#yellow lantern


Don’t mind me leaving jokes with my OC here only I most definitely find funny… or even understand. But maybe you wanna admire my improving alcohol marker skills? :D

Her name’s Ellie btw. She’s one of professor Cranes students (since he’s still teaching in my universe, doing his evil deeds in secret.. for now) and the Scarecrows self proclaimed assistant (he…. kinda adapts to that after refusing her “help” for a while). And she owns a (most of the time empty) yellow lantern ring. By accident.

Did I mentioned the straw ponytail is multifunctional?

Day 14 #29DaysofBlackCosplay Today I give you the color Rage but it also the color of Love. Red Lant

Day 14 #29DaysofBlackCosplay Today I give you the color Rage but it also the color of Love. Red Lantern.

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