#yuzuka rei


Flower Troupe Survey! The Best of Yuzuka Rei (PART 3)

The Troupe Survey is a current segment in the TakarazukaGRAPH magazine in which each month a different troupe is given a survey on their Top Star and a selection of their answers are printed in the magazine.
There are 4 parts to this article:

1.The things about (Top Star) that have made a big impression on us
2.Stage: Shows or scenes which have stayed in our hearts
3. We want to see (Top Star) as a…
4. The (Top Star) Awards
(The Top Star gives out special awards to troupe members)

As this article is so long I will be publishing the translation in parts!
You can read part 3 under the cut!

Part 3: We want to see Yuzuka Rei as a…

First Place, 9 votes: A Teacher

Haryu Mitsuki: In rehearsals, I often see her politely teaching Madoka (Hoshikaze Madoka, Top Musumeyaku) and giving advice to the younger actresses in a soft and gentle voice. So I think that if she was a teacher she would pick up on her students’ weaknesses and kindly teach them how to overcome them! And maybe during break time, she’d play dodgeball and other games with her students?!

Tsubasa Anju:If Yuzuka was my teacher I would give it my all and study so that she would give me her praise! And I would never sleep during class (laughs).

Yuzuka’s Comment: Being a school teacher must be a very hard job to do, but maybe if I could teach something completely unrelated to the performing arts it would feel like a hobby. For example, how much I enjoyed history classes at school always depended on what period was being taught. Also, I always found it exciting how the structure of each class would change based on the period we were studying. So I think it would be fun if I could teach with some pizazz like they do in high school dramas and films.

Second Place, 8 votes: A Pilot

Hina Ririka: I’d have heart-eyes if I saw her as a handsome pilot!!! She would definitely be the number one most popular of them all!!

Serina Ei:When I saw her on the national tour pulling along her case as she walked, I thought she would definitely look amazing wearing a pilot’s uniform and pulling a carry-along suitcase!!

Yuzuka’s comment:It would be cool to have an impressive job like that wouldn’t it? I’ve often thought about how wonderful it would be to speak fluent English and get to go back and forth between loads of different countries like international flight attendants do. I haven’t done anything to qualify for a job like that though! (laughs)

Third Place, 7 votes: A Doctor

Natsuki Manato: Imagine she’s your doctor. The moment she would enter the doctor’s office time would stop! And then she’d say “Why have you come to see me today?” with a sweet voice and her eyes drawing you in, and your symptoms would just get worse! (laughs) But as it’s Yuzuka, I’m sure she would use her abundant knowledge and accurate judgment to nurse you back to health!!

Nanairo Hazuki: I think if Yuzuka was a doctor she would be able to cure any illness with just her good looks!

Yuzuka’s comment:
If I make your symptoms worse then surely that’s a bad thing? (laughs) Doctors are amazing, they look after their patients and make sure that no matter how busy they are they never compromise the care that they give. I’ve had to go to the doctors countless times. I make sure to prioritise my health, but I still end up having to go… I can’t thank them enough for all the times they have helped me.

Other answers:

A ninja (Takasho Mizuki), Michael Jackson (Kaga Ririka), An Itamae (a type of high-class Japanese chef) (Minami Maito), Literary Master (Tsugumi Maho), an owner of a karaage chicken restaurant (Misora Maru), a Shinto priest (Shizuno Megumi) and a tv announcer (Kiran Rune)

BTS Photos:

End of Part 3, the forth and final part is coming soon!
For more takarazuka translations, click here

Flower Troupe Survey! The Best of Yuzuka Rei (PART 2)

The Troupe Survey is a current segment in the TakarazukaGRAPH magazine in which each month a different troupe is given a survey on their Top Star and a selection of their answers are printed in the magazine.
There are 4 parts to this article:
1.The things about (Top Star) that have made a big impression on us
2. Stage: Shows or scenes which have stayed in our hearts
3.We want to see (Top Star) as a…
4. The (Top Star) Awards
(The Top Star gives out special awards to troupe members)

As this article is so long I will be publishing the translation in parts!
You can read part 1 here
Part 2 is under the cut!

Part 2: Stage - What Shows or Scenes have remained in your heart?

1st place, 23 votes: “Boys over Flowers” (2019)

Miharu Ayu: The fight scenes she has against Sakurako (played by Oto Kurisu) and Rui (played by Seino Asuka). I always love seeing Yuzuka in fight scenes but this show was extra special because they were staged as fistfights, which is pretty rare for Takarazuka and made the otokoyaku even more masculine! Seeing her using her whole body to protect Tsukushi (played by Shoroki Mirei) really moved me.

