#yr analysis



in ep 6 when wille and simon meet up in the locker room i feel like simon was super tense because he didn’t know what wille was gonna do and idk if it was just me who thought this way

wille stopped things with simon after something happened 2 other times so i feel like he was expecting it to happen again, so when wille sat across from him he didn’t really react and looked down nervously

but when wilhelm grabs his legs/feet with his own simon relaxes and then leans forward to grab wilhelm’s hands

idk i like to think of it that way so lmk what you think


k so idk anyone else who’s watched young royals but i need to do Analysis on it so im just gonna post abt it

the scene where simon and wille kiss for the first time is so incredibly well-acted, i can’t stop thinking about it. they didn’t just fall into each other with obvious attraction, it was interesting to watch because we’re still not sure, from the outside perspective, what each party is feeling. based on simon’s actions, he likes wille, but he’s being subtle about it. wille, in turn, can’t stop staring at simon, and has been leaving opportunities open for simon, but hasn’t played an active role in his interest until now. simon makes the move, kisses wille. wille doesn’t react. they kiss again. wille doesn’t react. there’s a fear on his face that could almost be read as hostility, and he says “i’m not– i’m not–” and can’t even get the word gay out. simon takes this as rejection, and makes to leave, but then “WAIT, wait, wait, wait—” wille grabs his sleeve. and THAT! THAT SLEEVE GRAB! is where the climax of the scene sits to me. that’s the first moment in the whole show where wille has externalized his interest. before that it was all just mind-reading on simon’s part. that was where it could have turned into a horrific homophobic incident for simon and fucked up the next two years of his school life, but instead he realized that this boy he likes, that he took a chance on, DOES like him back, he WASN’T making it up. and THEN they can get a real, passionate kiss in.
