#yukhei scenarios


pairing: wong yukhei x (f) reader

genre: smut, fluff, angst if you squint

summary: as fun as it was to lie on silk sheets and tease each other without going any further, you didn’t want just fun. you wanted him to strip you off the lingerie set you were scantily clad in and take you right then and there.

tags: model!yukhei x singer!reader, tenyang appear too, strangers to lovers, a bit of pining, making out, fingering, oral sex, slight praise and size kink, just yukhei being a cute soft dom lol

word count: 6.1k

a/n: this was supposed to be pure filth but then it became fluffy :’) i wrote most of it while reaaally stressed with uni, so sorry this took a while + forgive me if there are any mistakes!! the title is from ‘yours’ by maye. if you enjoyed this please don’t hesitate to let me know, tysm! <3


you’re not sure how you ended up here.

here, as in sloppily kissing the ridiculously hot model you met just hours ago, tongues clashing like you’re spelling out each other’s name.

here, as in straddling his hips and running your hands over the golden skin of his chest while he massages your thighs, the sounds of your hushed breaths and lips smacking filling the air.

no, you know exactly how you ended up here — and why.

you knew you were done for the moment you first met lucas wong, an up-and-coming model in the fashion industry who was to be your co-star for your upcoming music video.

as your manager ten cordially introduced you to lucas, you struggled to keep your nerves at bay and not ogle at the tall, handsome man. you’ve met dozens of dashing dudes in your past year as a newcomer to the music industry, but lucas was truly something else — he was such a dream.

his hair was styled up, a single curl falling over his forehead but not obstructing his beautiful doe eyes. and as if his defined features weren’t already too much for you to take in, his bare chest was on display too, perfectly sculpted and literally glowing from the thin layer of body glitter on it.

then you started talking to him and god, not only was he sweet and polite — he just had to be so cute and charming too. the combination of his deep voice and puppy-like looks gave you whiplash, and it was almost embarrassing how you couldn’t handle the sheer eye contact when you only just got to know him.

the butterflies fluttering wildly in your tummy only multiplied when shooting began.

at first, the lights and cameras were great distractions as you lip-synced to suggestive lyrics and lightly smoothed a hand across his chest — after all, professional acting wasn’t something new to you. you were all dolled up and looking picture perfect just like lucas was, and the loud whistles from your staff who were hyping you helped you remember who you were.

but when you leaned into him and brushed your lips across his shoulders — and when his eyes fell onto yours with a dreamy, distracted gaze — you found yourself praying for the shoot to wrap up already.

because as fun as it was to lie on silk sheets and tease each other without going any further, you didn’t want just fun. you wanted him to strip you off the lingerie set you were scantily clad in and take you right then and there.

and so did lucas, who knocked on the door of your dressing room when filming wrapped and everyone else disappeared into the dining hall.

there was a moment of hesitation as he stood in the hallway, visibly gulping as his eyes fixated on your lips. from the way he was still shirtless with only a pair of grey sweatpants on, it was obvious he didn’t spend more than a minute in his own dressing room before rushing to you.

your mind screamed at you to do something, anything to relieve the tension — so you grabbed his arm and pulled him in.

all you can remember after turning around from locking the door is him crashing into you, his lips pressed against yours as if he had been waiting to do that the entire day.

a low guttural groan drags you back into the present moment.

you feel his hands, big and warm, caress your bum. one slides up your back in search of the hook of your mesh bra and his fingers meddle with the thin strap impatiently, making you smile.

that smile breaks after a few seconds, a gasp slipping through your lips. you call lucas, but he pays no attention and simply continues licking over the patch of skin he had been sucking on. you know he’s trying to give you a hickey like the one you left on his throat.

“lucas.” his name falls from your parted lips again in a breathless whisper.

at the sound of his name dripping with lust, he instantly pulls away and rests his forehead against yours, staring at you with his eyes still half-lidded. your heart hammers on your chest at his lips looking all glossy and swollen, his pupils slightly blown.

“it opens from the front,” you tell him, reaching for his hand and guiding it to your cleavage, where the metal hook holding your bra in place was sewn on the inside. “here.”

“oh.” lucas mutters softly, staring blankly at your perfectly manicured hand. his puffy lips pucker into a tiny pout.

a wave of adoration washes over you. letting out a light chuckle, you cup his jawline, tilting his face towards yours before giving him a short kiss. “cute.”

his eyebrows soften before the corner of his lips twitch into a smirk.

“me? cute?”

a shiver runs down your spine at the raspiness of his voice and the smugness of it.

it’s sinful how two simple words could make your body flush just like that. you hope he doesn’t notice how sensitive you are — you haven’t been this intimate with anyone since your break-up a few months back.

but you fail pathetically, surrendering to him the moment his other hand curves around your neck with a gentle yet firm grip. your head falls back and you exhale softly as he leaves a trail of wet kisses along your throat.

“baby,” he murmurs as he undoes your bra and tugs the straps off your shoulders. “i’m far from cute.”

you gulp, unable to react to his statement because his lips are suddenly back on yours, his hands cupping your breasts and fondling them. he groans when your hips grind rock his crotch in an attempt to satisfy the need to be fucked properly.

lucas lowers you onto the sofa, caging you in his large frame. you feel so small in this position, but his cock hardens and shows its length against the fabric of his sweatpants and you instantly feel even smaller. now you just want him inside you, stretching you open and keeping you full.

but you’re painfully aware of how you can’t have that right now — so you settle for spreading your thighs apart and relishing in the way he needily ruts against you.

“wish i could take you right here,” he huffs. “make you scream and let everyone hear us.”

you whine in response, momentarily distracted by that scandalous image. in the midst of it all, you can’t help but think of how nice it’d be to be called his baby — how nice it’d be if you could be his baby. a pool of moisture dampens your panties.

“i want you too—”

out of nowhere, a bunch of repetitive knocks pound against the door of your dressing room, sending both of you into a state of shock. lucas freezes — a string of saliva hangs off his chin and lands on your chest as he hovers over you, his eyes widened in panic.

after a few seconds of silence the door rattles with a series of knocks again, this time sending you and him into a state of frenzy. you snap out of it, sitting up quickly and fixing your bra while lucas frantically looks around the room for a place to hide.

y/n? are you done changing? you’ve been in there for a while.”

you sighed in half-relief. it was yangyang, ten’s intern — and your harmless assistant.

“um, is everything okay? should i come in?”

“no!” you yell back a little too harshly. “i’m okay, just give me five minutes and i’ll be out.”