Takasho Mizuki: Domyouji (Yuzuka)’s dance during the song Metamorphoses. I have no other words for it other than that it’s the definition of coolness.

Oto Kurisu: Maybe this is in part due to the show itself being set in modern day, but she felt so real as Domyouji that I found myself thinking she was him even when we weren’t performing. Yuzuka’s acting is always so natural.

(in the photo, Domyouji in the original Boys over Flowers Manga, and the stars of the original 2005 Jdrama adaptation, Matsumoto Jun and Inoue Mao, with comparison shots to Yuzuka Rei and Shiroki Mirei)

Yuzuka’s Comment:This show is really important to me too! Even now whenever I think back to it I’m just overwhelmed by all the fond and warm memories I have from that show. I’ve done quite a few fight scenes with swords and guns before, but very rarely with my bare hands. That scene was one of those “fights between men” that is very typical of teenage boys. All the members of the F4 have a strong sense of chivalry which was suuuuper fun to play.

2nd place, 20 votes: “Haikara-san: Here Comes Miss Modern” (2020)

Ichinose Koki: The back and forth she had with Miss Benio (played by Hana Yuuki) would change every day. I never stopped being excited the whole run because I’d always be wondering “Ooh what’s going to happen between them today?!!”. The kiss scene at the end of the show was especially well done. Whilst I watched I’d be thinking “wow the Lieutenant (Yuzuka) is real! He’s come straight out of the manga!”! I really wish there had been a compilation made of every performance of that kiss scene! (laughs)

Keina Maya:In the finale number where she dances in the silver military uniform she has this beauty that is so dignified and cool! That number is filled with a certain charm that you can’t see in any other show. I love it.

Haruya Yuri: She was just so cool in everything she did on stage, from how she would wrap Miss Benio in her arms, to when she fought to protect her men during the attack in Siberia! Also, let’s be honest, otokoyaku in uniform are the best.

Yuzuka’s comment:It’s such a wonderful show isn’t it? The Lieutenant is meant to have an almost fantasy-like beauty and charm, the kind that you don’t find in the real world, so I was quite anxious about how I could make him come to life on stage. But I also have fond memories of those days, even when I was having trouble with the character. I like the army uniforms too but they make it hard to show the lines of the body, so it took me a while to figure out how to wear it well.

3rd place, 11 votes: Dance Olympia (2020)

Yuunami Kei: The flamenco scene. Not only was her technique amazing, but she managed to make the whole theatre focus on one point, the sound of her feet. She performed an outstanding solo number that will go down in takarazuka history.

Mano Kazuma: The flamenco dance. It was a passionate performance full of life and soul which was so moving that I teared up watching it. I won’t forget it for the rest of my life.

Futaba Yuyu:The flamenco number is one of those moments where Yuzuka’s every movement takes your breath away and shakes your very soul! Yuzuka, are you actually spanish?

Yuzuka’s comment:In that scene, I wasn’t thinking about how to present myself as a takarasienne, but rather, as a human being. With the help of our choreographer, Satou-sensei, I focused on dedicating myself to the essence and feeling of flamenco.

Read in Part 3!

For more zuka-relatedtranslationsclickhere
Part 3 coming soon!

Flower Troupe Survey! The Best of Yuzuka Rei (PART 1)

The Troupe Survey is a current segment in the TakarazukaGRAPH magazine in which each month a different troupe is given a survey on their Top Star and a selection of their answers are printed in the magazine.
There are 4 parts to this article:
1. The things about (Top Star) that have made a big impression on us
2.Stage: Shows or scenes which have stayed in our hearts
3.We want to see (Top Star) as a…
4. The (Top Star) Awards
(The Top Star gives out special awards to troupe members)

As this article is so long I will be publishing the translation in parts!
You can read part 1 under the cut!

The Flower Troupe Survey! The Best of Yuzuka Rei

We carried out a survey asking all the members of the flower troupe questions about Rei’s charm!

Part 1: The things about Yuzuka that have made a big impression on us!

Wataru Hibiki:
When she goes off-script her feelings and thoughts are naturally expressed. You can feel it in both plays and revues. I’m always secretly looking forward to the speeches she gives on the first day and the last day of a production because we get to hear her express her feelings honestly to all of us.
Yuzuka’s comment:
That’s something I care a lot about so I’m really happy to hear that. Even when I have things planned to say, I make sure to not forget what’s most important to me when I speak.

Mikaze Maira:
When she gives her name on Takarazuka Sky Stage and says “I’m the Flower Troupe’s Yuzuka Rei”. Ahh her AURA! Her NATURAL SEX APPEAL! Oh! She’s…The! Cool! Beauty!!! She makes my heart beat faster (laughs).

