#yu long


Possessed Xue Qian Xun this outfit and the fight sequences tho??? Deng Wei’s dance background is showing!✨

Has anyone seen this omgggggg??????

The infamous crying scene from rookie actor Deng Wei in his first drama (ikr don’t believe it either)✨

I love how both their real personalities are actually reflected in their characters. Has anyone watched the 1hr livestream they did? Literally not even a single second when it was boring or awkward. They talked about how after shooting this scene it was hard for them to come out of the moment and they were stuck with the emotions for ages so had to comfort each other. PMY also said she watched DW do the ‘NOOOOOO’ scene and was crying with him can we talk about how DW said he thought she was gentle and considerate after the nose kiss scene and she helped him clean the lip gloss residue

I love how they’re just maintaining a very open and friendly relationship like two normal people who like each other (romantically or not), without avoiding each other deliberately in public like most Chinese actors do. It’s honestly so cute and refreshing how honest they are to each other and to the fans - this clip shows just how good their camaraderie is behind the scenes!

[Chinese tag] 青山百里月无眠 - 魏一宁 translated English lyrics

This song had such beautifully written poetic lyrics that have taken inspiration from countless works of classical poetry, so I had to translate it!

To me this is the perfect song for Qing Qing and Xue Qian Xun in the drama

Lyrics translation (by me):

*青山百里月无眠 遮颜

A hundred miles of verdant mountains, the sleepless moon covers its face

流水黄昏察无色 心猿

Running streams and sun sets are colourless, my heart is restless

孑孑无妄 霎作相逢 殊途难现

Living as a lone dissenter, I met you suddenly by accident. But we are travelling on different paths, it is hard to find you

觊觎三世 人无怨

I coveted for three lifetimes without complaint

落英撩撩 却人间情难饶

Fallen petals tease but do not spare the human heart

缤纷绕绕 隔相思望不到

My feelings entangle profusely, pining for but cannot see you

如幻如梦 辗转几多烟雨愁

Like an illusion, like a dream, how many more times will woeful sleeplessness and unease rain on me?


It is endless

**微弱的光 闪烁慌张

A faint light flashes anxiously

我是否曾 牵动你心跳

Have I ever pulled on your heartstrings?

耳畔风鸣 瑟瑟飘荡

The wind whistles by my ears, a sound drifts softly

我能听到 你回应的讯号

I can hear the signal of your reply



Apparently Yu Long is actor Deng Wei’s first ever drama I’m speechless because this scene hit me real hard… and he’s a rookie!