“okay then.” yangyang replies. “i’m gonna head over to the vending machines and be right back.”

within seconds, you have your hoodie and sweatpants on while lucas has strategically planted himself behind a clothing rack at the corner of the room.

the silence in the air has become a little awkward and even a little draining. you look at lucas and smile sadly at how his hair is still a mess from you running your hands through it — you wish the good moment you and him had didn’t end so abruptly.

“will you be okay here?” you whisper to him.

“i’m fine.” lucas whispers back. “it’s okay, i’ll get out later. you should go before he comes back.”

but you don’t want to. who knows when you’ll get to see him again?

a part of you wonders if this has been nothing more than a casual fling for lucas, if his sweet demeanour was entirely platonic. you would be lying if you said you wouldn’t be hurt.

letting out a tiny ‘okay’, you make your way towards the door, dragging out every second and taking the slowest footsteps you’ve ever taken in your entire life. you don’t care if you look silly, you want him to say something, to tell you to stop, to—

“y/n?” lucas blurts out, unfolding himself from his crouched position. “um, i hope to see you again.”

your heart races as you let his words settle in. he looks at you with an expectant gaze, scratching the back of his neck as he continues, “only if you want that too, of course.”

lucas @wyhlucas
new things coming soon had so much fun on set and can’t wait for everyone to see this. much love and thanks to the super talented @y/n and her team for this opportunity! http://t.co/990125

wowowow these pics are amazing! i wonder who took them :D

10 @tenlee1001
aww thanks, my phone did


cat momager
have you guys decided when you’re gonna do the deed?
our return flight is tomorrow night, in case you’ve forgotten :/

yangyang minaj
okay um
nobody says “do the deed” anymore
it makes u sound old, ten-ge

cat momager
damn ok
when are you guys gonna fuck?
i will literally scream if you carry on this nun act when mr hottie is clearly so into you
tell me you’re at least going to dinner with him. please.

chill out omg
uh.. we’re hanging out tonight

cat momager
this is marvellous news to me
have fun and be safe darling!! mwah!!

sounding like an old person again…
jk ily <3

yangyang minaj
“hanging out” haha
u owe us a nice meal for this :D

i? owe you a meal??
you’re the one who interrupted things

yangyang minaj
that’s not my fault, i didn’t know u were into exhibitionism
and yeah i was the one who suggested casting him :D

you’ll regret saying that liu yangyang

yangyang minaj

cat momager
moving on
i’m kinda craving sushi
so yessssss to the meal treat :3

yangyang minaj
ok cool i’ll do the research :D

brave of you to think that you’re getting that free meal

yangyang minaj
thought i was your fav intern and didi

i’m muting this gc bye

you end up getting together with lucas again much sooner than you thought.

after his confession that day, you followed each other on social media and exchanged numbers. since then, you’ve been texting him literally every other minute — if you’re not busy stalking his instagram page which was pretty much his modelling portfolio, with the occasional selfie and scenery shot.

lucas was definitely doing the same, judging from how he liked a bunch of your older photos and openly tagged you as his celebrity crush in one of his ‘q&a’ instagram stories.

so it’s safe to say that the attraction is mutual.

and it makes you giddy. the last time you felt such a rush of excitement with someone was such a long time ago, so it’s hardly a surprise when the recurrent smile on your face doesn’t go unnoticed by ten and yangyang — who are both ecstatic at the thought of you finally breaking free from the insecure, depressive post-breakup spell you’ve been under.

when lucas finally shows up at your hotel room, you’re once again faced with the challenge of not smiling at every little thing he says — and now gawking at how handsome he is.

“i just came from that fitting session for fashion week i was telling you about.” lucas says. he strolls into the room confidently at first, setting his jacket and bag on the couch, then he turns to look at you — and you nearly fawn over the shy smile he’s trying so hard to hide.

you quickly scan his outfit: a graphic t-shirt with its sleeves folded to show off his muscly arms, tucked into a pair of navy pants that elongate his already long legs and accentuate his slim waist.

“i got the gig!” he chuckles sheepishly, his eyes crinkling beneath the pair of gold circle-framed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.

“this calls for a celebration!” you cheer, rushing over to the mini fridge below the tv console. “i have the perfect thing for that.”

lucas sits at the foot of your bed, letting out a soft ‘wow’ as he watches you pull out a small bottle of wine. you have to fight the urge to kiss the tip of his nose because he’s just too cute.

after you make a toast to his upcoming show, the two of you end up chatting about the day’s events and before you know it, nearly an hour has passed and the bottle of wine is now half-empty.

lucas reaches for your glass and puts it aside when he notices how quiet you are and you swoon a hundred times, not bothering to take off those rose-tinted glasses you’ve been looking at him through anymore.

“this is a celebration for you too, y’know.”

“a celebration for me? how?”

he returns to his spot next to you on the queen-sized bed, shifting the sheets around and repositioning himself to face you.

“hm, you have a mini album dropping at the end of next month. right?”

you stare at him with an expression of something between confusion and amusement.

how did he know? that’s information only you and your team have.

he lets out a giggle at your reaction, the airy sound of it alone making you decide that it doesn’t really matter, that it’s alright if he knows.

“i overheard one of your staff talking about it.” lucas admits. his smile falters at the end of the sentence as panic sets in. “don’t worry though! i didn’t tell anyone.”

“oh, it’s fine.” you shrug, making a mental note to nag at yangyang — you have a feeling he’s responsible for this. “it is super secret info, but i would’ve told you sooner or later anyway.”

“oh.” lucas grins. “is that so?”

your cheeks burn. you can’t even bring yourself to look at him and the coy smile etched onto his lips — you’re crumbling under his gaze, stupidly hoping you don’t look too flustered.

when you finally have the courage to look at him, you find him still smiling at you.

“cute.” he mumbles, chuckling at the whine of embarrassment you let out as he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

“you know what i can’t stop thinking of?”

his voice is soft and soothing, and would be lulling you to sleep if his flirty self hasn’t been keeping you on your toes every second.

you shake your head, unable to keep yourself calm when you’re pressed against him and feeling the rhythm of his breathing match yours. somehow, this feels more intimate than whatever you and him did in that dressing room.

“you.” he says softly.

by some surge of confidence — it must be the alcohol — you shift yourself to rest your body on top of his and cradle his head with your hands. lucas swallows nervously at your sudden move and the proximity of your faces.

“may i?” he asks, eyes flickering to your parted lips.

you answer him by joining your lips together — it’s a simple kiss, no tongue, and weirdly lasts only a few seconds before he cups your cheeks to pull you away.