Yuki Daiya:
Her voice is so gentle…

And not only that, every word she says is so carefully considered and graceful, I respect her so much.

Itotsuki Yukiha:
She will always smile at you, not just on stage but off stage too! No matter whether it’s during a quick change between scenes or waiting in the wings, she’ll always catch people’s eyes and smile!!! I’m so touched by what a big heart she has. So now, every time I realise that me and Yuzuka are off stage at the same time, I make sure I’m always stood in the same place and staring at her so that she looks my way! (laughs)
Yuzuka’s comment:
I’ve noticed (laughs). You always look so cute and smiley! (laughs)

Hatsune Yume:
Bugs sometimes fly into the rehearsal room but Yuzuka is always so kind to them, even the really annoying bugs!She catches them in her hands gently and releases them outside with such warmth. You can feel the love in everything she does. She’s evil, no moment are we safe from falling in love with her!
Yuzuka’s comment:
They travel a great distance to come and see us, so I feel sorry for them. When I can release them, I make sure to release them!

Misora Maru:
When we’re chilling in rehearsals just minding our own business, suddenly Yuzuka will pop out of nowhere and start a conversation with us. She has such a big heart!! Her love hurts my chest it’s like “Oooooof! The pain!” (seriously my chest hurts).
Yuzuka’s comment:
Are you okay? I’m worried (laughs)

Miku Rinka:
Whether she’s playing a man or a woman she is so overwhelmingly sexy that she just breaks people down with one look and holds us captive. Both on stage and off stage she’s so ridiculously charming!!!!! Even when she is sat backstage filling herself up on delicious-looking meals of rice and meat she still looks charming! I love that contrast!

Minami Maito:
The more tired she is, the harder she works. I think she doesn’t want people to know how tired she is. She’s passionate about paying close attention to the needs of her partners as well as her own. That’s what I love about her.

Hoshikaze Madoka:
On stage there is no end to Yuzuka’s charm, it’s too much! But when we are off stage she has a ridiculously warm and gentle nature. This may sound very very impertinent of me to say but, I feel the happiest I have ever felt when we talk one on one. I feel so much warmth it’s as if we are chatting, feet under the kotatsu eating oranges together. So, I would say that it is this part of Yuzuka, the part that can make people feel so much warmth, that has made the biggest impact on me.
Yuzuka’s comment:
Eating oranges under the kotatsu, I totally get it. Talking with Mado-chan (Madoka) feels like “home” (laughs).

Towaki Sea:
Her good looks!
Whenever I see the posters that have been put up to advertise the latest show or photos of her, she just looks so beautiful that I find myself thinking “Is that really the same woman I do rehearsals with and stand next to on stage?”. I can’t believe it!

Hozumi Mahiro:
During the summer, in rehearsals she would dance in short sleeve t-shirts, she looked so cool! Ever since then all I can think is ‘Ahhh summer please come back around soon!’
Yuzuka’s comment:
I’ll get my arms out whether it’s summer or winter you know(laughs).

Mahou Tsugumi:
I’m touched by how she shows compassion in small ways. Whenever someone is in trouble she will always try to help, even if it seems trivial to others.

Wakakusa Moeka :
She can be so innocent but look so cool at the same time!
The other day, on the long bus journey to our first venue of the national tour, she stuck her head out the window to get some fresh air, like an innocent little dog! But at the same time, the view I had of her from the seat behind looked so handsome, like a painting!

Ryoha Mare:
Her beautiful muscles.
Everything about Yuzuka is beautiful. But her leg muscles have had the biggest impact on me, her beautiful lean calves and firm ankle muscles!
Rei’s comment:
I haven’t shown anyone this yet but, during “Cool Beast!!” I developed ab muscles too! (laughs)

Serina Ei:
Even when she is stood apart from the rest of the troupe, once she sees us having fun together she smiles a big happy smile! I feel so much warmth from that smile of hers!

Read more in part 2!

For more zuka-relatedtranslationsclickhere


So cute!!!

So many cute babies here!!

#im dying    #everything is too cute    #takarazuka    #flower troupe    #star troupe    #yuzuka rei    #rei makoto    #花組    #星組    #柚香光    #礼真琴    #videos    

Rei/Der Tod Kiss~!

#takarazuka    #flower troupe    #yuzuka rei    #elizabeth    #der tod    #宝塚    #花組    #柚香れい    #エリザベート    

宝塚歌劇花組「巡礼の年」開幕 柚香光がリスト、繊細に演じ




-Welcome to 2020-




Hanagumi’s next top star is Yuzuka Rei!

She’ll make her debut on January 7th, 2020 with 『DANCE OLYMPIA』 at the Tokyo International Forum


