#art of koenigskupfer


“Here, this is for you. A gift, my sky-fallen friend. I heard today is a special day where you come from. Must be hard for you, so far from home. Let’s hope Arceus will realise sending you back would be for the best, right? Huhuhuh….”

This is what the postgame incident of Pokémon Legends Arceus looked like, right?

These two still haunt me from time to time.

Drew this while listening to the Sea of Thieves soundtrack and… I think this track kinda fits Scarecrow?

Don’t mind me leaving jokes with my OC here only I most definitely find funny… or even understand. But maybe you wanna admire my improving alcohol marker skills? :D

Her name’s Ellie btw. She’s one of professor Cranes students (since he’s still teaching in my universe, doing his evil deeds in secret.. for now) and the Scarecrows self proclaimed assistant (he…. kinda adapts to that after refusing her “help” for a while). And she owns a (most of the time empty) yellow lantern ring. By accident.

Did I mentioned the straw ponytail is multifunctional?

He now doesn’t need a noose anymore! He has a multifunctional straw ponytail! Beware!

Again my The Evil Within 2 OC Renée with Stefano Valentini.

A little context: This plays before STEM. Renée is a detective in Krimson City and tries to solve the gruesome murders of models happening there. She and her partner soon get on Stefanos tracks due to a premièr of new photos with disturbing content he‘s showing in his galery. While her partner comes to the conclusion that Stefano is definitely morbid but innocent, Renée gets obsessed with the idea of convicting him. She stops at nothing, even putting herself in danger by becoming one of Stefanos models, hoping to find evidence first hand. And Stefano, well aware of her intentions, enjoys playing along… as the innocent one. Until he vanishes into STEM. This is not where it ends but that’s a story for another time. ;)

Ah yes, and this. Stefano thinks Renée would be way more pretty in a dress. Renée does not agree.

Stefano: “Why always these manly clothes? You really should wear a dress. It’s such a shame for a beautiful woman like yourself.”

Renée: “Why always this bloody art? You really should make pizza instead. It’s such a shame for an italian like you!”

My TEW-OC Renée trapped in Stefanos realm. I still love my artsy boy very much! <3

More you say? Yeeees, here you go! (What do you mean no one actually asked for this I don’t care what you wAnt YOu gEt thIS AnYWAY!!)

Am I late to the party? Yeah I guess… I should post this meme about getting late to a party and everythings a mess and over already which represents the dead fandom. Whatever. Here I am. The shadowman rocks!

Decided I’d post this anyway even if the fandom indeed seems to be dead because I thought about how happy I’d be if someone would post something for TPATF/Facilier and maybe I’m not the only one. You’re welcome. ;)

This movie was intense, very artsy and overall really good in my opinion! And I’m not even a Joker fan. Joaquin Phoenix did an outstanding job!

I did a redraw of that scene in the beginning of the game where you can spot Stefano admiring his own photographs after you just wittnessed him murdeeeeh I mean… creating another piece of art!

Well…. yes. Another Stefano. With a limited 4 color pastel palette, yaay!