“m’ sorry,” he mumbles shyly, his hands moving to his face and taking his glasses off. “these need to go. wanna kiss you properly.”

your chest vibrates with laughter against his, his statement filling you with too much warmth and happiness. as soon as his glasses are carefully placed on the bedside table, your lips crash in a fiery kiss again. his hands grip your bum firmly, his lips swiping against yours languidly with zero intentions of pulling away.

when he finally does, you’re both panting, hot breaths touching each other’s swollen lips. he rolls you onto the bed and settles comfortably in between your legs.

“can’t stop thinking about you,” lucas confesses, his eyes darting all over your face as if trying to memorise this moment. “can’t stop thinking about how i didn’t get to fuck you properly.”

your throat turns dry. his words going straight to your core and instantly make you wrap your legs around his waist, the friction of your clothing rubbing against his leaving you slightly annoyed.

“me too.” you mumble.

the trail of wet kisses along your neck comes to a stop as lucas lifts his head to look at you.

“do you—” he asks breathlessly. “wanna—”

“yes.” you intercept him, knowing all too well that you’re too weak to hear the end of that question.

there’s a cheeky smile on his face that you only get to admire for a second before he kisses you in a way that’s so tender, it makes your stomach flip.

he sheds his clothes and helps you out of yours, beaming at the familiar sight of your body in lingerie even though it’s nothing fancy this time. you arch your back, reaching for your bra hook and unclasping it swiftly with one hand.

“pretty,” he mutters, bending down to line his mouth with one of your breasts. his mouth sucks at the underside of it, the loudness of his lips smacking against your skin filling your ears.

your hands find home in his hair, gently scratching his scalp as his tongue glides over your nipple. you’re so caught up in the moment that you don’t notice his other hand cupping your core and rubbing you through your panties, and a sinful moan escapes you before you can hold it back.

lucas pulls away and reattaches his lips at the base of your neck, eagerly slipping his fingers beneath your panties. the soft pad of his middle finger massages your sensitive bud before gliding against your drenched folds, the mere action making your hips twitch up in the air, much to your embarrassment.

“so sensitive,” he murmurs, slowly working you open as your arousal leaks onto the warm palm of his hand. “baby’s so tight.”

“more, please—” you plead, your own fingers reaching below to pull your panties aside. you should’ve known from the length of his fingers that you’d fall apart right away — but here you are, gasping and whimpering uncontrollably.

“good?” lucas asks. you hum in response and he chuckles, the sound of it nearly sending you over the edge.

he continues fingering you for a while, adding a third finger and mumbling lewd praises into your ear as your hips grind along to the pace of his fingers. soft whimpers slowly turn into broken moans as your hand releases your panties and desperately clings onto the sheets.

“s’ okay baby,” he coos as you clench around his digits. “let it go.”

his thumb presses against your clit, drawing circles in a hypnotic rhythm until you’re coming apart and spilling onto his knuckles.

“so pretty when you come.” lucas caresses your trembling thighs with his sticky hand. “wanna fuck you and see that pretty face again.”

you shudder with excitement as he hastily digs through his bag for a condom and rushes back to you. when he pulls down his boxers and throws them aside, the sight of his naked body hovering over yours naturally spreads your thighs apart — you think you can come again just looking at his cock bounce against his tummy, pre-cum dribbling down his thick length.

“fuck,” he grunts when you wrap a hand around him. you stroke him slowly at first, spreading his arousal and reveling in the way his eyes shut as his hips begin rutting into your grip. “baby, no, no—” he stutters, grabbing your other hand from his shoulder that tried to push him onto the bed.

you sulk at him, upset that he would reject you like that. “lucas,” you plead as you continue pumping him. “want you to come in my mouth. please?”

“i-” he chuckles with an abashed smile, bending down to press his forehead against yours. “i’ll give it to you, baby. promise.” he kisses you before ripping the foil packet open. “let me fuck you first — i can’t wait anymore.”

neither can you. whatever thoughts you had just seconds ago fly out of the window as lucas hoists you further up on the bed. you let your eyes roam across his athletic body, from his broad shoulders to his sculpted abs to his rock hard cock now sheathed in rubber. it’s a sight that has you throbbing and pulsing with so much want.

gasps spill into the air as he slowly enters you. you’re clenching around nothing one second and stretching to accommodate all of him in the next, and your mind blanks out from the stark difference — you can’t believe how deep he’s inside you.

lucas stays still, soft sighs falling from his parted lips as his eyes gloss over your body hungrily. his patience only lasts a minute before he leans forward to cup your cheek.

“can i move, baby?”

you nod, gripping his biceps to hold yourself in place. his cock drags along your walls and you moan, softly at first before he presses his mouth to yours, swallows all the noises you make. he’s big and you knew that, but you can barely comprehend it when he’s sliding in and out of you, your arousal helping you take him more easily.

“lucas, you’re so big, so good.” you whine, mindlessly tugging at his hair.

“yeah?” he grunts. “you want more?”

“yes—” your breath hitches when he suddenly gets on his knees and grabs your hands, pinning them above your head.

you cry as rams his cock into you, the tip of him nudging your cervix. your mind fizzles with immense pleasure.

“baby,” he huffs, eyes lowering to where you and him are joined. “you’re so pretty like this, stretched out and taking me so well.”

sweat trickles down his chest as he fucks you brutally, locking you in place with his strong arms and powerful hips. his gaze darkens, flickering between your face to your breasts bouncing with every jolt. you feel so small and insignificant, like you’re made just for his pleasure — and you’re more than okay with that.

the squelches coming from where you and him are joined are overpowered by your loud sobs. heat pools into the pit of your belly and your walls clamp down on him, your thighs beginning to shake uncontrollably.

“i’m close—” you cry, your back arching against the mattress.

“i got you, baby.” he coos, eyes softening when he notices a teardrop roll down your cheek. immediately he lets go of your hands, bringing them to his lips where he kisses your slightly red wrists. “come all over me.” 

a wave of pleasure washes over you like a strong tide, drowning you and paralysing every muscle in your body as you reach a feverish orgasm. 

lucas groans, grinding balls deep into you as you spasm beneath him. your brain blanks out in bliss as you come, your release gushing past your folds onto the base of his cock.

“lucas,” you whine, your chest rising and falling as you calm down from your high. you still haven’t forgotten his promise — but neither has he. 

he pulls his hard length out of you slowly, hissing as he peels off the sticky rubber and watches you whine at the emptiness. pumping himself with one hand, he crawls over you carefully, knees sinking into the mattress by your sides. you’re soon greeted with the sight of him looking down at you, positioning the tip of his cock between your parted lips.

