

Today has been a terrible day in the World history.

I woke up to hear the news about the Russian invasion in Ukraine. But people in Ukraine wole up to the sound of explosions and sirens.

The situation has been bad for a long a while, but it really shocked me to watch the violent military actions that Putin has commanded.

The Ukrainian President Zalenskyy quotes: “Russia treacherously attacked our state in the morning, as Nazi Germany did in #2WW years. As of today, our countries are on different sides of world history. Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself & won’t give up its freedom no matter what Moscow thinks.

—And this is so important, to keep fighting for freedom! —

I consider freedom and independence as a human right, unfortunately we take it for granted when we have it - but there are people out there fighting just to keep their own independent state.

And.. there are people right at this moment, who are escaping from military attacks, missils and armed solidiers.

We need to support these civilians, whose home and country are being bombed and ruined. Kids, elders, families who can’t be safe in their own home.

This is the Ukraine National Embled and the Ukraine Flag in different editions.

These are the first 2 items I made exclusive, because I want to donate the money I get from it to the Ukraine people, who at the moment are refugees, forced to seek safety beyond borders. Every single penny will be donated and I will put in one dollar myself for each donation.

If you just want to support Ukraine, and show that you care about the Ukraine People, please just share this post so as many as possible will be aware of the horrible situation.

All my thoughts are with the Ukraine, I support you, I stand with you


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Thank you so much for your caring and attention ❤️

This post is made for sharing #WeStandWithUkraine

This little brown-eyed boy grew up to be the President of Ukraine and steal the hearts of millions,

This little brown-eyed boy grew up to be the President of Ukraine and steal the hearts of millions, all while risking his life against a loathsome enemy.

I did a light restoration and colorization of Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It’s nowhere near perfect, but I enjoyed the time it took immensely.

Володимире Зеленський, ти герой України та світу. Слава Україні!

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