#anti abortion

anti abortion

Abortion bounty hunters are now legal in Texas.

This is so fucking scary.

Not only are abortions now illegal after six weeks (which would outlaw at least eighty-five percent of abortions since people can be unaware they’re pregnant at that stage), but any private citizen can sue people who violate this law for ten thousand dollars. People who can be sued includes anyone who “aided and abetted” the abortion—including not only doctors and healthcare providers, but the people like the fucking uber driver who drove you to the clinic.

And the Supreme Court has done nothing about it.

I am afraid.

I am angry.

I am in disbelief that a group of people, with full knowledge of the terrifying consequences of their actions, pooled their resources, wealth, and knowledge to launch this assault on abortion rights. Displaying a dearth of empathy, they plotted around Roe v. Wade by employing private citizens as bounty hunters,people they will pay thousands of dollars to report abortions.

They launched a modern-day witch hunt.

It’s hard to sort out my emotions. I feel like a pile of autumn leaves, whipped into a tornado of glacial reds and frothing golds and everything in between, unable to separate the colors, the movement, the chaos.But there are three things I do know.

I am a woman—a human being.

My rights are beginning to rot.

And I am furious.

Feminists insist if you are anti-abortion you are anti-women, but research consistently shows large amounts of women are anti-abortion. A recent Gallup poll on “Moral Acceptability” shows 50% of Americans think abortion is Morally Wrong vs. only 42% who think it is Morally Acceptable. Those same “women haters” agree to the tune of 92% that birth control is Morally Acceptable though.

The feminist propaganda campaign doesn’t hold up to facts. The only thing it does is completely disenfranchise millions of women’s opinions for the sole reason it doesn’t fit in with feminist ideology. It’s just one more example proving feminists don’t support women - feminists support feminists.

Feminists are the most disingenuous people on the planet. That’s because if they told the truth about anything they’d get laughed in their faces. Case in point, their propaganda campaign on abortion. 

Note: I have zero opinion on abortion, anti or pro, but I am anti-feminist - and that isn’t anti-women either, as much as they would have you think so.

I am so tired of the toxicity of today’s culture. Anyone who disagrees with the mainstream way of thinking is treated awfully and, instead of there being some kind of rational and productive conversation, all that happens is that the character of the opposing side is attacked. There is no more dialogue, there’s just shouting and insults.

You want the truth? No one supports abortion by default. Even little children know that a woman doesn’t carry a clump of cells in her uterus, she carries a baby. Point out a pregnant woman to a child and ask what’s inside her, they will say it’s a baby.

If abortion wasn’t wrong, it wouldn’t be such a traumatic experience for women. Women wouldn’t feel awful about losing that child even years, decades after they have gone and gotten that abortion. I wasn’t traumatised by the removal of my appendix, so if a pre-born child is just a clump of cells, then why is there post-abortion therapy?

But guess what, those who disagree don’t give the opposing arguments any thought anymore. They just get annoyed. They won’t try to see where you’re coming from, they’ll just tell you, “I thought you were kind-hearted. I’m going to think less of you now.” Even if you disagree with the above, who gives you the right to insult my dignity as a person? That is just the entitlement you feel because of the toxic culture we live in.

And if reading this annoyed you - congratulations, you’re part of the problem.

Contraceptives = bueno.
Abortifacients = no bueno.

It’s really pretty easy to understand people.

I encourage you to take 3 minutes of your time, and watch this.
Watch this video with an open heart, and an open mind.

The abortion procedure is an exploitation of women, not “reproductive freedom.” Being able to say you’re allowed to end a life inside of you, which is made with half your DNA, and a 50% chance it will be a FEMALE, should not be something to be proud of. Choose life for your unborn baby, and show people how strong a woman can really be when put into difficult situations that involves an important decision for your own flesh and blood.

Bloodmoney, The Business of Abortion.
You can get more details on the documentary here:  http://bloodmoneyfilm.com/

#abortion    #bloodmoney    #planned parenthood    #trailer    #anti abortion    #pro-abortion    #pro-life    #anti choice    #pro choice    #business    #documentary    

Language of abortion.


(except when paying for abortions, pap smears, contraception, cancer screenings, std screenings) The cost for upkeep is all YOURS! 

If a single living cell was found on some other planet, scientists would exclaim that we have found LIFE elsewhere in the universe.

So why is a single living cell found in the womb of a pregnant woman not considered LIFE? 

“More abortion restrictions—90—have already been enacted in 2021 than in any year since the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down in 1973. Many of these actions took place in the beginning of the year, despite the need for state legislatures to address critical issues ranging from racial equity to the COVID-19 response and pandemic-related health care.”

Guttmacher Institute: State Policy Trends at Midyear 2021

Intelligence Dispatch: Right-Wing Spy Games and the Abortion Abolition Movement’s ‘Spiritual Battle’

A former British spy, a Gore-Tex heiress, and the espionage operation that targeted Democrats in Wyoming, and the radical abortion abolition movement’s strategy of 'spiritual battle.’

This week on Radical Reports: A former British spy was paid by the heiress to the Gore-Tex fortune to hired former operatives of Project Veritas in an apparent political espionage operation in Western states that targeted Democrats and the perceived enemies of former President Donald Trump, and activists associated with the radical abortion abolition movement gathered in Arizona to participated in a conference that framed the movement’s strategic goals as a “spiritual battle.”

What to expect from Radical Reports: Weekly Intelligence Dispatches that provide a briefing on the activities of the Radical Right, Field Notes that provide research profiles of key organizations within the Radical Right, Legislation Watch that provides a breakdown of key legislative priorities of the Radical Right, and the Research Desk that highlights research and analysis from academia of the Radical Right.

Read more here.

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