“fuck, shit—” lucas groans as you run the flat of your tongue along the vein on the side. 

you guide him into your mouth and suck on his head sloppily, tasting his arousal as you coated him with your saliva. he’s thick and you’re unsure about having his whole length down your throat, so you let the pool of spit in your mouth help you take as much of him as you can.

a series of whiney noises fall from his ‘o’ shaped lips as his hands grip onto the headboard for life. he’s breathing harshly, his hips falling into a steady rhythm as he works his cock in and out of your mouth, thrusting as deep as you could have him.

“so pretty for me, baby.” he moans, his eyes locking with your teary ones. “you’re so pretty.” you manage a whimper in response, his praises and the blown out expression on his face making the burning in your throat all worth it.

with a strained “oh my god, babe—baby—” he pulls out a little and comes, his release flooding your mouth in long spurts. you swallow all of it and continue pumping him, milking every droplet onto your tongue.

lucas struggles to balance himself. his eyebrows are furrowed, his jaw slack in pleasure as he watches you lazily wipe off the mess of spit, come, and tears trailing down your chin. eventually he manoeuvres himself off you and haphazardly collapses onto the bed. 

“you okay?”

you nod, too worn out to even speak. like you, lucas stares into the air with his eyes almost shut, still lost in the high as he lets out ragged breaths.

it takes less than ten minutes for your blissed-out state to fade into the overwhelming urge to hug him, kiss him, and hold his face — but the exhaustion weighing down on you is so great that you settle with gazing at him.

sensing your eyes on him, lucas shifts himself sideways and throws an arm over your hip, closing the distance between the two of you.

“pretty.” he whispers, gently tilting your face towards his with an index finger and thumb on your chin, then closing in to kiss you. when he pulls away, you take a minute to admire his ruffled hair, kiss-bruised lips and shiny face while he wipes off the tear streaks off your cheeks.

he’s so beautiful.

mushy thoughts cloud your mind. you’re soft all over again, lying on the bed in disgust at your romantic inner monologue as he makes a quick cleanup and fetches you a bottle of water.


you sucked in a breath, hesitating to ask the one question you were afraid of knowing the answer to — but he interrupts you instead.





he nods with a dopey grin, slipping beneath the covers next to you.

“it’s my real name—xuxi. want you to call me that.” he giggles shyly, burrowing his face into the crook of your neck. the image and sound of that is just too much for your heart to handle.

“oh, okay. are you staying the night, xuxi?”

“do you want me to?” he asks quietly, his hands coming to rest on the small of your back to pull you closer to him. your breathing goes uneven when you realise his actions are probably hinting at his answer to your question.

“maybe.” you mumble.

xuxi lifts his head, lips stretching into a wide smile as he catches the look of abashment on your face.

“well—” he pauses, his smile subsiding into a soft and sincere one. “i want to.”

you exhale in content and glee, biting back a dumbstruck smile. it’s your turn to nuzzle into the juncture of his neck and shoulder — his skin is warm, sticky and salty with sweat but with fatigue creeping up on you, you couldn’t care less.

“then stay.” you whisper. “don’t go.”

“i won’t.”

placing a kiss on your forehead, xuxi repositions himself and makes you the little spoon. your hands rest on top of his as he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you impossibly closer, molding himself into your body and encasing you in his warmth.

god knows how tired you are, but you don’t want to sleep and lose this moment. the past few hours briefly replay in your mind, affection coursing through your veins making you dizzy and reminding you once again how long it has been since you last went to bed feeling this happy and cared for.

you usually go to bed feeling lonely or with some worries on your mind but tonight, there’s none of that. tonight, you fall asleep with a tender heart, with xuxi whispering “goodnight, baby” into your ear.

“what do you want.”

“i’m just checking on you!”

it’s past noon, but still too early for you to be dealing with liu yangyang and his excessively cheery tone.

“like ten asked me to, y’know. we wanna know if your—ahem—date went well.” he continues, and you can already see that shit-eating grin of his in your head. “also, just letting you know we have dinner plans before flying back tonight, your treat by the way—ow!

you let out a silent yawn as you listen to the phone get shoved around, having a vague idea of what’s going on. after a few seconds of muffled noises, a faint “that hurt!” in yangyang’ whiney little voice and a “good, it was supposed to!” from a snappy ten, the call cuts off. then a bunch of notifications start popping up on the lockscreen of your phone.

cat momager
sorry about that y/n
you know him -_-

yangyang minaj
smh so now it’s MY fault
i was checking in on her like you asked me to

cat momager
yeah that’s not what i meant and you know it lol
a simple text would have sufficed
not a fucking call!!!!
we don’t even call each other normally bro!!!!

it’s okay lol
i’m up anyway!

yangyang minaj
ooo someone’s in a good mood

cat momager
yeah well
she probably got laid last night
did you?

yangyang minaj

cat momager
we’re gonna hang out at the spa before checking out
if dinner’s still on tonight then just ring me when you’re done :D

wait what
tonight’s still on!
why wouldn’t it be?

cat momager
maybe bc you’ll be hanging out with mr hottie…

yangyang minaj
lol he has a real name

you barely have time to type out a reply because you’re getting yet another incoming call — this time, from ten.

“okay, sorry for calling again but i just need to ask—is everything going okay?”

ten sounds a little concerned. you’re slightly creeped out by how he could sense your mixed emotions just from a few text messages, but for the most part, grateful he’s always looking out for you and acting as a close friend more than a manager.

“yeah.” you steal a glance at the marble partition dividing the bedroom and the open bathroom, thinking of the man you spent the night with who’s still here, standing in the shower where clouds of steam are floating out of. “everything’s good.”

“i’m sensing a ‘but’ here.” ten says, clearly hesitating to prod further.

last night, you got the intimacy and connection you’ve been looking for so badly in the form of one person: xuxi.

there’s literally nothing to dislike about him, and on the contrary, many, many things that you like about him. you’d love to have something more, and maybe you’re thinking too much, but he definitely seems to feel the same way about you.

but you couldn’t help but remain defensive, afraid, and unsure. all these conflicting emotions from meeting someone you met just days ago, even though you and him had an amazing time last night — you’re just not sure about what to do and where to go from here.

ten sighs after a few seconds of silence on your side.

“y/n, i can hear you overthinking again. stop that.”

“i know, i know—sorry.”

“you can tell me whatever’s bothering you. i’m all ears, you know that.”


silence ensues again.

“so.” ten perks up. ”what are your plans for today?”

“um,” you mumble. “xuxi—lucas, i mean, that’s his real name—did mention something about going out for lunch. but nothing’s confirmed.”

“wow.” ten laughs. “the man already told you his real name and wants to take you out to lunch. just go out with him y/n, for christ’s sake.”

you snort. maybe he does have a point. you wait for him to continue talking and sweeping away your doubts and second thoughts — he’s very talented at that.

