the most stunning Jinghunighty-amy:FINALLY SOME FLUFF FOR US! After all that suffering!! And one of the most stunning Jinghu


FINALLY SOME FLUFF FOR US! After all that suffering!!

And one of the most stunning Jinghua appearances! ❤

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#ling qi    #lingqi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #灵契    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #soul ocean    #sea of the soul    #aesthetic    #beauty    #cuteness    #cuteness overdose    #awwww 3    



Is granny sociopathic or something? She got told that Jinghua barely escaped with his life from the earthquake, he lost everything and has a serious PTSD now and her reaction is like “That’s a good thing to use and persuade little Xi to become a yangmingsi!”, didn’t seem to care in the slightest about Jinghua. Not to mention, she didn’t tell Xi the whole truth about the yangmingsi business - she only mentioned that he might “sometimes” lose his energy and his life force, not that a ritual will take several years out of his life and that he will be in state of exhaustion after every single ritual. And she made it look like being a yangmingsi is a wonderful think to be - you are respected by everyone as the most exceptional priest of all, you travel to various places to pray for people there and you are helping every single being in the world, just by praying for them.

I get that her and the Duanmu family is most likely desparate after 3 years of having not a single suitable person to become the priest but to manipulate an 8 or 9 years boy this way, just to bring the Duanmu family back to the top? Pretty awful move. Though looking at how Granny wasn’t surprised at all that Xi is doing the purification, maybe that was the entire reason why she even took him in…

If you like my Ling Qi translations, you can buy me a Kofi ;) The link is on my profile!  

#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #灵契    #little xi    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    


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#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #灵契    #eat me drink me    
yang jinghua
#hahaha    #spiritpact    #ling qi    #lingqi    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #qin shiyao    #green tea    #my medicine    

I wish we could immortalize these series. Can’t wait to see them again! („ಡωಡ„)

Please support the original work of the author and read LingQi on the official website: https://ac.qq.com/Comic/comicInfo/id/523194


Waiting for the fourth season is tough~

Please support the original work of the author and read LingQi on the official website: https://ac.qq.com/Comic/comicInfo/id/523194

#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #灵契    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #spirit shadow    #yangmingsi    #shenlong xiren    #shenlong zhangxuan    #jianchasi    


Extra chapter 2 is up!

Jinghua was a little devil when he was a baby, wasn’t he. He is around 4 or 5 years here and he already knows about “baby in the belly”? Who told him about that? But at least he did a good job convincing Lihua to not abort his future love…even though he didn’t know that at this point!

If you enjoy my Ling Qi translations please consider supporting my work! The link to my Ko-fi account is on my blog - thank you! :)

#lingqi    #ling qi    #灵契    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #yang jinghua    #kawaii chibi    #shenlong lihua    #anti abortion    
reach-for-me-now:Ling Qi Halloween fun with Jinghua and Xi! Art by @reach-for-me-now and @lavendee


Ling Qi Halloween fun with Jinghua and Xi!

Art by @reach-for-me-now and @lavendeechai

Ask for permission to repost on other sites first. I won’t bite.

I didn’t expect you, guys, are planning something like this! It’s such a great and so funny idea for this day!! Well done!! Looking forward to seeing your further collabs (⌒ω⌒) 

Post link



Chapter 433 is up!

This is the last chapter in season 3 folks! So it’s now time for season break - we will apparently get random chapters once in a while though. I’ll surely post it here wherever we get some info on season 4 beginning - but for now, Pingzi deserves a solid rest, this was the longest season we ever had!

You will surely agree with me when I’ll say this is the hottest outfit Jinghua ever had right? Even better than his demon cosplay. Also, Jinghua looks now even more furious than he was during the Situs fake grieving ceremony for LV - we had earth shaking there and we did have Jinghua’s glowing eyes. Now Jinghua made caused an actual earthquake with his powers…not to mention, the fangs are concerning. I hope Jinghua won’t go in for the kill? There’s no one around to stop him…

If you enjoy my Ling Qi translations please consider supporting my work! The link to my Ko-fi account is on my blog - thank you! :)

YES!!! Jinghua’s demon form is so beautiful! An impossible beauty, unmatchable to human beings. I’m afraid that reality can collapse now :D

#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #yang jinghua    #duanmu xi    #灵契    #guardian angel    #guardian demon    


Chapter 432 and the anniversary comic is up!

