

Here have a bean that deserved the world, but instead got possessed by swole satin because:

A) his dad sucks at picking out suoviners

B) his dad was an ass that stole jewelry from a low key cult and Ryō foolishly tried to save him because he is a good, but ended up with swole satin and a dead dumbass dad

You know, depending on the canon you prefer

As always, click for full res because I’m a dweeb that scans things at over 1000 pixels


Sloppy doodle is finnished. What colour are sebastian’s eyes even supposed to be? They look grey in the game, but the plush and pin have violet eyes.

Rando kankri. Sometimes I just colour in old sketches I find deep in the bowels of my sketch books.

Er, heres an oc that’s been living in my brain for at least a decade. His name is Zeth (weird I know).

I posted these to my Instagram but forgot to post them here. Oops. Been playing with my IP idea and original characters lately ^^°

His hair is normally black with a blue gradient, but I sometimes draw it blue for the sake of softness and colour coherencey. In school they teach you to fear stark black paint .

Don’t mind me leaving jokes with my OC here only I most definitely find funny… or even understand. But maybe you wanna admire my improving alcohol marker skills? :D

Her name’s Ellie btw. She’s one of professor Cranes students (since he’s still teaching in my universe, doing his evil deeds in secret.. for now) and the Scarecrows self proclaimed assistant (he…. kinda adapts to that after refusing her “help” for a while). And she owns a (most of the time empty) yellow lantern ring. By accident.

Did I mentioned the straw ponytail is multifunctional?