“just give yourself a chance to be happy, okay?” he says sagely. “if you end up not having a good time, we’ll just pretend he doesn’t exist and move on. worst case scenario, i get yangyang to make a diss track about him. simple as that.”

there’s a curious “wait, what?” in the background of ten’s side that makes you giggle.

“okay. sounds good.” you felt a foolish smile spreading across your face.

“that’s what i want to hear!” ten exclaims happily. “okay, go have fun. i’ll talk to you later.”

you put your phone down, turning around only to meet a half-naked xuxi strolling out of the bathroom.

the muscle lines adorning his torso move in waves as he towels his hair dry and puts his glasses on, absolutely oblivious to how overwhelming yet addicting the sight of him is for you.

“who’s making you smile?”

“noone.” you mutter, rolling your eyes playfully and making space for him on the bed. “just my manager being silly.”

xuxi plops down right next to you, slinging the fluffy towel around his neck as his lips curve into a smug grin.

“oh. good.”

“what does that mean?” you chuckle.

“nothing,” he mumbles in the same shy manner you answered him. “it means iwanttobetheonemakingyousmileallthetime.”

your smile drops — you heard every single word of it even though it probably sounds like gibberish to anyone else. he’s crazy, you think.

“can i?” he asks, and your head spins at the boldness and casualness of it all.

you look at xuxi expecting a flirty gaze, but he just stares at you, eyes flickering across your features as he processes your reaction. he’s been so attentive, always making sure you’re comfortable and trying to understand what you don’t say aloud. plus, your gigantic crush on him isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

you recall ten’s words earlier and come to an easy decision.

“yes.” you breathe out, feeling your cheeks get hotter.

“good.” he lets out a nervous chuckle, his face lighting up with a lopsided smile. “i want to take you out to lunch too. and dinner. and drinks. wanna hold your hand, call you beautiful—all that. wanna make you mine.”

“xuxi!” you stutter out. his sugary words have you melting and melting into nothing but a puddle in his arms. all you can do is look back at him with a smile that’s just like the one on his face — small yet so full of fondness.

xuxi giggles, resting his hand over yours and smoothing circles onto your skin with his thumb. his hair is now half-dried and fluffier than ever, and he looks so ridiculously soft that you can’t hold yourself back, and won’t anymore — so you gently remove his glasses and lean in for an innocent kiss.

“i’d like that a lot.” you tell him earnestly.

xuxi doesn’t say anything else.

he simply cups the back of your neck and kisses you again. the kiss is deeper and longer this time, with his lips brushing against yours and sucking on your bottom lip before he inevitably pulls away. somehow, you end up in his lap with your hands on his shoulders holding him close, your fingernails digging into his warm skin.

you don’t know how many more kisses you and him share before you finally make it out of the hotel room and to a nearby cafe for lunch. but with every kiss, smile, and touch, you felt warm, happy, and loved — and that was something you can’t wait to get used to, with him.

10 @tenlee1001
sushi night with @y/n @yyminaj and special guest @wyhlucas°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°http://t.co/960227

lucas @wyhlucas
RT: @tenlee1001: sushi night with @y/n @yyminaj and special guest @wyhlucas°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

so i’m no special guest.. guess that means i’m the main character ;)

liked by y/n and lucas
10 @tenlee1001
if that helps you sleep at night then yeah :D

☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au yukhei 
happy (not tooooo late at all, for a change lol) birthday yukhei!~
find others here: johnny|haechan|taeil|taeyong|mark|jaemin|yangyang|yuta|sicheng|chenle |kun