Gosh, there are so many places and dishes and things mentioned in the anniversary comic! Thank goodness Elena from the Ling Qi international group helped me with those or I would have no idea about the things Xi and Jinghua are talking about. Elena also made a super useful reference guide to all places and dishes mentioned - I can’t post the link here so I’ve added the link to the document with chapters!

As for the actual chapter - ah, guess the memory trip got cut short, pity. First Jinghua needs to get Xi out of the bombed city to a safe place, give him a kiss to recover (…though this time it might not be enough. Zhangxuan, where the hell are you when you are needed…) and then we can go back to Xi’s miserable and heartbreaking past.

If you enjoy my Ling Qi translations please consider supporting my work! The link to my Ko-fi account is on my blog - thank you! :)

#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #灵契    #70thanniversary    #bonus chapter    #prc70yearson    #jiangsu    #nanjing    #placetovisit    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    


Inktober Day 1: Ring

Oh shit, here we go again…

#lingqi    #ling qi    #spiritpact    #soul contract    #灵契    #yang jinghua    #jinghua    #spirit shadow    #杨敬华    #neonfireart    #fanart    #artwork    #fanartwork    
story-kat:Art by  aoiumetinn Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibitstory-kat:Art by  aoiumetinn Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibit


Art by  aoiumetinn

Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)

Perfect beauty~

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#spiritpact    #lingqi    #ling qi    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #soul contract    #灵契    #fanart    #fanartwork    #spirit shadow    #yangmingsi    

Trying to find any use out of their quarrel, I have noticed this comment about a simple truth delivered by Xi :3


- You… are really a broad-minded, There are ghosts around here! How can you sleep when you’re surrounded by ghosts? 


- I’m obviously sleeping with a ghost every day.


#spiritpact    #soul contract    #ling qi    #lingqi    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #sleeping with ghosts    


I never knew how badly I needed a platonic forehead kiss between these two in my life before this chapter

Now I wanna see Xi giving Jinghua a forehead kiss!

Apparently, me too! 

#free spirit    #soul contract    #ling qi    #lingqi    #duanmu xi    #yang jinghua    #loveislove    

This is my gift for the Ling Qi exchange 2020.

I don‘t have much experience with Procreate but I had so much fun drawing them

I hope you will all like it, too.

Thanks for supporting this amazing manga

A happy new year to everyone✨

#ling qi    #soul contract    #yang jinghua    #spirit pact    #duanmu xi    #you keika    #tanmoku ki    #gift exchange    #ling qi gift exchange    #christmas    #winter    #cuteboys    


Would you be interested in a Ling Qi gift exchange? It would just be digitally. Like fan art or fan fics that we would share but it can also be physical gift, memes or lyrics that remind you of Ling Qi or whatever else you come up with.

If you’re interested, use the following link:


We need at least 10 people who’d be interested. It was originally for discord but we changed it, so now you can also fill out the form with your e-mail.

This form is just to see if anyone’s interested, it’s not an entry form

Today’s the last day for the Ling Qi gift exchange. Please sign up if you want to take part✨

You can also enter if you want to use another language than English. Partners will be assigned on Dec. 18th

Gifts will be distributed between Dec.28th and Dec. 31st.

Please sign up here:


It will be so much fun

#ling qi    #soul contract    #yang jinghua    #you keika    #spirit pact    #duanmu xi    #tanmoku ki    

Would you be interested in a Ling Qi gift exchange 2020? It would just be digitally. Like fan art or fan fics that we would share but it can also be physical gift, memes or lyrics that remind you of Ling Qi or whatever else you come up with.

If you’re interested, use the following link:


We need at least 10 people who’d be interested. It was originally for discord but we changed it, so now you can also fill out the form with your e-mail.

This form is just to see if anyone’s interested, it’s not an entry form

#ling qi    #soul contract    #yang jinghua    #spirit pact    #ling qi    #you keika    #duanmu xi    #tanmoku ki    #gift exchange 2020    

I tried to draw Yang Jinghua/YouKeika with Procreate. I have no idea if it’s any good since I’m a beginner. But I like it

Please know that this is one of my first drawings, so don’t expect too much.

I loved Jinghua’s/Keika’s purple eyes from the anime

#ling qi    #yang jinghua    #you keika    #spirit pact    #soul contract    #my drawing    #procreate    #digital art    
I know it’s too late, but let me say this..HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUAN MU XI!! I know it’s too late, but let me say this..HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUAN MU XI!! 

I know it’s too late, but let me say this..


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#ling qi    #spiritpact    #duan muxi    #yang jinghua    #zhang xuan    #fanart    