#young royals analysis


Things that happen here:

- Wilhelm maintains eye contact with Simon, making sure he’s ok with his shirt being taken off, getting consent

- Simon smiles, knowing what Wille wants and probably finding his eagerness amusing

- Simon let’s Wilhelm undress him

- Wilhelm looks down Simon’s on body and Simon can see the change is Wille’s mood, looking at him expectantly and tentatively

- Their breathing changes

- Wilhelm pulls Simon close, to have his undressed body against him or to show Simon what he’s doing to him, their hips collide

- Their bodies lean, putting Wilhelm in a slightly more dominant position, leaning down over Simon

- The kiss that follows is very different from the previous one, less gentle, more sexual

The sheer amount of intimacy in this shot is overwhelming. Think about it; These two people have already been through so much, have just confessed their feelings for one another, have just had sex for the first time. They have woken up together and could not keep their hands off each other. The amount of emotion they’re feeling here must be enormous. Look at Wilhelm covering Simon’s body with his own, Simon holding his head and tangling his hands in his hair as they kiss, them being so comfortable with each other’s bodies as well as in the positions they’re in. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It is so beautiful to watch them fall into place for each other and cover the other’s needs so perfectly. Wilhelm growing up controlled and powerless longing to be the one protecting, the one guiding and now he has Simon, who has always had to be responsible and mature and needs to be protected and focused on. They fit perfectly.Imagine being this lucky. In this moment right here, everything is perfect.

Did anyone else notice that in the breakfast scene where Madison and Nils are standing on the chairs after the party, Wilhelm and Simon are wearing the exactsameoutfits that they’re wearing during the piano scene after their first kiss? That scene was meant to be shown after their first kiss, on the same day as the breakfast scene and after the horror movie night. That’swhy there’s tension there and that’s why people think they kissed at the party. Because when they shot that, they had.Smart.

I feel so sorry for Wilhelm when he apologises to Simon during their final hug. When Simon rejects this apology and wishes him a nice Christmas and he says “thank you, Simon” you can see in his face that he is not surprised by this response. He expected this. But i’m sure there was some part of him, deep inside hoping he could make all this go away by simply apologising. And you can see in his eyes that he is sorry, so, so sorry. Don’t get me wrong, Simon was treated terribly and he was completely right to do what he did but Wilhelm was under so much more pressure. Before he denies that it was him in the video, we see him contemplating but he was under so much pressure and receiving so much hate and unwanted attention that I’m 100% sure that in his mind this was not selfishness or ignorance but self protection and the easiest way out. Of course it hits him afterwards, he panic texts Simon, he is aware of what he just did and he desperately wants to fix it. But he did not count on Simon being so strong and final in his decision. So no, I don’t really think he actually expected his forgiveness after the final hug but he is so clearly sorry. He completely underestimated the severity of the pain this would cause Simon because from his point of view, he was stopping the shitstorm and protecting them or himself. He misjudged everything. His eyes are full of sadness and regret.

Things that happen here:

- Wilhelm checks if the guards are looking

- He slows his walking (look at that princely posture though)

- He pulls Simon back and by presumably his jacket and he turns around, looking a little surprised

- Simon stops and Wilhelm leans down to kiss him, still holding on to his jacket

- He keeps looking at Simon to see his reaction and they both giggle

And the fact that this was improvised…

This kiss always reminds me of their first kiss. They barely pull apart, barely let any air between them before reconnecting. But here, this happens for completely different reasons and not out of awkwardness. We can literally see it in Wilhelm’s face; he loves Simon so much and he does not want to let go of him even for a second. He is holding him so gently and leading them at the same time and Simon has to tilt his chin up to kiss him since they’re still standing so close to one another. We can see the pure love and affection here and we can see just how much want there is.

Did anyone else notice that when Simon and Wilhelm are sitting outside at the party and Simon helps him remember the lyrics, neither of them uses the word “her” when singing. Wilhelm just stops at the word and Simon even looks at him and waits for him to sing it but neither of them do.

They go like “Every morning I would see…. getting off the bus”


in ep 6 when wille and simon meet up in the locker room i feel like simon was super tense because he didn’t know what wille was gonna do and idk if it was just me who thought this way

wille stopped things with simon after something happened 2 other times so i feel like he was expecting it to happen again, so when wille sat across from him he didn’t really react and looked down nervously

but when wilhelm grabs his legs/feet with his own simon relaxes and then leans forward to grab wilhelm’s hands

idk i like to think of it that way so lmk what you think