  • “that’s the worst sound i have ever heard in my life.”
  • you stand up too fast from behind the counter and bump your head with an ouch before looking to see what sicheng is complaining about now
  • outside the window of the cafe, you see a group of laughing boys and the bright, loud dirt bikes they’ve started riding around town
  • the sound of the engines and skidding tires managing to make their way through the windows
  • you wipe your hand on the front of your uniform’s apron and shrug
  • “i think they’re kind of cool.”
  • sicheng swivels around on the creaky bar stool, a script open halfway through is laying beside his iced-coffee
  • “extreme sports is just the polite way to say hey, this shit will get you killed”
  • you roll your eyes and check the clock that hangs above the display of baked goods and menu - almost eight, so almost time to close
  • you point it out to sicheng who packs his things up, you go over to help an elderly regular clean up their table and when the customer leaves you tell sicheng he doesn’t have to wait up for you
  • he throws his bag over his shoulder and looks over his shoulder at the parked dirt bikes 
  • “hey, if one of them bothers you when you’re locking up just call me.”
  • “im pretty sure they’re not even going to notice me.”
  • sicheng still frets as he slips out of the door
  • you hum as you fall into your end of the day routine. you’ve been working here part-time through university, but with summer coming around, you’ve come on full-time
  • it’s a lot of work for one person, but the boss trusts you like their own children, and you actually enjoy having the quiet responsibility of locking up
  • you sweep the floor, put away all of the left over food and milk in the fridge, check the register and print-out the sales for the day
  • your last task is to close all of the blinds, the cafe always has them up in the summer, the tops open to let a slight breeze in when it coasts by
  • as you go through each them, you finally reach the last one that faces directly out of the front of the cafe. out onto sidewalk across.
  • it’s right in front of the intersection where the sidewalk turns into the boardwalk, and there’s a bike rack and some parking spots
  • the dirt bikes have all been left there, tires soiled with wear and sand
  • beside one of the bikes, a sleek red bodied one with various silver accents, stands a lone figure
  • in the summer heat, he’s still got leather gloves on that clutch the matching colored helmet in one hand, long jeans and lace up heavy boots 
  • the only breathable part of his outfit is the white tank top that clings to the obviously toned lines of his upper body
  • a silver chain hangs around his neck, the links look so small on his overall broad figure, but they still shine against his sun kissed skin
  • he chews on the end of a toothpick and staring -
  • you step back slightly - he’s staring right at you
  • something in your stomach feels off, the crossing wires of concern and shock tell you to enter a state of heightened awareness
  • scurrying back to your work, you tell yourself you are just seeing things. you should listen to sicheng, finish quickly and hurry home.
  • the summer sun is quietly being pushed out by the summer moon by the time you lock the front door of the cafe and drop the keys into your bag
  • you turn around and whisper a small - shit! - when the figure from before is still there
  • he’s probably waiting for his friends, but sicheng was all wound up about them so now i am to- oh wait i think he’s coming over here!
  • and you’re right, the figure looks both ways before he crosses the street and jogs easily up to you
  • suddenly your hand itches to fish those keys out of your bag because what can a guy (a very handsome guy, up close) on a dirt bike have to do with you-
  • “hi - do you work in the cafe?”
  • he asks, voice deeper than you expect, his eyes are large and the color of autumn chestnuts
  • “um-yes?”
  • he sees the way your shoulders are tensed and he immediately retracts himself a step backwards
  • he puts his hands up, helmet still in his right, “oh right - sorry to scare you, i was just asking because ive seen you around-” 
  • something like a flush coats under his cheeks
  • “wait - that sounds weird too, i just meant to say that i think you’re - that i wanted to know your name is all….”
  • you blink, your shoulders don’t relax completely, but you can tell there isn’t any bad intent coming from him
  • “well, what’s your name first.”
  • he stands up taller and grins, white teeth almost blinding in the dusk
  • “wong yukhei! i came here for the summer with some of my buddies.”
  • he tilts his head toward the bikes and you nod, saying only your first name - sichengs cautiousness seeping into your own
  • yukhei repeats it, with an almost a bit of a goofyness in his smile when he does
  • “well - ill see you around then?”
  • you aren’t sure what to make of the situation, so you just shrug - “maybe?” - he seems satisified with this answer though, and crosses back to his bike
  • you don’t know why, but you feel embarrassed just standing there, so you shuffle your feet and start your walk home
  • at some point you turn to look over your shoulder, right at the corner that you have to take, but when you do - yukhei and his bike are gone
  • “really? see, this is why i should stay while you lock up.”
  • sicheng’s eyebrow twitches as you finish telling him what happened
  • it’s the next day, and it’s noon - right when the days get the hottest and most of the cafe’s customers are just coming in for the free air conditioning
  • “i don’t think he’s dangerous, i think he just wanted to say hi.”
  • you answer, fixing what must be the twentieth order for shaved ice-cream
  • the slices of strawberry fall gently onto the heap, and you place two pairs of the forks beside the dish
  • carrying it carefully to the pick up counter, you call out the order number and watch as a young couple - still dressed in their beach attire - comes up together, unable to break apart for even a second
  • you smile at them and return to sicheng, taking his empty glass and turning to fill it up with ice 
  • “you can think he’s not dangerous, but any idiot who owns a death trap like a dirtbike-”
  • “sicheng, it’s like a normal bike but with an engine. it’s like a car but without the-”
  • “thesafety, without the safety. really - i didn’t think you’d be the type to be into bad guys like that.”
  • you make a pfft sound with your lips, filling the glass with water and setting it down beside him
  • “first off, im not into anyone - i talked to him once. and just because they like bikes, doesn’t make them bad - you’ve been reading too many of those cliché scripts.”
  • sicheng makes his own sound of disapproval, but takes the drink you offer and brings the straw to his lips
  • you get busy with other customers, at some point kun and xiaojun turn up and distract sicheng
  • the whole time you work, something in you keeps making you stop to look out of the window
  • last night, the row of bikes had been there, but now they’re gone - maybe they’re not coming into town tonight?
  • you reprimand yourself every time you do look, because really it is just like you said to sicheng - yukhei was just saying hi. 
  • finally it’s time for you to close the cafe again
  • the only reason sicheng doesn’t stay is because kun drags him somewhere else and if there’s anyone more stubborn than sicheng, it’s the elder of the pair
  • you take your time - calling the boss to let him know you’re leaving 
  • “did that group of loud boys wreck havoc again?”
  • “group of boys?”
  • “the ones on those bikes, not motorcycles the other ones-”
  • your hand gets a little sweaty as it holds the phone
  • “no, they didn’t come around today.”
  • “good. be safe going home.”
  • you think about the conversation as you subconsciously start walking after you lockup 
  • there’s a way to get home that’s faster, and much safer, but there’s a longer way too - that has you walk most of the boardwalk
  • really, it’s still safe - because of summer the beach is as bright as a movie screen till midnight - but you avoid it for the crowd and the noise
  • your feet urge you to turn at your usual corner, but you don’t, you make way to the little stairs that lead from the sidewalk and onto the old wooden boardwalk
  • there are lots of people still about, packing their things up from their time at the beach or coming to stroll by the waves when the sand isn’t burning under their feet
  • groups of friends, smiling strangers, couples with kids or without 
  • everyone is enjoying their summer, and you almost feel out of place because your summer is going just as you thought it would. completely uneventful. long days at the cafe, lonely nights in your room
  • “oh?”
  • you hear your name suddenly and turn your head left to see yukhei leaning against one of the benches
  • on the bench are what look like some of his fellow friends, some have those moto jackets you’ve only seen on tv  hanging off their shoulders and others are drinking out of cups and swinging the keys to their bikes around their fingers
  • yukhei comes over to you and everyone in his crew throws a look over their shoulder
  • you blink when he stops in front of you - right, you think, he’s pretty tall
  • “are you getting off work?”
  • “yep”
  • “it’s really late, your boyfriend doesn’t ever walk you home?”
  • “boyfriend?” 
  • you retort almost sarcastically, because where did the sudden idea that you - walking alone on a boardwalk made for summer romance - have a boyfriend
  • yukhei scratches the back of his neck and you notice some scrapes on his elbows
  • “oh there’s the guy - in the cafe with you all the time, he glares a lot - uh-”
  • “sicheng? oh no, he’s a friend.” you can’t help but chuckle “but you’re right he doesn’t smile often.”
  • yukhei seems to suddenly beam at the confirmation, which makes something inside of you feel a little warm, but awkward so you point to his injuries
  • “bike accident?”
  • he pokes at the yellowing flesh and winces, “yeah. but it happens a lot.”
  • “it seems like a dangerous sport, do you not mind getting hurt?”
  • the question is more curiosity than anything - you’re not trying to be mocking or even mean - and yukhei can tell from the way you’re still casting a concerned look at his other arm for evidence of any other “accidents”
  • “i mean i mind it, but i love it too much to give up” 
  • yukhei laughs and it sounds nice, pleasant - people with good laughs tend to have good hearts
  • “and im not really good at anything else. like if i was to be a waiter in a cafe like you, id probably hurt myself a lot more than i do on a dirt bike”
  • you want to correct him, you’re technically not a waiter - but a barista - but you stop because you are slightly transfixed by the kindness that glows from him 
  • you’ve never seen someone else radiate so……positively
  • suddenly one of his friends calls out his name, asks if he’s going to join them as they head back to get their bikes
  • yukhei looks at you before he answers - “i could walk you home, since it is late.”
  • “that’s ok, thank you for offering.” you push your hands behind your back a little as you tell him goodnight, before you’re a couple of steps away someone from his group shouts out
  • “yukhei’s not only good with dirt bikes - he’s a good kisser too-”
  • by the sound of it, yukhei jumps on his friend and tells him to shut up! you hear the aftermath of the scuffle, but don’t turn around as you giggle to yourself
  • a couple of times after that, you see yukhei simply in passing
  • sometimes you’re in the middle of your shift and he walks by the window with his friends, he looks up and sees you and waves - but he doesn’t come in
  • you wave back every time and a part of you pinches when he the door doesn’t open after
  • other times, you’ll see him after work - or you’ll hear his bike somewhere and he slows down to ask how work is before speeding off to catch up with friends
  • little bits and pieces of interactions, never anything more than that 
  • you don’t really tell sicheng about it either, he grumbles enough about the noise they make and the other things he doesn’t like so you decide not to bother even though he’s a close friend
  • and the twilights of a little crush on yukhei are most definitely seeping into your brain
  • but everything changes when you find yourself closing the cafe after a super busy saturday, where you hadn’t been able to get everyone out until it hit past eleven.
  • the boss had thanked you profously and promised a good overtime check since you’d stayed so late
  • and you were too exhausted to be too mad about having to stay past your schedule
  • as you went through your routine, you nearly jumped from your skin when the door opened and you turned to explain - no really, you were closed now when you came face to face with yukhei
  • the side of his cheek is obviously bruised, scrapes that look like bad road rash cascade down past the angle of his jaw and onto his neck
  • he limps a little when he makes it across the doors threshold and you see dried blood on his knuckles
  • “yukhei?” you rush over and take him by forearm, making sure to hold onto the skin that isn’t covered in some kind of wound
  • “yukhei what are you doing here - did you fall off your bike, you have to go to a hospital now!”
  • not anywhere close to being a doctor, you can only prematurely tend to him with the cheap ass first aid kit from the kitchen
  • the entire time you keep saying that he has to go to the hospital
  • and yukhei mumbles that he doesn’t know where one is, his friends weren’t with him either - he got hurt alone - so he came to the only place that was close by and familiar
  • you look up at him - he’s sitting on the same bar stool that sicheng is usually in  and you’re standing between his legs, bottle of ointment uncapped on the counter - bandages in your hand
  • “ok, ill take you - ill call a friend who has a car.”
  • “im ok.”
  • he lifts a hand and wraps it gently around your wrist. you can feel the wear on his skin from his leather gloves and old callouses from old injuries
  • he stares at you and the only light is from the kitchen, flickering on and off
  • “you’re not ok, you might have a more serious internal injur-”
  • “if i was bleeding inside, i would know.”
  • you frown, he says it like it has happened before - you wonder how many times has yukhei fell off his bike, or gotten hurt some other way - how many times has he done it alone 
  • “fine, you don’t have to go now but go sometime soon. promise me.”
  • he looks at you, the autumn chestnut color you saw when you first met him is glazed now in a darker brown. 
  • “ill promise you if you promise me something too.”
  • swallowing, you become acutely aware of how close you are - his knees are grazing either side of your thighs. your wrist is still in his lax hold.
  • you smell sweat, blood, and cologne on him. he smells the tiredness of your work on you.
  • “this isn’t a joke yukhei, i just want you to be-”
  • “i will go, i promise but promise me something too.”
  • “ok. ok fine, what? do you want free coffee or -”
  • “promise you’ll kiss me at least once before this summer is over.”
  • before you even realize it, you agree. simply because you want him so badly to go to the hospital, or at least that’s how you come to terms with it on your own.
  • you itch as the promise swirls around your head, even hours after you watched yukhei walk away from your front door - banged up and bruised and stilling insisting on walking you home
  • when you see sicheng the next day, you want to tell him about everything because your head feels like a tangled mess 
  • but you don’t - you just pick at the strings of your apron, make drinks and heat up pastries 
  • three days go by and yukhei doesn’t show himself anywhere. he’s not even in his group of friends who you see once again on the boardwalk one night after work
  • you somehow push past the nervous feeling and ask one of them where he is
  • “ah, his bike is all fucked up so he’s been mopping about it while it’s in the shop.”
  • “did he go to the hospital?”
  • the guy laughs, shakes his head - “knowing yukhei, probably not. but we haven’t seen him for a while either.”
  • you say thank you and turn to leave - you hear some kind of buzzing, some kind of mention of you and yukhei and what kind of ‘relationship’ you’re in - but you push past it
  • you don’t even know where he lives, let alone where he rides his bike so you can’t really go and check on him
  • you have to wait for him to come to you - that bothers you.
  • you stop and return to the group, who all simmer to silence when you come close again.
  • “where do you guys usually ride your bikes?”
  • you’ve never been this far up the beach, mostly because this part is relatively blocked off from swimming because of the high ridges of rocks and the part of the coast that disappears into the mountains 
  • there’s a trail for hikers that leads off and into the trees, but you don’t go there - worried you’ll get lost without a map or guidance
  • yukhei’s friends said they mostly biked here  - dirt bikes aren’t motorcycles you know that right babe?
  • you cross your hands over your chest - on your one free day of the week, you want to be splayed out on your floor under a fan. not looking for yukhei - someone who is practically a stranger to you
  • is he though? we might have talked less times than i can count on all my fingers but would i really call him a stranger?
  • you look around but it seems barren, almost eerily quiet and isolated
  • so when the loud sound of an engine roars from that opening into the mountains, you almost teeter back 
  • with a flair of dirt and sand that flies toward you in a storm, you hear a bike rip down and into dune
  • the red bike strikes against the sizzling backdrop of the summer day and your eyes widen when you see it do a half-circle and come to a halt
  • yukhei pulls the helmet off and shakes his sweaty hair from his forehead - he looks over at you and you think you have lost the ability to speak
  • i know im supposed to be angry and concerned, but he looks so hot it’s almost unfair
  • the road rash on his cheek is healing better than expected, but his wounds are all still clear as day - scabbing as they heal
  • he doesn’t get off the bike - just looks at you and then beckons you over with a tilt of his head
  • you almost protest because you came here to be all strong willed and insist that he go see the doctor, also when did his bike get out of the shop? 
  • but you bend to the command and make your way over
  • he kills the engine and stares at you - you stare back
  • “where have you been?”
  • “i went to the hospital like i promised.”
  • the sudden confession makes you drop your hands - “really! what did they say?”
  • “no internal bleeding.” he leans his body slightly over the side of his bike “told you id know if i was dying.”
  • “still, im happy you went. it’s better to be safe than so-” 
  • he drops his helmet on the sand and your sentence cuts off with the sound
  • “so i kept my promise, do you want to keep yours now?”
  • don’t be silly, im not kissing you - you don’t even like me and i don’t -
  • all the excuses in your brain just get lost in the jumble that’s already made a home up there, so you just decide that fine. you will keep that idiotic, dumb, heat of the moment promise.
  • you grab yukhei by the sides of his tank top, starling him as you push yourself toward his mouth
  • using the leveraged grip you let your hold relax only enough so that you can dig your nails through the fabric and into the skin of his ribs
  • yukhei makes a growling noise into your mouth that is somehow more sweltering than the summer sun
  • he cranes his neck slightly so when you run your tongue across the slip of his lips he can easily grant you any of the access you require, one hand goes up to grip the back of his neck
  • he takes one hand from the handles of the bike and slips it to the small of your back - then up between your shoulder blades as he pushes you closer
  • it’s supposed to be one kiss. one little, flimsy kiss, and yet the attraction you feel between you two is so charged that you cannot stop
  • you only break back to see if yukhei feels the same thing, and it is written all over his face, he does
  • that and the way he tells you to step back as he gets off the bike, it falls to the sand and you start to ask why in the world he’s so careless with everything when he just wraps you up in his arms and starts kissing you again
  • “i wont be careless when it comes to you”
  • his mouth is magical, even more so as it drags down to your neck and the layer of sweat between your bodies is threatening to turn to fucking cement and keep you stuck in this embrace for the rest of eternity (not that either of you would mind)
  • but it’s so hot and you are not about to fall back on this sand - so you somehow manage to tell yukhei to meet you later tonight
  • “want a ride home?” he pants, but you unglue yourself from the plane of his perfect chest and shake your head, “meet me at ten.”
  • yukhei is there on time. he didn’t bring his bike, which is a good idea considering the noise it would make, he looks so sweet when you come downstairs and he asks if you want to go on a date
  • a date, like go get dinner if you haven’t had any or play boardwalk games until midnight
  • you say yes. just not tonight 
  • yukhei’s look of childish confusion makes you laugh as you take his hand and lead him back inside.
  • sicheng might have warned you about yukhei being “bad”, the only little problem is you might have always been the “bad” one all along 
  • with how big, strong, dirt biking yukhei looks up at you with absolute awe as you forgo chitchat over shared ice-cream and push him down onto the sheets of your bed
  • in the morning, you have to go to work and yukhei has to leave through the window, but you kiss him one last time and he mumbles he’ll meet you after your shift
  • “now i do have a boyfriend to walk me home, huh?” 
  • you giggle and yukhei nearly trips over himself at the word
  • you do let yukhei take you on a date, of course you do - and it’s as soft and sweet as you expect because yukhei is the opposite of what he looks like at first glance
  • all the bruises, all the confidence, all the arrogant handsomeness that is ingrained in his perfect features is just a cover. he’s a big teddy bear.
  • refusing to let you pay, giving you his jacket, offering to come over early and help you lock up
  • holding your hand gently, kissing your forehead when you complain about dumb customers, the absolute sugary-sweet pillow talk that sometimes makes you feel like you’re in a hallmark movie romcom
  • when sicheng catches yukhei with a hand around your waist on the boardwalk - he nearly calls the police, but you explain everything - sans the more intimate details and it takes a long time for sicheng to accept it but
  • you are happy, god you are so happy it is pouring out of you - especially when you are with yukhei
  • even your boss warms up to him (only him, the rest of his buddies are basically barred from coming into the cafe) 
  • and yukhei, when you see him with others, it’s obvious that he is an extroverted charmer - one afternoon he helps you with orders and when he returns, the receipt is covered in numbers
  • of course - he crumples it and tosses it into the garbage as he lets a secret hand sneak up your shirt behind the shield of the counter
  • and then, the summer is whisking away, and you feel the first kisses of autumn when yukhei is helping you steady yourself on the dirt bike - even though you refuse to actually ever ride it
  • you shiver at the breeze and yukhei feels your goosebumps under his fingertips
  • “hey, are you going to leave once summer is over - i know you and your friends are just staying here because it’s a great place to bike but-”
  • he leans down and buries his face in your hair
  • “why, you gonna miss me if i leave?”
  • you reach behind you to try and flick him, but he dodges
  • “i just wanted to know - if i should get ready for heartbreak or-”
  • “don’t ever say that, i would never hurt you.” 
  • his tone drops and you know he’s being serious
  • “i love you and im not going anywhere.”
  • he helps you off the bike and then pulls you into his arms
  • “promise?” 
  • you whisper, but yukhei hears it and you feel him nod 
  • “promise.”
  • a couple of years later, you hear a loud sound from the living room and rush out to the garage 
  • you see yukhei rubbing his head - wrench in one hand and a broken looking bike on the floor
  • “what happened?!”
  • “i didn’t put the kick stand down all the way so it toppled over”
  • you kneel down beside him and examine him for any wounds, 
  • yukhei watches you and the concern that is always so bright and tender in your eyes when it comes to him
  • you turn his hand over to make sure, the engagement band on his finger catches the light as you do 
  • the matching one on your hand feels cool against his skin.
  • “you’re so careless, seriously!”
  • you puff your cheeks out and chide him with all the love, he smiles back and leans in to kiss your frown
  • “true, but im never careless with you.”
  • you roll your eyes, but it’s true - ever since he first said it till now. 

Kinktober day 6 - corruption x Lucas (gn!reader)


Lucas whimpered as you bit his neck, your teeth abusing the spot before beginning to suck on it, leaving a drop of saliva running down the boy.

“You okay, baby?” You asked, lips still against Lucas’ neck, noticing that he was continually whimpering- not a sound that he usually preferred to make over groaning or moaning

The boy let out a shaky breath, and he hesitated slightly.

“Do you wanna stop?” You asked, moving back slightly, but Lucas quickly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back to him

“No! No…” He started, voice getting quieter “I was just…thinking…we’ve never uh- we’ve never had s-…sex before and…”

You remained quiet, hand rubbing up and down his arm

“I’m still a virgin,” he blurted in one breath

You blinked. There was a moment of silence before you smirked, and then began to chuckle. Lucas’ face burned red, and he buried it into you.

“After everything you talk about?” You asked through your laughter “The way you act? You’ve literally moaned on camera more times than I can count!”

He whined into you, refusing to move back.

“That’s okay, baby,” You whispered, voice calm now, and you brought Lucas out of your chest to look him in the eyes “You want me to take care of you?”

Nervously, he nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, and you breathed out another small laugh.

“So cute,” You whispered, pressing a hand to his obvious and rather large bulge “Tell me if you wanna stop, okay?”

Lucas nodded. You weren’t used to seeing the boy this nervous, but you couldn’t say you didn’t enjoy it.
